
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 317: Break From the Ordinary

Lex had broken nearly every--well, every--speed limit in Smallville. Not that this was news; Lex breaking speed limits was like someone else breaking a nail. It happened every day.

It didn't happen every day that he ran three red lights, two stop signs, passed four cars, three trucks, a horse trailer, and a car hauler in his sleek little silver Ferrari.

It also didn't happen every day that he blew past three cops and the Sheriff himself without getting a ticket, but when they couldn't even see the car blowing by them, they shrugged it off and Ethan reminded himself to give that Luthor boy a call about his driving.

The tires were barely hugging the pavement as he spun around the curves, and the only thing he braked for was an ambulance in the hospital parking lot as he pulled into his VIP parking space at the front of the building and got out.

And it didn't happen every day that Lex's sweet, gentle, kind lover didn't chew his ass out from here to Sunday for it.

He just gripped the sides of the car, totally having forgotten he could, oh, run to the hospital but in all the hubbub, trying to get dressed--he was positive he wasn't wearing matching shoes, and his sweater was Lex's--and rush out the door had taken all of his brain power, and then some.

And so, he gripped the car, put a foot on the dash when he was sure they were gonna hit a poor bovine crossing the road--"YOU DO HIT COWS, YOU COW KILLER!"--and they were screaming to a halt, the smell of burnt rubber hot in the air, as they tore out of the car, leaving the engine idling, and ran inside.

"I didn't hit a single cow!" Lex yelled back, running back to the car just enough to tear his keys out of the ignition so the car didn't get stolen, and then sprinted to catch back up to Clark.

Lex, at least, did have matching shoes. No underwear, of course, but his shoes matched, and his shirt was half unbuttoned.

Which was, actually, Clark's shirt. Flannel looked good on Lex.

Clark tore across the hospital, not bothering to answer the bellows of the nurses as he raced toward the elevators, Lex at his heels, and tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for one, hissing and cursing under his breath about wishing he could leap the goddamn building in a single bound as he shifted his weight from side to side.

"You probably could if you tried," Lex pointed out. "There's also stairs, and Maternity's only up on the third floor, with the birthing suites and everything, which, yes, Chloe will have and shut up about it or I'll thump her."

"Uh huh." Did Clark hear a word? No. He was too busy shifting from side to side, and just barely kept himself from bowling an old lady over when the elevator finally opened, and he pushed the "three" as she saddled in beside him, and Clark grabbed Lex's arm, tugging him in.

Lex nearly fell headfirst as Clark yanked him into the elevator, but as they passed the floors, he wrapped his arms tightly around midsection as the thrill and enthusiasm began to be muted just the smallest bit by dread, jealousy, and a wash of bad memories. "Clark..." he said softly.

"Don't you even," Clark said instead, wrapping his arm around Lex's shoulders and smiling at him. "In another few weeks we're going to be able to. I say we let them all have their babies, cause dammit, I want to be special. So don't even, Lex, don't even." he leaned down and kissed his lover, fully, across the mouth, and smiled at him as the old lady began to mutter to herself about hooligans.

Lex gave a little shiver even as he kissed Clark back. "I can't help it," he murmured. "I think about someone I care about giving birth, and all I can see is how I found you in the shower, covered in blood." He tightened his grip on Clark's waist. "And I think about how Chloe almost lost this baby because of me, and I can't help wondering if I should even be here."

"Of course you should be. With Chloe it was an accident." Clark glared as the woman got off on the second floor, still muttering, and the door closed behind her, leaving them alone. "And with me it was just two guys living in blissful ignorance. We learned from our mistakes, didn't we? So, it's okay." He kissed his lover again, gently, licking his lower lip.

"Yeah, we did." Lex's hands went into his pockets, and he realized for the first time he'd skipped underwear. "I just can't help feeling that way."

"Don't. You are my good, sweet aushna'. You're not at fault," Clark answered, as the elevators opened and Clark wound his arm around his lovers waist as he jumped out. "Alright, hop to it!"

"I'm not a rabbit, Clark. I don't hop to anything." But he followed Clark out of the elevator, good spirits only slightly dampened. "Come on, let's find the desk and find out where Chloe is."

Clark grinned, giving his lover a wink, and stopped in front of the nurses desk. It was really too bad that he looked freshly fucked, what with the crazed hair, big eyes, flushed skin, and oh, wearing LEX'S CLOTHES. To her credit, the nurse didn't blink. "Hi! We're looking for Chloe Sullivan?"

"Over here!" Whitney yelled, before the nurse could answer. "Lex! Clark! This way!!" He waved his arm to get their attention, then disappeared back down the hallway.

Clark snorted, rolling his eyes, and gave the smiling nurse a grin as he grasped his lovers hand and tugged. "Come on, Lex! We gotta go see Chloe before she starts getting hateful, and then she's all Whitney's."

Lex nodded at the nurse, and winced as Clark's enthusiastic tugging almost dislocated his shoulder. "I'm coming, Clark!" He picked up his pace, hurrying down the hall behind Clark and realizing the shirt was billowing around him.

Whitney was waiting outside one of the Birthplace Birthing Suites. "We're in here, and Lex, thank you. Whatever you told them last time about Chloe getting the star treatment, they're still terrified of it. They've given her anything she wants, including the promise of drugs during the labor, so I've got say, thank you for saving my testicles."

"No problem," Lex said wanly.

"How is she?" Clark asked almost breathlessly as he tried to peek around Whitney to see her, hopping up and down on the pads of his feet insistently, his grin split all the way across his face. "Is she okay? I can't believe there's gonna be a baby soon!"

"There's going to be a baby in the next twenty four hours," he said. "Because if the labor goes on any longer than that, I'm going to lose my mind."

Clark grinned. Broadly. "Is she already yelling at you?"

"If I were in there? Yes. As I'm not, she's watching the hospital channel and their special, The Miracle of Giving Birth, and I'm due back in there any time for the next Whitney Fordman, you put me through this rant."

And amusingly enough, Clark got all teary eyed at that. "That's my girl. Can we see her, or not?"

"Yeah, come on in. She'll love someone else to yell at." Whitney put his arm around Clark's shoulder and dragged him down towards the room. "Chloe! I've got a surprise for you!" he called out.

Chloe looked up, and glared as Clark and Lex and the Fucking Asshole walked in. She snarled something under her breath and jabbed at the remote in her hand toward the TV, glaring at it too.

"Hi, Chloe," Clark said, all bounding puppy as he flopped into the chair beside her, and just beamed.

"You wouldn't be so happy if you were pushing a ten pound kid out of a thimble, bastard. Get out."

Clark grinned. Broadly. "Been there! Done that! Whatcha watchin'?"

Whitney just snorted. "See? I told you she was grouchy but hey, as long as she's being grouchy to you? my balls are safe." But he sat down on the edge of the bed anyway, pulling her over so that her head rested on his shoulder. "Hey, baby." He rested his hand right over her stomach, so that he could feel the contractions.

Lex stayed quietly near the door, afraid to crowd any further into the room. "Hey, Chloe," he said softly.

Yeah, right. Chloe slapped Whitney's hand away, gave Clark a kick from where he wanted to smother her, and bellowed, "BOTH OF YOU! OUT! LEAVE! Lex, you can stay," she said, more calmly, and then snarled, "YOU TWO! I AM NOT A FUCKING DINNER SHOW! OUT! OUT!"

Whitney jumped off the bed when she started swinging, and he was standing at the foot of the bed in moments, moving surprisingly fast for a big guy. "Clark? She's getting hazardous to my health in here."

Lex didn't move, just acknowledged the invitation to stay with a little nod. "I'll stay," he said quietly.

Clark leapt to his feet to, gave her a dopey grin anyway, and grabbed Whitney, looked around, and then pressed a very warm, gentle kiss to his mouth. "I like hazardous. We'll be outside!" he yelled to his lover, and with Whitney in arm, left.

Chloe snarled after them, muttering under her breath about being a spectacle, before glaring at Lex.

Lex looked back. "At least it's quieter with them out of your hair," he said.

"Yeah. They can entertain themselves. Now, are you going to tell me why you're so unhappy, or am I going to have to sit here and ask?" Chloe asked, setting her lower lip and glaring.

"I'm not exactly unhappy," he said, pushing up from his lean against the door and coming over to sit on the foot of the bed. "But it's like I told Clark in the elevator; I think about you having this baby... and I see Clark torn to pieces and bleeding to death in the shower of our bathroom," he continued. "And I think about the fact that I almost caused you to lose this baby and I wonder if I even have the right to be here and be happy for you. Then on top of all that, I feel... I feel jealous, Chloe, because you will have John here, and he is going to be healthy and grow up with you and Whitney, and I feel guilty for feeling jealous of your family."

"Wow, Lex. Your issues have issues, don't they?" but she took his hand, and squeezed. "It's alright to feel all that. But you didn't cause me to lose John--he's here, right now, about to be born. And though you couldn't have Mar with you, it's only a matter of time before Clark decides, hey, I want babies!. Of course it's okay how you feel--I'm glad you like me. But those feelings didn't stop you from coming, did they? And that's awesome."

Lex gave a wry grin. "My issues have their own newsstand and back history," he said, looking down at their hands together. "Clark's already decided that and so have I, actually. We both know we want children, and we want them soon. But that doesn't mean I miss Mar any less, or feel any less angry that everyone around me gets to have what I didn't." He leaned over and pressed his head against her arm. "I wanted to be here for you. I just didn't know if I should be."

"Yes, you should. And, Lex? You know you're my ashimel, right?" Chloe asked, as she kissed the top of his bare, bald head.

Lex nodded. "I know." His lips ghosted a soft kiss over her arm.

"Good. Then you also know that if you steal all my glorious thunder today, I may disown you," Chloe said, as she kissed him again, and then once more, before she pulled her arms around him. "I love you, honey. Things'll be okay, you'll see."

Lex gave a little chuckle at that and wrapped her arms around her expansive waist. "No thunder stealing. Got it." He kissed her stomach again, and then rested his cheek against it. "You mean the world to me, ashikana."

"I know it," Chloe said, without a blink, lips twitching. "I'd better. And I'll love you even more if I--AHH!" She cried out and leaned back into the pillows as a contraction washed through her, and she brought her fingers to her mouth to bite her fist. "Ah! AHHH!"

Lex picked up her wrist and turned it over, then pressed down on her pressure point, rubbing it with his thumb to alleviate some of the discomfort. "They'll get worse, but I'll stay with you through them," he said softly, offering his hand to squeeze.

She whimpered, turning her head to the window, and began to mutter delicious obscenities under her breath about just what she was going to do to Whitney's cock as soon as she got out of here.

None of it was pleasant.

Lex straightened and moved up further on the beds, so that he could tighten his grip on Chloe's hand and squeezing. "You want me to get your boyfriend in here?"

"Hell no!" Chloe snarled, even as the pain passed and she was able to take a breath around it. "God. It hurts, dammit. They said I've got twenty hours of this, Lex." Tears sprang to her eyes. "I don't think I can handle it."

"Yes, you can," he said, bringing their joined hands up to his chest. "You can, because you're strong. You're Chloe stubborn-ass Sullivan; you told Lex Luthor to fuck off after he hurt your feelings and made him come to YOU with flowers and chocolate and necklaces. You're not gonna be afraid of any contractions, are you?"

"No," Chloe sniffled, hard, as her eyes welled over and two tears escaped. "I'm not afraid. Only just a little."

Lex's other hand rose and brushed the tears away. "It's okay if you are. Because you are my ashikana. And I'll protect you as much as I can." He sighed. "If I could take this pain away, I would."

She sniffled again, shook her head, and heaved a tiny sigh. "It'll be okay. You'll see. Just… go away and let me stew for a while."

Lex gave a little shake of his head. "I'm not going to leave you alone," he said softly.

"Yes, you are. Get out," Chloe said, a little more venom filled, her lip set and her eyes glaring. "I want to be alone. Go away."

"No," Lex said again. "I'm not Whitney, and I don't have to listen to you or else. You won't hurt me, much," he added with a little grin.

"Lex, I swear to God. Get out. You can sit outside or whatever, I need some female time to myself. Get. Out," Chloe hissed, and let him go, crossing her arms. She was dead serious--she wanted a bit of time to herself before the contractions started for real, and she glared.

Lex got the message that time. "Okay. I'll be outside. Call me if you need me; I'll go check on Clark and Whitney and make sure they haven't happy-punched each other into the emergency room."

At that, Chloe's lips quirked a little. "Sounds good to me."

Lex leaned forward and kissed her gently. "I won't go far, Chloe."

"I know it. But I need some time, okay? Keep Whitney out until I tell you guys to come in." She kissed him back gently, smiling a little, then, at him. "Thanks, Lex. For everything."

"I'll keep him out," Lex said with a firm nod. "I give you my word." He squeezed her hand. "You're welcome, Chloe. But I should be thanking you."

"Why's that?"

Lex's smile was crooked and genuine. "Because you helped me feel better about myself."

"That's the Chloe Sullivan charm at work," Chloe teased, amused, and leaned forward to give him another kiss before shoving at his shoulder. "Out!"

Lex returned the kiss, and let himself be shoved out. "Okay, okay, I'm going." He closed the door behind him and leaned against it for a few minutes, closing his eyes before he looked down the hall at Clark and Whitney.

Who were hiding in a small cranny, making out.

Clark couldn't help it. When he was happy, well, his happiness spilled out all over the place, and he'd grabbed Whitney and they were currently hiding in a small, unused consultation room… erm... making out.


He didn't even blush, either, just smiling against Whitney's mouth. "Lex's lookin'fer us."

Whitney's arms were around Clark's waist and was hugging him tightly. "Let'm look," he mumbled.

Clark was hugging him back, eyes dancing as he looked at the glass door that he knew Lex would see them through, and grabbed Whitney to tug him behind another shelf, where he kissed him again, wet and warm and with lots of tongue that he used to lick over Whitney's lower lip.

Whitney returned the kiss eagerly, nibbling Clark's lip as it pressed against his, fingers stroking down Clark's back.

Lex looked into the window, and sighed. Too bad sucking him off won't help you any, though I'm sure it'd make him feel good.

Clark cracked up against Whitney's mouth and looked over his ashimel's shoulder, eyes dancing. "Whitney… ah. I haven't been able to tell you until now--know how I molted last year?"

Lex opened the door at that, then locked it behind him and pulled down the little shade over the window. "This I've got to see," he said.

Whitney nodded. "Yeah, I know how."

Clark glared a this lover, then sighed at Whitney. "Well, I molted. And... that was the last time. This year... cause I'm coming into adulthood, you know? I... uh. Sexually mature." He coughed, his cheeks staining cherry red. "And... the only way... I can… is if..." Another cleared throat. "I have to... uh... drink... uh…"

"He has to drink my come," Lex supplied smoothly.

Whitney blinked. "He... has to drink your come?" At Lex's confirming nod, he looked over at Clark. "You have to drink his come?"

Clark looked down at his feet. "The enzymes in it are what I need. My body stops producing them for a couple of weeks as everything kind of readjusts itself inside of me, so...yes." He cleared his throat.

"Enzymes. You're drinking his come for enzymes. What, Gatorade doesn't come in a flavor you like?"

"Unless they make Alien Spore, no."

Whitney snickered. "I bet Lex could pay them to make it."

Lex snorted. "I'd do just as well to jack off in a bottle and let him drink from it."

Clark looked up, from under his lashes. "I like the way we've been doing it," he said softly, blushing as he looked at his toes and smiled at them. "But… yeah." He looked up at Whitney. "So if Lex and I need to disappear once in a while, you'll know why."

"I like the way we've been doing it too." Lex moved forward as he wrapped his arms around Clark's waist and tugged him possessively back against his chest.

Whitney relinquished Clark reluctantly. "I'll cover for you if I can."

Clark looked over his shoulder at Lex as he was cuddled back against him, and smiled even as that smile turned a little... sharky... when he looked at Whitney. "Lex? This is Chloe's suite, right? No one's gonna come in?"

"Yeah," Whitney answered. "This room, there's birthing suite next to the room, then the bedroom itself, all three are hers."

"Hmm." Clark pulled up from Lex and gently took Whitney's shoulder and stroking it under his fingers. "So you wouldn't be totally opposed to me taking you right here, right now, with Lex watching?"

Whitney shuddered. "I wouldn't mind."

Lex reached out and touched Clark on the shoulder. Now may not be the time to mention this, considering I've got an ass full of your come from before, but didn't your father say that your fluids shouldn't mix with our bodies?

Clark looked at Lex, eyes wide, and swallowed. "Oh. I forgot about that," he whispered, looking over his lover before back up to his eyes. "Are you feeling okay?"

Lex nodded. "At the moment, yes. But I am keeping a close watch on myself."

Shit. Clark winced, swallowed, stepped back. "Maybe… maybe no, then?"

Lex just gave a little smile, and squeezed Clark's shoulder. "You know, there's probably nothing wrong with him fucking you while you do what you want to with me," he said, running his knuckles along Clark's neckline.

Ughnph. "Yes. Please?" he looked up at Whitney, wide eyed and questioning. He hadn't been taken in days and his body was beginning to feel it--the familiar ache for good, hard cock. "If you want to. And fast. Chloe's gonna kill us."

Lex shook his head. "Chloe sent me to keep you guys occupied until she calls for us. I don't quite think this is what she had in mind, but she didn't specify."

"If I want to? You have to like, ask?" Whitney was already moving back behind Clark, pulling him back against his cock, hard from their earlier making out.

Grumph. he was sure he said it this time, as he leaned back against Whitney, thankful for once for their similar heights as he slowly undulated his hips back against the hard heat digging into his ass cheek. Ohhh yes, and he shifted, driving Whitney into the warm crevice between them, rubbing denim against denim and winding his hands through Whitney's around his waist. "Yes, please," he said again, softly, beckoning Lex to him.

Whitney shuddered as his cock slid between Clark's cheeks, rubbing against the roughness of his zipper. He slid his hand down his ashimel's belly, rubbing it under the shirt before sliding his hand just inside the waistband. "You don't gotta say please."

Lex came forward, getting on his knees in front of Clark and drawing his mouth up Clark's zipper, sucking at the cock hidden from view. His tongue licked at Whitney's fingers, sucking the pinky into his mouth for a moment before sliding up, his hands going under Clark's shirt as he stood, ending up at Clark's mouth for a kiss.

Clark let out a soft, deep mewl. Whitney behind him, stroking his stomach and then down into his pants, and Lex--Lex--his mouth sucking gently on him and it was nirvana. His hips bucked up and he gasped, laying the back of his head on Whitney's shoulder and burying his face in his ashimel's neck.

Until Lex claimed his kiss.

And he moaned, very, very softly, into Lex's mouth, as his fingers encouraged Whitney's hands and his mouth encouraged Lex's.

"What do you want, Clark?" Lex whispered softly. "Tell me and I'm yours."

Whitney's fingers moved out of Clark's jeans entirely and started to work the buttons. He didn't have to look far for lube; there were tubes and bottles and pumps of KY and everything else you could ask for lying around the table, and Whitney grabbed the first pump he came to that said non-toxic and safe for internal use, and he slicked his fingers with it as he urged Clark over the little table. "Bend over, Clark, let me get inside."

Tingles ran down his spine and across his groin at Whitney's words, and heat sprang up in his body, making his cheeks flush and his heart speed up. He helped Whitney lower his jeans--no underwear, forgotten in the rush, and quickly bent over the table, spreading his thighs as much as his jeans would allow. He scooted a bit toward the edge, so he'd be in line with Lex, and he mewled for his lover, reaching for him as his cock, happily awake and twitching like mad under the table, bounced against the cold steel and made him shudder.

"You're so hot," Whitney breathed softly, his fingers going straight for Clark's opening. His teeth raked down Clark's shoulder, biting through the thin sweater as he drove one in, stroking in and out.

Lex reached under the table, wrapping his hand around Clark's cock and squeezing.

Yeah, well, Clark was busy opening Lex's slacks, holding himself up on one elbow as he wrenched Lex's fly open and drove his mouth between the flaps of cotton, sucking on the hard cock peaking out of the material. He began to lick and nuzzle, suck and groan against it, around it, sucking on the ridge firmly and then up, to trace his tongue around the slit as he got a handhold on it and pulled it, and twin balls, out.

And then nearly squeaked, and then did anyway, when Whitney's long, long fingers slid into him and his eyes rolled back in the pleasure of it.

Lex grinned at that, and boosted himself up on the table, on his knees in front of Clark so that he could reach his lover's head easily, petting and stroking him calmingly as he reached out and guided Clark's mouth back onto his cock after the squeak, his free hand rolling balls that were heavy, but nowhere near painful yet.

Whitney nearly lost his breath at the pleasured squeak, and he added a second finger to stroke with, pressing deep and fast as he twisted them gently on the push in. "I can't wait to fuck you, can't wait to get inside you and feel how hot you are, can't wait Clark, can't wait," he grunted softly.

"Then don't, get in me, get inghmph," Clark groaned, deeply, around the guided mouthful he got and he let himself stretch out on his belly, his arms going around Lex's waist to hug him tightly and rest his arms on Lex's thighs as he began to suck, hard, his mouth coming down around to suckle and murmur around his delicious mouthful.

He forgot all about the pleasure his body was having, barely felt it for a moment until Whitney twisted his fingers and Clark saw heaven when his ashimel hit his prostate. He wriggled and squirmed his hips, begging for what was about to be given to him as he mouthed his lover in firm, loving strokes.

Whitney groaned. "I can't wait." He slicked his cock with quick strokes, spreading the lube over the shaft as he pressed the head against Clark's stretched opening. Thrust in hard, pulling his hips so he didn't completely skewer his lover entirely as he pushed in. He gave another loud groan as he pushed in, feeling Clark's body closing in around him and demanding that he thrust deeper to get all of his cock into the hot tight little channel.

Lex gave a soft moan as he leaned over, watching Whitney disappear inside Clark's ass. "I love watching him fuck you," Lex whispered for Clark's ears only. "I love it."

Clark? Wasn't exactly at the place where he could vocalize anything. he rose his head from his lovers cock so he wouldn't hurt him as Whitney rubbed the blunt edge of his enormous cock against his opening, and then slowly thrust inside in two, long, deep thrusts. While Lex was thick Whitney was long, and Clark whimpered as he all but felt Whitney's cock at the back of his throat. His eyes tightened closed, heart beating like a wild thing against his rib cage as he rocked back against his ashimel, inviting him all in as he looked up at Lex as his aushna' spoke.

And moaned.


Whitney closed his eyes as he thrust the rest of his cock into Clark's welcoming ass. His hands grabbed at Clark's hips, hauling him back into every stroke forward as he withdrew to the tip, and then drove back in to his balls. His hand stroked over Clark's back, pushing up his ashimel's shirt. He rubbed reverently over the scar across Clark's back, then kissed up his spine and sucked a kiss out the top of the shirt as he pounded in.

Lex kept rocking on his knees, sliding his cock in and out of his lover's mouth. "You like hearing that, Clark? Like hearing that I sometime like to think about watching Whitney fuck you until you scream, hear you beg and plead for his cock while I'm stroking mine."

Clark began to pant, hard, caught in between one pleasure and another, one cock and another, one driving into his throat and the other pushing into his ass, and he moaned, loudly, his heart shuddering as he pushed back into the one reaming him and then up into the other, sucking hard at Lex's cock as his eyes clenched closed. Lex's words rang in his ears, making his neglected cock twitch hard and there was nothing more arousing in the world than being used, used just like this, and some dark thrill in him exploded in the pit of his gut as he met Whitney's thrusts. The burn of the hard fuck he was accepting made his eyes rolled closed, his lips stretched tight over his lovers cock and every single moan reverberating into the organ.

"What do you think, Clark? You, pants around your knees, getting fucked hard by this beautiful blond-haired giant, sucking my cock while the both of us still have all our clothes on?" Lex's hand stroked over Whitney's stubbled jaw, kissing him gently and tasting sunshine and sweetness even as part of him missed Clark's taste.

Whitney moaned into Lex's mouth, shuddering and jerking hard as Lex kissed him and his hands kneaded Clark's cheeks hard as he fucked him. The sound of his balls slapping against the curve of Clark's ass was loud in their little room, and he sucked hard at Lex's tongue, and then at Lex's throat when he tugged his mouth away.

"Spank him," Lex ordered throatily. "Like a bad little Clark."

"No," Clark sobbed, which meant YES YES YES YES, hard and now and please, sir! He whimpered into the cock he'd let fall from his mouth at the words, his cock dribbling a thin string of precome that hung off of him without him knowing it. His balls ached, his ass ached hollowly--Lex had taken slivers of his strength, enough to make it feel so fucking good and he groaned, and moaned, and sucked on Lex's cock as his fingers held tightly to his lovers hips.

Lex's fingers reached out and flicked the string of precome away, licking his fingers to clean them before sliding his cock back into Clark's mouth. "Nobody told you to stop sucking, Clark."

Whitney shook out his hand once before landing it on Clark's ass. The loud crack of hand against flesh echoed in the room, and he cried out when the slap made Clark's ass grip tightly around his cock. "Fuck, Clark!" He landed another slap, and fucked harder when Clark tightened around him again.

Clark's entire body convulsed at the slap against his backside, and he gasped, surging forward as his entire body tingled and he gave a hoarse cry he tried to muffle into Lex's thigh as he began to suck again, eyes clenched shut, tears of pleasure clinging to his lashes as he surged and jerked with each slap against his ass, jerking forward, which drove Lex's cock into his throat, and his entire body shuddered with ecstasy as his pleasure rose to a fevered pitch.

Lex came hard, unexpectedly, filling Clark's mouth with come before he could choke out his next spiel of dirty words. The bite, the tingle, the shuddering moans into his cock sent vibrations everywhere and pulled his orgasm out like fire.

Whitney was shivering, his hand spanking Clark as hard and as fast as he could, lunging forward and filling Clark up with every thrust. He reached down, under the table, and grabbed Clark's cock in his fist, jerking it roughly and fast, scraping his thumbnail over the oozing slit in the head.

Clark let out a sharp scream into his lovers cock, but it was muffled by the delicious flood that made him push Lex down his screaming throat and suck it all down. He choked, twice, but he didn't care, as he thrust into the hand covering his cock and the pleasure of Whitney, who's hips slowed when Clark began to thrust back into him, taking the pace, doing the work, made him sob into his lovers cock even as it spurted. Good, so good, and he shoved back into the aching erection filling him and forward into the hand clasping him, rocking between the two and not knowing what he wanted more.

Whitney's hands gripped Clark's hips, stopping the spanks in favor of the hard drilling thrusts that matched the strokes of his hand on Clark's cock. His eyes were still closed, tongue wetting his lips as his forehead dropped forward to rest on Clark's shoulder.

Lex was panting softly, shuddering little thrusts into Clark's mouth that finished emptying his cock. "come, Clark, come for him, show Whitney how much he turns you on, come."

"Pl, please, want, please, please want, please, please," Clark babbled, pushing into Whitney's hands and his cock and his entire body was one rolling nerve of ache and he wanted wanted, wanted--

And then he came.

He jerked forward, gasping as his body finally reached the crest and tumbled off of it into oblivion. He was aware of the hot splash of come that came out of him, aware that Whitney was heaving against him, but all he could feel was the instantaneous, overwhelming pleasure of having been used and loving it.

He came so hard that his vision blanked and he slumped against his lover's thigh, aware and keeping his muscles locked into position for Whitney, but his mind began to shut down into a dead faint.

Lex pulled Clark's mouth up, kissing the slack lips gently, devouring the taste of his own come still on Clark's tongue as he dragged his fingers through Clark's hair.

Whitney was lost at the first pulse of Clark's orgasm. Clark's body wrenched tight around him, dragging the orgasm out of him with hard squeezes. He gave staccato little cries as he came, each pound of his hips pushing his come deeper into Clark.

Clark's come splashed on his hand, and he brought it to his mouth, but Lex's hand lazily caught his wrist. "Let me," Lex murmured softly, figuring that since he'd already had Clark's come in one end, it would be okay to have it in both, and he started licking Whitney's hand.

Clark moaned softly between them, barely conscious as he rolled his cheek on Lex's thigh, whimpering softly as he squeezed around Whitney's cock softly, lazily, for his pleasure more then Whitney's as he made soft little whimpering noises down between them, his entire body covered with goosebumps.

Lex finished his clean-up quickly, then leaned over his aushna'. "I love you, Clark," he said softly, nuzzling Clark's cheek, and his hand went to stroke Whitney's cheek with a gentle touch, then kissed his lips softly. "And you are my ashimel."

Whitney glowed softly, because it was one of the few times that Lex had acknowledged him or mentioned his part in their relationship, and he was touched.

Oh, how he moaned. Clark sagged between them, slumped against Lex's legs and the table he'd leaned over when Whitney had demanded his ass. He twitched, softly, then shivered all over as his sopping wet cock, still dribbling, softened, sticky strings of come hanging off of it as his pre-come had, nearly touching the floor. Eyes closed, lungs heaving for breath, he rested against his ashimel and aushna', panting quietly as his ass gave an aching throb that had him shivering in pleasure.

Lex nuzzled Whitney's jaw gently, his hands rubbing Clark's shoulders and cheek. "Whitney? Go over to the sink there and bring me back a wet towel." He straightened up enough to guide Clark down onto his knees, then his ass so he was sitting on the floor. "Sssh," he murmured softly, stroking his fingertips over Clark's lips. "Let me."

"Cold!" Clark yelped, as his burning ass touched very cold tile, and he wriggled until he had one foot under his butt, to keep his skin a little warmer. As soon as he'd situated himself, though, he leaned over to snuggle against Lex's face, eyes closed sleepily. "That felt s'good," he murmured.

"I just bet it did," Lex answered with a little grin.

Whitney held the damp towel out to Lex, and he got on his knees beside Clark and put his arms around Clark's shoulders. "That did feel so good," he said softly, grinning like an idiot. "I hope Chloe doesn't get mad at me for having sex without her."

Lex accepted the towel carefully, and wiped off Clark's face and neck, then down over his stomach, groin, and thighs. He then wiped Clark's cock with careful, worshipful touches and gentle strokes.

Clark shuddered under the patient ministrations, his eyes closing quietly behind his lashes. He'd needed that. In fact, he'd go so far as to say he'd needed that badly. His body felt hollowed out, heavy with satiation, and he wanted nothing more then to curl up in some corner and sleep. Instead, Clark made do with Whitney's arms around him--he snuggled against his ashimel and closed his eyes, forehead resting in the curve of Whitney's neck. "She won't be mad. And if she is, we'll make it up to her later, when she's ready," Clark muttered into Whitney's skin, kissing the long length of it softly as his body gave a shuddering little sigh.

Whitney kept his arms safely around Clark, hugging him and cradling him close as he nibbled little kisses along Clark's hairline. "I'm all for making it up. Then again, I've also been called insatiable," he teased.

Lex finished cleaning his lover up, then cleaned himself up, and then Whitney, all with patient, gentle strokes. Then he tossed the towel into the dirty laundry chute, then... thought better of it, since it had Clark's semen and DNA on it and turned around. He put the towel into a metal bowl, and held it out. "Burn it."

Clark gave a high pitched little whine in his throat, but opened one eye and set it afire after a moments concentration, before snuggling back into Whitney's embrace sleepily.

Naked. While his ashimel and aushna' were not. And he shuddered in the pleasure, his back arching on its own accord like a lazy, extremely pleased cat.

Lex watched the fire carefully, batting the smoke out the window and up the ventilator fan before the alarm could go off, then doused it quickly with water from the tap and rinsed the blackened, ashen mess out into the trash. Laundry in his home was one thing--his staff knew better than to speak of anything, including semen stains on various fabrics, but leaving it behind in a hospital laundry was an entirely different situation.

Whitney let his hand stroke down Clark's spine, petting him and gentling him as his fingernails dragged lightly along the arch, kissing his ear. "We should get you dressed before someone comes looking for us."

"Kay," Clark said, very softly. He was very, very, very calm right now to whatever they wanted to do with him. Very. He heaved a quiet sigh as Whitney's nails tickled his vertebrae, and shivered under the touch.

He reached out for his jeans, sleepily looking at them for a moment before realizing that he had to put them on, and he made a quiet sound of unhappiness at it. His ass felt uncomfortably empty, and he squeezed tightly, wishing it was filled again, wishing he was filled and taken care of and he made a soft mewl of displeasure.

Lex moved across the room again, kneeling in front of Clark and running a questioning finger along Clark's forearm, rubbing lightly over the mark they shared. It sent a shiver down his spine, and the questioning behind his eyes grew more intense as he looked at his lover. "What do you need?" he asked his lover softly.

"I want," was all Clark was able to explain, whimpering softly as he squirmed there sitting on his feet as he was, and arched his back again. "I don't know, I don't..." Frustration leaked out in his voice, because he didn't understand what he wanted, but he did want, and he heaved a quiet sigh as he moved from leaning against Whitney to snuggled against Lex, laying his cheek on his lovers shoulder.

"Tell me," Lex said softly, changing languages to their own. "Tell me what I can give my aushna'."

Whitney just gave a happy sigh as he listened to the musical sounds of Clark and Lex talking, and cuddled close to Clark.

"I need. I don't understand. I want inside, I want again. I want more. I want to take my place in our relationship--I want to be punished, I want to punish you. I don't understand, I don't, I just know I… need. Need to have my role. I want you inside me, I want my aushna to take me, I want it deep, I want to be plugged up, I want to be possessed, I want to possess you." Clark's eyes were filled with tears of frustration.

Lex tugged Clark out of Whitney's arms and wrapped his arms around Clark instead. "This I understand," Lex said softly. "You need to know that your aushna' has not rejected you because our ashikana brings to bear that which we cannot have." He kissed Clark's wet eyes gently. "Do not weep, my aushna'. If you will wait until we leave, I will fill all your needs."

Clark's throat tightened and bobbed, and he looked up at Lex, nodding softly and sniffling a little. He wound his arms around his lovers waist and hugged him tight. "I love you," he said, very softly.

Lex cradled his lover gently, stroking his bare back. "I love you, my aushna'." He pulled the shirt off his back, because it was Clark's, and warm with his scent and his body heat. He draped the warm shirt around Clark's shoulders and snuggled his lover into it.

Clark leaned into it, and then leaned into Lex. "I swore I wouldn't do this, when it happened. I swore it. I'm sorry." His eyes closed quietly as he rested against his lover, and swallowed tightly, the thick feeling of his lover's come in his belly making him lick his lower lip.

"It's okay, Clark," Lex reassured softly. "It's okay." His hand slid down to rub over Clark's full belly gently. "You are my aushna', Kal-El," he continued. "You never have to apologize for asking for what you need."

"I want to h-have you, I want…" Clark trailed off, quietly, looking at Whitney over Lex's shoulder. "I need him, need... need him, please, help me?"

Whitney nodded, moving closer so that Lex was sandwiched in between them. "Just tell me what you want," Whitney said softly. "I'll help you do anything you need."

Lex raised Clark's hands to his face, kissing each palm before he let his lover's hands touch his cheeks. "I want you to have me," Lex said softly. "More than I can say."

"No, n-no, no," Clark shook his head, because Lex didn't understand him. He reached over and stroked his hand down Whitney's butt, but it was only to go in to get his wallet, which he fumbled open. Inside was the lone condom he knew Whitney always carried, and he reached over to kiss his ashimel before ripping it open with shaking hands.

His fingers came down to his lovers cock, slowly beginning to stroke it to hardness, and he didn't care that there were people outside of this room, because he needed this, now, he needed it, and Chloe understood because the thread in his head that connected him to her was trying to soothe him as he soothed her back. He was pulling some of the pain from her, heady already, into himself, and then working it out through pure, unadulterated sex.

Which brought him to the point where he was squeezing his lovers cock tightly, hardening him patiently as he sucked and nipped at his lovers neck, nosing his collar out of the way to lay purpling hickeys along his throat.

Lex pushed his own shirt off his shoulders so that his chest was bare, and he took the condom from Clark's hands and leaned over. "I love when you leave your mark on me," Lex whispered into Clark's ears as he gave the base of his lover's cock a squeeze, holding the condom so that Clark's unsteady hands didn't tear it. "On you or me?" he asked softly.

Whitney didn't waste any time; when Lex leaned forward to whisper to Clark, Whitney pushed him onto all fours so that he could reach around Lex's waist and unbuckle his belt. When Lex didn't stop him, Whitney pushed the belt open and unbuttoned the slacks, then pulled the zipper down so he could ease them down and off. Lex cooperated, lifting each knee in turn so Whitney could peel the clothes off him, and then he remained on his knees, legs spread open so that if necessary, Whitney could stretch him open.

"Me, please, me, please," Clark croaked in quiet sobs, though he wanted to be filled he could wait, he needed this more, more, worse, more, and he began to shudder. he didn't wait for Lex to be totally naked before his mouth came to his lovers entrance to stroke inside, still muttering a litany into his flesh even as he worked his tongue into him. "Don't come, you have to fuck me, don't come, don't come," he whispered in a fevered rush as he took the condom from Whitney, hot and slimy feeling with lube, rolled it on, and didn't stretch his lover.


Instead, he struggled to his feet, his balance totally shot, slumped into the rolling office chair propped by the stack of supplies in the room, and tugged Lex into his lap, impatiently shifting and shuddering.

Whitney stepped back when he felt Clark's desperation leaking out, and he moved to stand in front of the door, quietly making sure it was locked and the little shade over the window was pulled down as he leaned against it, watching them together.

Lex didn't mind not being stretched; the delicious burn of Clark's rough entry singed his brain, made his nails dig into his lover's shoulder as he forced his body to relax. His shoulders shuddered, head falling forward as he drew in rough pants, squeezing Clark's cock with his ass, instinct trying to suck him in deeper while his body slowly got accustomed to it. "Cl-Clark... please, don't wait."

Clark was shuddering, shaking, holding his lover to his chest as his forehead rested against Lex's shoulder, panting roughly as he slowly began to undulate his hips. Slow, sure, even strokes that the wet heat of the condom made a bit easier, but not by much, and he shuddered in frustration. "Help… help me, can't..."

"Yes," Lex murmured, and concentrated on himself. Surge of something inside him, and he gave a cry as his body opened itself to Clark, and he slid down entirely on his lover's length, grasping tightly but not painfully so, as though he'd been stretched normally. Lex's legs wrapped around Clark's waist as he pulled himself down on his lover's cock, biting at his throat. "Fuck me."

"Yes, yes please," Clark gasped, as he held his lovers hips tightly and slowly began to lift and lower him, deep but sure, carefully making sure not to hurt his dear Lex. Deep, slow, careful, thrusts that steadily increased as his entire body tingled and he whispered into his lovers ear, "I hate being different."

Lex shuddered, and he licked over Clark's earlobe before whispering back. "You're not different, Clark. You're just special. Like me." He dragged his tongue over Clark's cheek, then kissed his mouth deeply, nibbling on his lips and tongue as he squeezed hard with his ass. "Fuck me hard. As hard as you can, as hard as you want to, I am your aushna', Clark, I can take it."

Whitney was leaning against the door, stroking his cock as he watched. He couldn't stay still; he moved back to the chair and got on his knees, licking up Lex's back and biting lightly at his shoulder blades as his fingers rubbed against Lex's opening and Clark's cock as it drove into him.

Clark gave a mewling little cry into Lex's shoulder as he began to undulate them both faster. The chair had a very handy spring that let them move fast but deep, with Whitney's added weight to keep them balanced and the wall behind Clarks chair giving them support. He whimpered softly, very softly, thanking God his lover understood and he had such a wonderful ashimel, as his body, very large and thick, curled in and hugged Lex tight as they made love.

Lex let his weight rest against Clark as Whitney braced him, shivering at the touch of cool fingertips over his ass as Clark fucked him. He wrapped himself around Clark, riding the thrusts, whispering to Clark to let go, to go as hard and as fast as he needed. His cock was drooling precome between them, and he sobbed in a mix of pain and relief when Whitney's fingers reached around and yanked hard.

When a tan, long fingered hand came around Lex's waist Clark gave a sharp cry and began to rut, hard. He couldn't help giving his lover a fleeting grin, all dimples and teeth, as his relief swept through him and he began to move, hard. He spread Lex's ass and slammed harder, faster, deeper, biting hard on his lovers nipples enough to drop spots of blood. Goosebumps flew over his body, face and cheeks, and his skin flushed a soft pink as he thrust.

Lex stopped thinking and vocalizing after that, giving just mindless grunts of pleasure as he bounced on Clark's lap. His hands moved to Clark's hair, grinding his lover's face and teeth into his chest, growling in demanding ecstasy for more. His legs stayed tight around Clark's waist as he rocked harder, pushing down to meet every one of Clark's hard thrusts up.

Whitney's arms stayed looped around Lex's waist, keeping his grip tight on Lex's balls so that his hands acted as a temporary cock ring, slick with the copious amounts of precome that leaked from Lex's cock as he squeezed the shaft and balls to keep his orgasm down.

Clark wasn't known for keeping himself under control, and now more then ever. It only took three thrusts... four... five... before he pressed into his lover deeply, grinding him down tightly and his eyes rolled back into his head as he pushed Lex tight onto his lap, his mouth clenched around his lovers nipple as he came. Pleasure chased the physical release, making him moan aloud as his balls contracted and released, making him shudder and gasp in aching pleasure that made him whimper into his lovers abused flesh.

Lex's body reached hungrily for the emissions from his lover's cock, and whimpered loudly when he was denied by the rubber sheath over Clark's shaft. He reached his hand down, and realized that Whitney still held him captive.

Whitney leaned forward, so that his chin rested on Lex's shoulder, only inches away from Clark's face. "Do you need to drink?" he asked softly.

Clark nodded, desperately, and lifted his lover off his cock with a thick, heavy squelching sound as he lifted Lex to his feet, holding him there with his own strength as he ducked down and took his lovers trapped organ into his mouth. His lips brushed past Whitney's fingers repeatedly as he began to suck, deeply, hard.

Whitney let go, and his fingers slid into Lex's body, teasing and stroking and pushing in deep as Clark sucked him down.

Lex gave a hard, shattering cry as he came. It didn't take long; his cock was sensitive, Whitney's fingers were stroking in his ass and Clark was holding him up, sucking him down and he couldn't fight every sensation any longer. He exploded into his lover's mouth, grunting and crying out with every weak thrust of his hips.

That was all Clark needed.

He sucked down every offered drop, every bit of the hot, sticky come, sucking it deep, the taste like sugared candy and root beer and something purely Lex, that made Clark shudder and his entire body tingle with pleasure. He moaned, softly around Lex's cock, holding onto his lover tightly as he slowly sucked each hard jet that was given to him.

Lex's fingers twined in Clark's hair as he came, longer and harder than usual as he rubbed his stomach against Clark's forehead. His nipples ached, his throat felt raw both inside and out from his cries and Clark's marks, and his ass throbbed around Whitney's fingers as they slowly withdrew.

Whitney picked up another towel and wiped his fingers off, then went to the sink and soaked it in water, surreptitiously jacking himself off. His cock was hard as a rock between his legs, and he dropped the wet towel on the table as he moved over to stand between them. "Put him down," Whitney said hoarsely. "I want both your mouths. Please."

Like Whitney had to ask.

Clark finished suckling Lex, leaned him against the chair with his mouth still on Lex's cock, and as soon as he'd sucked every drop out, he turned to Whitney and began to lick and nip the hard cock that had been in him only a few minutes ago. He sucked hard at it, tightly, mouth covering the head impishly to lightly suckle at the tip before laving his tongue along the underside. He didn't bother opening his eyes and didn't bother saying anything, the hot, scalding goodness of Lex, and now of Whitney, made him twitch and moan. "I want to be punished, punish me, I want to be filled, please, I want hot, hot," Clark whispered urgently against Whitney's cock.

Lex's lips and tongue worked the other side of Whitney's cock, licking after Clark, tasting his aushna' on the other man's cock, devouring it quickly as his mouth moved to lap at Whitney's balls instead, sucking each one into his mouth as his palms rose to support and cradle them.

Whitney's hands slipped down, one going through Clark's hair, and the other one skating over Lex's head. "Dirty," he whispered to Clark, with a sweaty grin. "But I can't dirty talk like Lex," he admitted. "Nobody can."

"Lex h-has talent," Clark moaned around his ashimel's cock head, sucking tightly at it before sliding his mouth down, taking as much of Whitney in, and as soon as he got to a certain point, sucked him in deep, pushing past his gag reflex until all of his ashimel's length was in his throat. He exhaled to bring him back up, sucking all the way, and nipped at the crown of the head, licking the ridge and tapping his tongue along the places he knew Whitney liked.

"Yeah, he does!" yelled Whitney, surprised as he yelped. Lex's teeth had closed on the delicate skin of scrotum and had given a tug that was both pleasurable and painful. "The fuck was that?"

"Yes, I do," Lex agreed, lifting his mouth from Whitney's balls. He reached over and grabbed his own handful of Clark's hair, dragging his lover's head back and away from Whitney's cock as he kissed his aushna' hard. "You don't get to drink anyone but me," Lex growled possessively.

Clark whimpered when his lover yanked him off of his treat, but he nodded, mewling and licking his lovers throat and neck as he did it, as if in apology. Instead he leaned down to lave Whitney's balls for Lex, flickering his tongue over them in apology and gently sucking them into his mouth, massaging with his tongue and gently with his lips.

Lex growled again, gratified at the little licks from his aushna', because he didn't often get jealous but when he did, it thrilled him that Clark understood enough to accept it. He slid his mouth over Whitney's cock, licking like a cat at first to suck all of Clark's taste off the shaft, filling his mouth with his aushna's flavor before deepthroating Whitney.

Whitney's knees almost buckled at the blatant display of power in front of him. He didn't know why but it made him want to apologize for asking, but then Lex's rough tongue started rasping over his shaft like sandpaper. And before he could react to that, he was buried deep in Lex's talented throat, feeling himself being milked by Lex's sucking as Clark licked his balls.

With a very soft whimper, Whitney came.

Clark sucked softly on the hot balls in his mouth as they contracted and lifted, tightening, and then felt his lover begin to swallow and knew Whitney had come. He made soft, pleased sounds below the both of them, licking Whitney's thighs gently in encouragement as his fingertips gently skimmed his backside, tickling the rosebud to prolong his ashimel's pleasure.

Lex closed his eyes as he swallowed, well aware that this was the first time he'd really accepted Whitney into his relationship with Clark and he was surprised to find that he felt no jealousy any longer for his aushna's affections. He sucked deeply as Whitney came, his fingers kneading strong thighs.

Whitney's eyes were rolling towards the back of his head right about now. Fingers playing with his ass, a tight hot throat around his cock, and that was pretty much all he could think of as he groaned, knees giving out on him this time as his orgasm finished.

Clark reached up for Whitney's waist when he felt his ashimel cave, carefully taking hold of his hips as he led him down into the messy sprawl of limbs. He smiled, shyly, and licked Whitney's lips, then his chin, before kissing it softly. "Good?"


Clark grinned again, shyly, even as he rose up to his shaky feet and pressed a gentle kiss to Whitney's lips as Lex cleaned his ashimel up down below them. "Good. Feel good. Better. Better?" He stroked his fingers through Whitney's hair, and kissed him again, and once more.

"Better," Whitney nodded, returning the soft kisses with gentle ones of his own as he rubbed his cheek against Clark's shoulder. One hand gingerly slid down to pet the bald crown of Lex's head, and the other held tightly to Clark.

Lex finished his quick clean up of Whitney's cock and he slid his hands up to Whitney's hips and used them to pull himself up to his feet.

"That was delicious," Clark said, happily, to the both of them, his eyes averting from Lex's shyly to smile at Whitney. "I feel full. Better. Lets go check on Chloe!"

He beamed as he turned, grabbing his clothes, and began to tug them on, trying to make himself more presentable.

Lex laughed softly, and rubbed his hand over Clark's back. "Clark. Slow down. Trust me. You can take a few minutes to get dressed."

Some of the depression and hunger had abated from before, and he felt... fantastic. Glowing. "Okay!" he said, all too cheerfully, and pulled Lex into his arms for a warm kiss of tongue and teeth, tasting Whitney's come in that glorious mouth and sighing into it in pleasure.

Lex laughed, the sound sparkling in the little room, and he grinned at his lover as he returned the hungry kiss, looping his knee around Clark's hip.

Lex was happy, and be default, Clark couldn't help but be happy. So he kissed his lover, once, twice, three times, pinched his butt as his warm belly gave a cozy little curl, and let go to pull his shirt on, push into his shoes, and left Lex and his ashimel to it as he ran his fingers through his hair and stepped cheerfully out of the door.

Whitney was leaning against the table, tucking himself away and putting himself to right. "Dude... is he always like that after he gets laid?"

Lex just sighed as he nodded. "Pretty much."

"Y'got my sympathy."


go on to the next part