
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 359: FYI

"Me either," Clark teased back, opening the door back to the sitting room and giving a hard, mock shiver. "It's cold out there! Woo!"

Rosanna smiled as she crossed her legs. "Welcome back, gentlemen," she said, stubbing out her cigarette. "Please, have a seat, and if either of you would like a cigarette, help yourself."

Clark shook his head, gave another shiver, and curled up on the couch. "I'm really not used to Montana. Give me my farm back any day."

"You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the boy," she said with a grin.

Lex declined the pack, and settled back in the couch beside Clark, curling up inside the circle of his arms. "Nothing that a little... activity couldn't solve," he flirted. "Just something to get your blood pumping."

Clark had the decency to blush, though he glared at his lover. "Now, enough of that." He turned a kind smile on Rosanna instead. "Ready to begin again?"

Lex just grinned at the glare. "We're ready when you are, Rosanna."

Rosanna just smiled as she clicked on the tape recorder. "Okay, here we go with the frivolous questions. The first one is for you, Clark... What's it like kissing the once world-famous bachelor, Lex Luthor?"

Clark colored all over, from the roots of his hair to his toes, but he gave a soft, goofy grin too. "Incredible. I won't lie--the women of America missed out on him. He kisses like other people create art."

Rosanna just nodded. "Mmm, I remember. He used to do this thing with his--"

"ROSANNA!" Lex shouted, glaring at her. "Enough."

"Fine, fine." She huffed a little, and turned her attention back to Clark. "Ignore the bellower. Tell me more about what it's like being the center of Lex Luthor's attention."

Clark couldn't help it--he cracked up. He wasn't in the least bit offended--actually, it was kind of funny to see his lover squirm, and he sent him a teasing smile. "It's wonderful. Lex is a kind and attentive man--he treats me with respect. It doesn't matter to him that I'm a corn fed farm boy. He loves me, and honors me. There's nothing better."

Lex shoved his elbow in Clark's ribs, grunted, and scooted closer. "You're worth it," Lex said softly. He had to pause a moment, and force himself to translate into English as he leaned comfortably against his lover. "You're worth everything to me."

Even Rosanna had to admit that was sweet, and she gave a little, "awww."

Lex glared.

"Oh, shut it, Lex," she grumbled. "Or, actually, answer me this: We've gotten a ton of letters over the last few years, wanting to know what kind of moisturizer you use on your skin and on your scalp, because no one has ever seen you with flakes, red bumps, or anything like that."

Lex was mildly outraged, but he answered anyway. "It's a special formulation made especially for me, from jasmine and several other Japanese herbs and oils."

Clark choked on the giggles, clapping a hand over his mouth and laughing around it as he looked at Lex, eyes dancing. He'd come on Lex smearing purple stuff on his head more than once, but he couldn't share that, because Lex had come on *him* putting on zit cream. So there was that. Still, his eyes danced with mirth as he stroked a big hand over the bald head. "I'd love you even if you had red bumps."

"Jasmine? It's purple? Why doesn't that surprise me? You have an unhealthy fixation with that color." Rosanna leaned over to talk to Clark. "He wanted me to dye my pubes that color once, but I refused. And when he finally sobered up? I gave him hell about it."

Clark's lips quirked, looking at least teasingly and not *daring* to say that he shaved his because it felt so good to rub bare flesh against bare flesh.

Rosanna snickered at the quirked lips.

Lex didn't deign to answer Rosanna. Instead, however, he looked blandly at Clark. "Should I tell her about the last time I shaved your crotch, Clark? Or would you like to?"



"You don't go announcing my pubes or lack thereof to the country! Cheap floozy!" Clark exclaimed, eyes wide and horrified. "My parents are going to *kill* me."

Rosanna was no longer snickering. She was flat-out laughing. "Don't worry, Clark, I'll edit that part out too. I wouldn't want your parents to hurt you for anything."

Clark's eyes were wide as saucers, horrified as he looked at her. "No no. Rosanna. My father is a country redneck. He'd flay me and hang me from the barn door."

"We'll edit it out, Clark," she reassured him. "No one but you and me and Lex will know that you've got a shaved groin."

Clark blushed straight crimson, as hard and bright as a lobster. "I do not," he mumbled, burying his face in Lex's neck.

"Technically, that's true, because I haven't done any trimming lately," Lex mused. "We should do that tonight."



"Lex, come on, stop teasing! He can't get any brighter red than that!" Rosanna said.

Lex just raised his eyebrow, but didn't say anything else.

"Yes I can," Clark muffled from the vicinity of Lex's neck. He lifted his head, cheeks aflame. "It's horrible. You'd think after being Lex Luthor's boyfriend for a year and a half, I'd have stopped blushing by now. But nooo."

Lex just turned around placed soft kisses on both of Clark's cheeks. "I think that if you ever stop blushing, I'd find a new way to make you start again."

Rosanna gave Lex a disapproving glare, and cleared her throat as she asked the next question. "Lex, since you have more open area, I'm going to ask you this one. What are your tips on hiding hickeys?"

Lex shrugged. "I don't bother hiding them."

Clark smiled shyly at Lex's kisses. "Upturned collars and stage makeup works." Or so Dominic had told him. Clark had never gotten a hickey that lasted, not in his entire life. He loved bruises though, which sounded odd, but he did. Being able to feel them days afterward must have been so erotic.

Lex gave Clark another kiss, just for the shyness, and then wound their fingers together again. "Hickeys and marks don't tend to last very long on my skin; only a day or two, and usually my clothing is sufficient to hide them. I think the old standby answer is, isn't that what turtlenecks are for."

"Turtlenecks, stage makeup, and upturned collars. God, you're cute." Rosanna tapped her pen on the notebook in her lap. "So Clark, what's it like having Lionel Luthor as a father-in-law?"

How to answer that and have Lionel refrain from killing him? "Actually, he's a very good father figure. In a lot of ways he's been there for me. He's strict but nice, if that makes sense. He's very cultured, too--makes me feel like a simpleton with it sometimes. He's just so very, very book smart. I love him a lot."

Lex gave a soft snicker at Clark's answer. "You neglect to mention that he can be a bastard too."

Clark sideglanced him. "He can be a bastard, but usually for good reason."

*I think that depends on if you share blood with him or not,* Lex murmured softly in Clark's thoughts. "Yeah. Even I have to admit Dad's really gotten his act together lately," is all he said verbally.

"I think it was the birth of Aurora, and Dominic getting better. He really mellowed."

Rosanna just chuckled. "I'm hoping to talk to Lionel about that a month or so; ever since he gave Aurora's first pictures to Tomorrow magazine, my editor's been dying to get a pictorial with the three of them.

Lex inclined his head. "I'll put in a good word for your trustworthiness, provided this experience goes well."

Rosanna's eyes glinted. That would go a LONG way towards getting the interview. "It'll go well, don't worry." A flash of a grin. "Tell me about your fashion sense, because what you do and what you wear shows up on the catwalks in Milan a few months later, including this very unique bracelet," she said, holding out her arm. "I heard that it's only available through your mother's foundation."

"Oh, now I'm proud." And he was. His ashikeeneh was a beautiful, talented, wonderful person, and to have her jewelry mentioned by Rosanna made his heart swell with pride. "Our good friend made that."

"Oh, really?" Rosanna leaned forward. "Do you think you could give me her name? The foundation refuses to give out her identity, and the website they link to is only a display of the jewelry, and of some other designs currently available."

Clark glanced at Lex, eyebrow raised.

Lex shrugged back. "The artist wishes to have her identity kept under wraps until Psychosomatic is completely on its feet, and the first collection is completely designed," he said. "Though it is a matter of public record, recorded with all the other details of the unfortunate charity debut, I'd prefer it stay under wraps, as per her wishes."

Clark nodded. Lex was always so good with words when it came to that stuff, and he smiled at his lover gently. "What he said. I'll tell you that she's a very gifted person, and one of the sweetest, kindest people we've ever known. Her jewelry isn't like anything I've ever seen."

Rosanna leaned back. "Well, the only information we can find is that you have been her benefactor, and if you're guarding her secret, then we can only suppose she is in the best possible hands. If you'd let her know that the world is very curious about her, we'd appreciate it," she said, shifting her papers. "Let's get back to your fashion choices. Lex, you're stunning as always in purple and black, but Clark, you've become somewhat of a fashion plate for young men your age."

Clark choked, and burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. He literally laughed so hard he couldn't speak, howling there in his chair. My God. Wait until Whitney heard this.

The grin was playing around Lex's lips, though he was trying very hard not to snicker. "Come now, Clark, you have to admit, since we burned most of your flannel and nearly all your workboots, your wardrobe has improved."

Clark was still laughing, tears in his eyes. He couldn't help it. He laughed for another five minutes before catching his breath, wiping his face, and grinning at Rosanna. "Dear God. If only you knew. I...was the poster boy for jeans and flannel, until Lex literally burned it all, wrapped me in brown paper, and sent our good friend Chloe and her best friend out to metropolis to buy me clothes. Half of the stuff they bought I can't wear in public for fear of death by leather pant."

Lex chuckled. "They're not that bad, Clark. The black jeans look especially nice on your ass."

Clark just grinned broadly at him. "So, to answer your question, Rosanna, I'm less 'fashion plate' and more 'product of Lex and Chloe's fashion plate'." It kind of made a flush of warmth fly through him that young men were copying his style, despite the fact that he was gay, and he smiled. "One thing I can't live without is my satchel, though, especially for work, and my jean jacket."

"The jean jacket, by the way, is something else I'm going to burn as soon as I can pry it off his shoulders," Lex teased. "But in all seriousness, there's something else he can't live without and that's his boots; I've found that several shoemakers have started to make a dressier type of workboot, and that's what Clark is wearing tonight, in fact, as a compromise between boots and dress shoes."

Rosanna flicked an appraising eye over Clark. "You seem to be coordinating very well, colors and cuts that complement each other."

"That's cause Lex coordinated for me," Clark said, smiling. "Or rather, packed everything so it would match. Really, I have no fashion sense, Lex is the fashion guy here. He can make anyone look good, no matter what." His eyes danced as he met Lex's. "One thing I'd like to see, though, is bigger sizes. As you can see, I'm huge. It'd be great if designers made clothes for guys who wear size eighteen shoes."

Lex nodded. "As someone who has everything custom tailored for him, I can't really speak to the problem of buying off-the-rack, but based on the stories that Clark tells me, it's quite a problem, and I do think it would be a nice consideration for clothiers to realize that not all of their customers are four foot twigs--no offense, Rosanna."

"None taken," she said cheerfully, proud of her twiggy status.

Clark's lips spread in a grin. "I'm six five, and a cool two hundred and forty. Getting clothes for me as a kid was a nightmare."

Rosanna's eyes nearly popped out of her sockets at that, because yeah, there had to be proportion elsewhere and the only thing she could think to say was, "Goddammit, Lex, you've got to be the luckiest man on the face of the planet."

Lex completely turned around on the sofa, and flicked a quick glance over his aushna', visibly lingering on his crotch. "Yes, I am, now that you mention it," he answered, turning back around and cuddling up to Clark.

Clark blushed hot, six shades of it actually, twin points of color highlighting his cheeks. "You're a flirt, Lex," Clark murmured, and reached forward to nip a kiss from his lips. That they lingered for a moment was purely coincidental. "Anyway, back to the original question--don't follow my clothing advice! That would be a lot of flannel, and we already did that in the eighties with the guys from Seattle."

Rosanna laughed softly. "No flannel on the runway, check! I'll make sure to pass the note to the designers. Any other fashion tips?"

"Purple hair is so last year, black fingernail polish is a bitch to take off and black crusty edges is gross, and carrying Trojan is actually cool now, so do it." Clark smirked. "infomercial Kent here."

"I'm sure the Trojan company will appreciate your endorsement of their product," Rosanna said with a grin. "I wouldn't be surprised if they contact you to make a commercial."

"Black nail polish is actually not that hard to take off if you lay a coat of clear lacquer or glitter over it, and remember to scrape the cuticle," Lex chimed in.

Clark's eyes danced with amusement, first at Rosanna, then at Lex. "Nail polish and condoms. No, no one would know *we're* gay," Clark teased. "Especially after the Brandywine comment," he teased. He squeezed Lex's shoulder and brought him in to kiss his temple, stroking the back of his head gently before passing his eyes back to Rosanna for the next question.

Lex leaned into Clark when Clark kissed his temple, and he closed his eyes for a brief moment to revel in it. He reached back and brought Clark's arm around his waist, and joined their fingers together over his stomach as he left his head leaning against Clark's shoulder.

And Rosanna thought it was just about the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. "You guys are just too cute together, you know," she said, grinning. "So what are you two planning for the next charity event, and when will it be? And are you planning to have another natural disaster on tap?" she continued with a wink.

"Well, you know the Luthors. Can't have enough disasters in their lives," Clark snorted wickedly.

Lex poked his elbow into Clark's ribs. "I'm actually not sure what the next Luthor-sponsored charity event is going to be, to tell you the truth. They're usually planned by the event organizers, and my father and I are notified as to the date and what to wear."

Clark nodded. He didn't have much to add to that--he kept away from Luthorian charity drives, mostly because the last one had been a total and complete disaster.

Rosanna just gave a grin. "Duly noted. One last question, then I turn you over to Jean for the afternoon, and you get to do your solo shoots and fill out the FYI questionnaires."

Clark nodded. Aden had mentioned something about the questionnaires yesterday, and he'd been wondering what they were going to ask. That is, he'd been wondering the few times he hadn't been fucking his lover yesterday.

"I'll bite. What, exactly, are these FYI questionnaires you're talking about?"

Rosanna waved a hand. "Oh, they're just a couple of pages of the getting to know you type questions--who your favorite actor is, what book are you currently reading, that kind of thing. Nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing that I don't think you'll have a problem answering."

Lex just sighed. "All right, but what's this last question you have for us?"

Rosanna just beamed. "Where's the best place you've ever had sex?"

Clark grinned broadly. How to answer that? So many ways. Pool table, every bed in the house, bathtub, shower, car, car hood, barn, field, hallway, kitchen, swimming pool, Brandywine, the ceiling... "Every time is the best, Rosanna. The best though, in my opinion, is when we're simply in our bed. Lex has a way of making me feel warm and safe there. There isn't ever a best place, because every place is perfect if Lex is beside me. Or on top of me. Or under me."

Lex grinned at that. "I actually have a quantifiable answer to that," he said. "In your barn, Clark, in your hammock. The one time we were there together... it was amazing. It was close to the beginning of our relationship, after we'd just decided to claim each other for the rest of our lives, and... I remember on the way over there thinking that you were everything that I'd ever sought in my life, and how lucky I was to have you."

Clark beamed at him, and gave him a soft kiss. "Plus, the hammock was very springy."

"You'll probably start a new trend, you know. Hammock sex with Trojan condoms." She grinned, and clicked off the tape recorder. "Well, we're done for now. I'll be transcribing this while you're with Jean, and if there's any other questions, I'll talk to you about them tonight after dinner."

"Cool. Do we have to take our clothes off again?" Clark whined plaintively. He climbed to his feet, grinning at Rosanna and shaking her hand before pulling Lex close to his side, hooking a hand over one slender hip.

As they were leaving the room, Clark was muttering, "Jean so checked my ass out yesterday. I'm not sure I want to be naked again."

"No, I don't think that nudity is required for today," Lex said, pointing towards Aden and Adrian and the two racks of clothes they had there. One rack had suits, slacks, white dress shirts, ties, even a tuxedo. The other had jeans, cowboy boots, and flannel shirts.

"Hi, guys!" Aden said, looking up from his check list with a smile. A broad. Broad smile. "We were wondering when you'd be done, you took a long while today! Why don't we get started? You guys go ahead and take your clothes off--leave your skivvies on for now. Rico?" He passed the floor over to him.

Rico snagged Clark's shoulder as he headed for the flannel rack. "Sorry, little mouse. Wrong direction." He pointed Clark towards the suits, ties, and black trench coats. "Lex, you're going to go with Aden, Clark, you're going to go with me. Adrian and Jean are waiting in the paddock with the cameras set up and everything, so let's move, boys, get your butts going and get dressed!!"

Lex balked. "You can't be serious. You can't seriously expect me to wear jeans, boots, and a flannel shirt."

"And a hat!" Rico piped up, waving the white accessory.

"You even get a little white kerchief to tie around your neck!" Aden beamed, and pulled down the brown cowboy hat. "If it makes you feel better, Lex, it's a purplish shirt, and its *not* flannel, it's jean. You'll look divine in it." He beamed and pulled down the jeans too, handing them both over to Lex. "Get dressed, then I'll primp you up!"

"Not another *penguin suit*!" Clark all but wailed.

"I think somebody got their wires crossed," Lex answered, still balking. "The formalwear is for me, and the jeans are for Clark."

"Ac'ully, cher, de wires are not cross'd. Dey're 'xactly wha' dey're s'posed to be," Jean said, entering the conversation as he came through the sliding glass doors. "Ah wan' t'see Clark in the city, an' you in de country."

Clark...stared at the man. Had he lost his marbles? Really? Truly? "You want me to put on a...a *suit*. And for Lex to wear a *cowboy hat*?"

Very suddenly he found it outrageously funny, and grinned broadly, eyes dancing as they met Lex's. "Okay. I'll put on the whole get-up if Lex does too."

"Ah do, cher, an' ah t'ink dat y'll be surprised wit' what ah can do," he said.

"Why not? I haven't nearly filled my quota of publicly humiliating photo ops," Lex grumbled in response to Clark's challenge.

Aden gave a big smile and opened the jeans button, pulling the zip, and waiting patiently as Lex began to strip. "Out, all of you, but Clark and Rico! We need room to work, here," he said, snapping at them until they left. "Clothes, Lex."

"Bite me, Aden," Lex snarled as he stripped. "I am only doing this because Clark has basically dared me to do it, and under protest. I think Jean's lost his fucking mind."

"Oooh, someone had his Bitch Flakes for breakfast," Rico snarked. "Come on, Mouse, let's get you dressed for the first set, and Adrian's blocking the shots, so it's just us, and we've seen everything you've got, so drop trou."

"Bitch flakes? Do those come in frosted?" Clark asked, pulling his shirt up over his head and instantly shivering in the cold room. Montana was *cold*, dammit! He stripped out of his pants too, letting them pool at his feet, and looked over as Lex began to pull his clothes off. The hand sized bruises on his hips made Clark's mouth water--he wanted to lick over each one, nuzzle into the bruises until they made Lex ache, and then fuck him all over again to give him *more* bruises.

He shivered, smiled sweetly, and jumped on his socked feet. "Cold!"

Rico caught Clark's line of sight, and gave a low whistle. "Looks like somebody got enthusiastic last night," he said, bumping Clark's hip with his own. "Here, mouse, try this one on," he said, passing Clark a white dress shirt to put on.

Clark didn't try to deny it--he just smiled proudly and pulled the shirt on, buttoning it up quickly.

Aden? Was kind of wincing. The marks were bruising on Lex's hips, and though he knew how good it could feel, it was going to be hell on Jean to keep them hidden. Not to mention the hickeys around Lex's throat like a necklace. He hissed and looked through the rack of clothes until he pulled on a thin under-shirt in white, thrusting it out with the jeans.

"They'll airbrush out," Lex said shortly, crankily snatching the clothes from Aden's hands and yanking the sleeveless tank top undershirt on first, and then sliding into the jeans, doing a little hip shimmy as he tucked the shirt in and started to zip.

"Bitch Flakes come in all flavors, mouse," Rico answered, batting Clark's hands away from the buttons and leaving the top three undone. He went back to the rack and pulled down a pair of soft black slacks, and the matching velvet jacket, and handed them over. "Here, these next."

Clark took the pants and slid into them, not sure if Rico wanted him to tuck in the shirt or not, so he buttoned and zipped, and then slid into the jacket. It felt like sin against his skin. He pulled his hair out from under the collar, curls falling all over the place as he arched a brow. "Like this?"

"Airbrush it out? Then you must really think the photoshop people are excellent artists."

Rico put his hand to his chest. "Aiyiyi. Just like that, because if you don't look like a just-fucked rich-boy, I'll kiss your beautiful firm ass. Aden! Take a minute off from the bitch queen and let me know what you think of my mouse!"

Aden turned to look... and let out a low whistle. "Very, very nice. Now put some of the glittery gold cuff links on him, and he's ready."

"Ai, yes, yes." Rico rooted around in the little cabinet to his left and came out with the gold cufflinks. "There you are. You're ready now." A snort as he looked to Lex. "Which is more than I can say for your worse half."

"Fuck you both very much," Lex growled as he finished tucking his pants legs into the cowboy boots.

"Lex, have you lost what little sense you ever had?" Rico swatted his hands away, and pulled the jeans out of the boots. "There."

Aden rolled his eyes, and also untucked the shirt, yanking it out of Lex's waistband and smoothing it down the front. he fluffed the collar, arranged the undershirt so it covered the bruises on his neck, and smoothed the long row of buttons as well. Then he turned, and, the action giving him great satisfaction, he turned and set the cowboy hat on Lex's head, tilting it this way and that until he had it just perfect. "Don't you look like a Tejano dream boat? Mrowr."

Lex reached up and ripped the hat off his head and snarled.

Clark burst out laughing. He reached over, took the hat and Lex's slender waist both, and pulled him close for a ravishing, deep, stunning, hot kiss that made his blood sing and his body tighten all over. He kissed his lover until Lex was blind and deaf but for the taste of him, and when he pulled away he looked down into gray, stunned, foggy eyes. "Good boys are rewarded, you know."

Good boys. Rewarded. Didn't know what the *fuck* Clark was babbling about good boys and rewards for, where there was kissing and fucking to be done, and his hands slid up into Clark's hair as he kissed him deeply again. No words, just took another deep, long, soul-searing kiss from his aushna', grinding his lower body against Clark's in his want.

Clark very, very gently, but very, very firmly kept Lex's hips off of his own, hands cupping them both where the bruises were, and smiled gently into the kiss as he broke away from that too. "If you're a good boy, and do as you're told, I'll make you forget you ever had to wear a hat. Okay?"

Oh. "Blackmailer," Lex groused with a frown.

"But yet? You love me," Clark murmured, giving him one last warm kiss. He set the hat back on Lex's hand, took his waist, and led him out the door towards the camera's and Jean.

"Yes, I do, though at the moment I'm not quite sure why that is," he grumped again, and reached down to adjust himself through the denim and zipper of his jeans.

Jean was leaning against the paddock's wooden split-rail fence when Clark and Lex came his way, and he just shook his head. Two better lookin' boys he'd never seen, and he couldn't help grinning. "Ah t'ink you boys done well f'yourself in th' dressin' department. Clark, ah want you t'sit right back there wi'Adrian while ah get the pictures of Lex. And Lex, ah wan' y'to have a seat on de bathtub dere, and take off that hat in de process."

Vindication, and he yanked the hat back off his head again as he glared at Jean. But he went to the bathtub, and perched on the side of it, his legs stretching out to balance him.

Clark's lips curved and he pitched his hip to one side. it was *bitterly* cold out--though then again, it was October in Montana. Of course it was cold. It didn't mean Clark didn't want to go horseback riding though. Dammit, he'd brought coat and gloves for Lex for that very reason.

Regardless, he watched Lex sit grumpily, looking like sin on toast, and winked at him, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Lex couldn't resist sticking his tongue out at Clark, but was immediately chastised for it.

"Ah un'erstan' dat yer attach' to Clark at de hip, but ah need you t'focus on me, cher. Ah'm goin' to be de one wit' de camera."

"Yeah, he's the one with the camera," Clark teased.

"Fuck you," Lex snarled, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring.

"Ah t'ink tha's somethin' you an' Clark shoul' be discussin' wi'out my presence, so hol' off on' the sex until ah'm done wi' you both," Jean muttered, posing Lex's body just right.

"You don't want all of America seeing you pissy, do you? Besides, you look so cute with that hat. The hat... and the boots. I think I've got some rope we can use as a... lasso. Wouldn't you like that?" Clark leered, to get his lover smiling that sexy smirk of his.

Lex's lips did indeed curl into the smirk. "Only if I get to use to hog-tie you to the bed and not let you go for a week or three," he answered.

Jean just rolled his eyes. "Ah'm ready anytim' you wan' t'stop wi' the flirtin' and give me your 'tention."

Clark didn't bother saying Lex couldn't stop flirting even if he tried. Instead, because he couldn't tease Lex any other way, he lay a hand on the small of his back and rubbed the smallest bit.

That he opened the channel in their link for Lex to feel to stunning pleasure that gave him wasn't his fault.

Lex couldn't help hissing sharply as the pleasure through their link shot through his body, and he gave his aushna' the most evil look that he could. "Bastard," he muttered, *just* loudly enough for Clark to hear, and then deliberately turned his back on Clark and gave his full attention to Jean.

Jean gave a delicate cough. "Y'migh' want t'think abou' puttin' de hat dere in you' lap, 'less you want de worl' t'see jes how happy Clark makes you."

Clark rubbed sensuously against his spine, hip cocked like he was just resting, even as his eyes narrowed in pleasure. He rubbed the bottom of the lump, over and over, stroking softly until he sighed softly and his eyelids fell to half mast.

His lips were curved gently, innocently, as he saw Lex's smoldering face before he turned it away.

*I may kill you before this shoot is over,* Lex swore silently to his lover as he shifted the white hat in his lap, covering--well, at least partially--the inconvenient erection he'd gotten from Clark's teasing. "And I shall enjoy it," he muttered, but he plastered a smile on his face for Jean.

Jean just raised an eyebrow. "Come now, cher, you really don' wan t'look like yer abou' t'kill someone, do you?" he asked, raising his camera. "Oui, there we go, there is the smile." He turned the camera upright and started to snap pictures of Lex on the bathtub.

Clark was a little shivery. It felt...incredible, to be standing here in the middle of a group of people, knowing he was... doing *this* and he didn't know how he wasn't blushing, but... it felt so incredible. *Feels so good, Lex... everyone's here, if they knew... oh, this is so fucking hot, I...*

He rubbed a little harder, as if he were working out a kink in his back, when in fact he was living out a kink from his back. He stroked and rubbed, excitement bubbling in his veins, and he rubbed just enough to keep himself from producing that gross goo inside of him, though he wanted so badly to feel it, making his thighs slick and ready for Lex.

Goosebumps broke out over his cheeks.

Lex kept the smile on his face as he leaned back just a little on the tub, elbow resting on the edge. *I'm not going to explain to Aden why there are come stains in your black pants, Clark,* Lex answered a little crabbily.

*I'm trying, Lex... oh... I want...* He shivered all over, though it could easily be covered by the cold air. Cold air Clark wanted nothing more to do than make love in, and he almost purred as Jean photographed his lover. He dropped his hand from his back, regretfully, and squirmed the smallest bit.

*I know what you want,* Lex murmured softly, biting his lip and scraping the rainbow-colored mark across the rough, rusty rim of the tub, then pressed it sharply against his leg as he tried to use the hat to hide the rest of his growing cock as Jean took pictures.

Clark jerked, nearly biting through his lip. *No, Lex, no, the gooey stuff will ruin Aden's outfit, I don't know how to stop it, oh, please don't stop it feels so good, yes, please, god!* He carefully moved his hands in front of him, thankful for the long jacket, as he nibbled on his lower lip, shoulders tense.

*Tell them you're going inside to the bathroom. Once you get the pants off, let me know.* The smile curving Lex's lips turned into a wicked smirk, and he moved his hand so that covered the mark and left his hat sitting unattended on his lap.

"Ah don' know wha'cher thinkin' cher, bu' keep thinkin' it, cause tha's th'smirk I been waitin' fer," Jean said, the speed of his photographing increasing as he got what he wanted.

"I'm... gonna use the restroom," Clark said. If his voice trembled the smallest bit, well… the cold air could attribute to lots of things. He didn't wait for Aden or Rico to respond, just turned and, as calmly as was physically possible, walked across the gravel, grass, and back up into the house. He went down the hall towards the room Bruce had given them to use, locked the door behind him, and after a moments thought, shucked out of the velvet jacket too, toeing off his shoes, and let the pants drop.

He locked himself, as Lex had asked, in the bathroom. *Kay, I'm here.*

Lex didn't bother to answer, just pressed his thumb down on the mark, rubbing hard and then thrusting against it, increasing and decreasing the pressure against it as he smirked for Jean, and fought the rising tide of his own arousal.

Oh, God.

Clark's body flooded with the hot goo and he stumbled, bracing himself up on the sink as his cock rose hot, hard and proud. With the last of his good sense he peeled the satin shirt off, the fancy underpants, and stood in nothing but his drooping socks as he grabbed his cock hard and stroked. He whimpered softly, deeply, stroking hard, eyes closed tight as he leaned against the cold sink. Every part of him sparkled with arousal, arm, back, cock and ass, and his trembling fingers came back, sliding in easily and deeply, only two, stroking hard and spreading the muscles as he fisted his cock.

Lex kept casually thumbing the mark, pressing down on it, rubbing across it, and then, when Jean turned his back to change rolls of film with Adrian and get a new camera, Lex quickly licked his thumb, and rubbed the wet skin across the mark, grating hard as he could stand before dragging his nails over it.

Clark sobbed aloud, crumbling to his knees. he rested his forehead against the marble, fingers pushing deep, hand flying. His hair stuck to his forehead, his lips were bitten pouty, his skin flushed as he gave another soft cry and rubbed, squirming against both hands that weren't... enough. Weren't fucking enough!

He scrambled to his feet, fingers still tight around his cock but his fingers sliding free from his ass, and after rinsing them under the sink, he quickly went into the bedroom and dug through their suitcase.

Lex's favorite vibrator. Low, high, and Who Needs a Man?

Clark took it and locked the door behind him again, before licking his tongue over the entire width of it and sucking it in his mouth. It called to some part of him as he started to jerk his cock off again, sucking and slurping over the soft, fleshy plastic.

Lex could feel the thick plastic against his tongue, and he licked his lips as Jean started the second roll. "This is the last roll, right?"

"Oui, las' roll, an den ah'm goin' t'take Clark back into t'house, and pose him in front of de fireplace, an' ah'll see were we go from dere."

"Just making sure," Lex said, and resumed his casual pose on the tub. Taking a deep breath, Lex reached through their link, and with his own abilities, gave each of Clark's nipples a little tug before pulling back out again. *Slide it in your ass, Clark, and fuck yourself until you come,* Lex ordered.

Clark's nipples *throbbed* and it was that that caught his attention, enough to slide the plastic free from his lips, after a hard, licking suck, and deep into his ass. The hot, ecstasy of entrance was dulled because of his powers, but it didn't stop it from being unspeakably pleasurable. He moaned, soft and deep, working the dildo into his ass inch by inch, pulling out, pushing in, the natural lubrication of his body easing the way. It felt so wrong but so fucking good, and he flipped the vibrator on 'high' for now.

It vibrated all the way up into his fucking brain, and he whimpered, rather pathetically, humping against the hard plastic as he stroked his cock as hard as he could, knees splayed, forehead resting on the edge of the countertop. He didn't fuck himself, not yet...he let the vibrations work into his body, arouse him to heights of ecstasy.

Lex ground his thumb down roughly on the mark, biting his tongue to keep himself from whimpering as his cock twitched under the hat, making it move. *I thought I told you to fuck yourself, Mr. Kent,* Lex hissed in his head, sending a mental growl along the line. *I am not speaking simply to hear myself think. When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it, are we clear?*

"Yes sir!" Clark wailed softly, and taking the base of the dildo, began to gently fuck himself. In and out, hips rocking with it, cock abandoned so he could keep himself braced as he moved the cock in and out of his ass and held a hand to the wood, tightly. His sopping wet cock bobbed anxiously as he moved and pushed, moaning deeply, and sobbing out, on the pushes inside his body. "Yes, oh, God!"

*Good boy.* Lex's smirk deepened just a little, and he rubbed his thumb over the mark on his arm one last time before letting go and crossing his arms over his chest, bringing his knee up to hide his crotch as he leaned against his upraised leg.

"Ah shoul' tell you, ah t'ink you're in de wrong profession," Jean said, taking the last five shots on the roll of that particular pose. "Wit' de way you know t'move? Y'shoul' be thinkin' abou' modelin' mebbe."

Lex laughed at that, as soon as Jean tucked the camera away. "I sincerely don't think that I am cut out to be a model, but I appreciate the thought."

"Bastard!" Clark cried out, moving against the hard plastic harder, eyes closing. He breathed deeply through his nose, panting as he pushed and fucked and moved, wishing he had a third arm to stroke his cock but he *didn't* and it was dribbling everywhere and oh, God.

He climbed to his feet, shakily, nearly keeling over when his cheeks closed around the hard length sticking out of him, and very, very gingerly walked into the bedroom. After making sure the door was still locked he stretched himself out on the bed and fucked himself hard with one hand, short, jerking little thrusts, the other hand grasping his cock and moving fast, hot, and hard.

Jean just shrugged. "Didn' t'ink ah could convince you, bu' was wor'h a shot." He scanned the paddock and frowned. "Where's Clark?"

*In the bedroom fucking himself,* was on the tip of Lex's tongue.

But he didn't say it. "I saw him disappear into the house a few minutes ago; based on the breakfast and the amount of coffee and water he drank? My guess would be he's using the restroom and will be out shortly."

*Finish quickly, aushna', or I'm sending Jean in to get you,* he threatened sweetly.

Clark closed Lex out, closed everything out but the fantasy rolling through his mind and his hand hard on his cock. This one involved three Lex's, a vat of whipped cream, and his own very nubile young self. He pushed and moved, whimpering against it as he shoved the cock in as deep as it would go--Lex deep--and flipped the highest vibration level on.

He stopped fucking himself, and began coming, instead.

Orgasm leapt, rushing out of him, pleasure on it's heels. He clenched his teeth shut and spurt over his hard belly, eyes closed tight, head tipped back, fingers stroking his cock hard through his orgasm.

Lex felt Clark closing him out, and felt more than a slight sense of panic even though he knew his aushna' was unharmed and doing just fine. *Clark?* he demanded softly, waiting for an answer even as he stalked over to Rico, yanking off the unfamiliar t-shirt and jeans. Barely acknowledged Rico taking the clothes and tossing them into a basket for laundering as he handed Lex his real clothes back. Dressed quickly in his regular street clothes, pulled the long sleeves down over his arms, and strode into the house. *CLARK!*

Clark made a gurgling noise, splayed there on the bed, languid, muscles totally relaxed, eyes closed, dildo turned off but still lodged deep and his stomach covered with come. *Eh?*

*Are you all right? You shut me out; why? Are you okay? Are you hurt; did I hurt you?* Lex was striding through the house like a bulldozer, ignoring Jean calling out behind him and ignoring Rico as he slammed the door in his face as he stalked down the hallway.

*Perfectly. Divinely. My ass is kind of throbbing, though,* Clark admitted, and ever so carefully pulled the dildo free, letting it fall off the edge of the bed. He wiped his stomach with a stray sock from that morning and turned to cool down, curled in against Lex's pillow as he closed his eyes.

Lex threw the bedroom door open as he came into the room, and then locked it behind him as he sat down on the bed. "Clark? You can't go to sleep, baby. You're due to go in front of Jean's camera in two minutes."

Clark muttered something that might have been 'fuck Jean' or 'duck lean' for all the garbled sense he made from his face smushed into Lex's pillow.

"I don't want to fuck Jean," Lex said as he climbed onto the other side of the bed, and put his head on the pillow beside Clark's. "I also don't want Jean coming up here to find you and seeing your bare ass shining to the world."

Clark looked up...all wicked smirk. He had a… wicked craving, wicked, yes, and he ever so calmly grasped each of Lex's wrists, pinned them to the pillows, and slithered down to flick open the button of his slacks.

Lex was hard as stone. Clark. Smirked.

"You get off on teasing people, don't you Lex?"

Actually, yes.

"I'd say you were the one teasing *me,*" is what he actually said. "Rubbing the bump on your back, letting me feel how hot it made you, making *me* hot and hard while Jean was trying to photograph me."

Clark squirmed the smallest bit against Lex's body, lowering his lips to Lex's hard cock to gently nuzzle it with his lips. "I wanted you to punish me."

"Couldn't very well do that when there were people around, now could I?" Lex asked sensibly. "Of course, I could think of a few punishments for later... like strapping one of the dildos in your ass while we go horseback riding," he said with a wicked grin.

Clark's lips curved just as wickedly. "Now that's what I like to see. Naughty Lex," Clark murmured, and after one very gentle suck, he reached up to kiss Lex's lips gently and tucked Lex's pants closed, zipping them up, buttoning them closed, and gently patting the raging heat and hardness underneath. "Too bad you'll have to wait," he chimed, rolling to his feet and heading towards the bathroom, hips swaying.

"Or I could abandon you to Jean and Rico's tender mercies and jack myself off in the bathroom, rather like a certain aushna' of mine did," Lex suggested, rolling onto his back and sliding his hand down his belly to rub against his cock.

Clark peeked out of the bathroom. "Do it and you aren't getting fucked through the mattress tonight, Lex. Or do I need to repeat my performance of last night to get you to listen to me?" One brow arched. "I thought you had enough bruises."

"Oh, I think you need to repeat last night's performance," Lex said, the palm of his hand rubbing over the head of his cock as he grunted softly, arching into the caresses.

Clark looked out again, and seeing Lex openly defying his wishes made something hot, dark, and angry rise up inside him. He glared, all Kal, and after a look at the locked door turned to Lex again. His eyes, hot and furious green, burned. "I told you not to touch, aushna."

Lex didn't even bat an eye at the angry eyes glaring at him, just defiantly stroked himself through his pants again.

Oh. Oh, that pissed Clark *off*. "Jean will have to wait," he snarled, and without a moments thought, crouched over his lover and kissed the hell out of him, at the same time he ripped Lex's pants open at the seams. He yanked them down, ignoring them after they got past his knees and tangled in his shoes, and reached back, sliding his fingers into himself. They came back hot, wet, and very, very slick, and without a moments pause he pushed Lex onto his side and slid his fingers into him.

Lex shuddered as he recognized the anger and fierce pride in his aushna' that had been all Kal. He spread his legs as much as he could, feet trapped by the torn pants, arching into Clark's stroking fingers as he wiggled back against them, his hand wrapped around the thick shaft of his cock.

Clark wasn't patient. At all. He slid his fingers in, scissored them until he was satisfied with the pull, and then leaned over Lex's fetally curled body. He hoisted Lex's top leg up high after ripping the pants off, and sank in, at this strange angle, balls deep. He didn't stop moving until he'd pushed all the way in, piercing his lover deep, and then the fun began.

His fingers left welts on Lex's calf as he heaved it up onto his shoulder, keeping Lex open as he began to fuck him hard. Sharp, tight movements, hand holding Lex's shoulder steady, thrusting in deep, tight, all the way *in*.

Lex gave a sharp, keening cry of pure ecstasy as Clark's cock completely impaled him. Full, hard, his body pulled tautly around his lover's cock as Clark moved him, and Lex's hand stayed tight on his own erection, stroking rapidly as he rocked back against Clark as much as he could. "Fuck, Clark, fuck, harder, please," he choked out, the hand not on his cock going to his nipples to tug.

As son as Lex cried that, Clark slowed down. He let go of the tight hold he had on Lex's leg, instead twisting him around back onto his back, twisting him on his *cock* though the slickness inside kept it from hurting, and instead, carefully slid Lex's legs up over his shoulders. Gently, pressing trembling kisses to them, softly, licking and sucking as his cock grew rock hard in his lovers ass, and he gently rocked forward, burying himself deep. He leaned forward, his stomach to Lex's inner thighs, as close as he could get to kiss Lex softly, as he began to rock gently. Slow, even thrusts, careful and tender, feeling Lex's wet cock moving against his stomach but he wasn't too worried about that yet, just kissed Lex deeply, licking and biting over his mouth as he impaled Lex on his cock, over and over. Taken. Owned. *His*.

And one of these days, Lex was going to kill his lover for it. He whimpered softly as Clark stopped the hard, punishing thrusts that his body was craving, and turned them instead to slow, possessive strokes. He didn't protest the kisses, however, returning them with deep gusto as he arched into the bites and licks. The move had forced Lex to move his hands away from his cock, and now that Clark was pressed so tightly against him, he couldn't reach back down to stroke himself. He felt his cock twitching against Clark's belly and he rubbed against it, moaning softly and pleading for his lover.

Clark wouldn't give it to him. This was as much for love as for punishment, after all. He'd just come--he could thrust into his lover for a solid fifteen minutes if he wanted to, without coming. So he just moved at his own leisurely pace, licking and sucking over Lex's neck, over his throat, down to his shoulders as he let Lex's legs to go slide around his chest for more comfortable leverage as he moved. He stroked sweat-damp skin, hot little nipples, warm shoulders, and his beautiful lovers bare head, cupping it in his hands and bringing Lex close for a hot kiss.

Lex's legs did squeeze around Clark's chest and waist tightly, lifting himself up to eagerly meet every one of Clark's thrusts down, trying to encourage him to thrust faster and harder as he rocked.

The gentle touches did nothing to assuage the hunger growing inside him, and the hot kiss that Clark bestowed on him only caused him to twitch harder against Clark's belly, to ache even more for a hard, fast fuck as his tongue thrust deep into Clark's mouth, returning the hot kiss with all the pleading he was able to give.

The hot, writhing movements under his body made So hot. To know this beautiful man was squirming, needing him, aching for him, pushing pride aside to all but beg, made him hasten the thrusts, dropping kisses all over Lex's face, neck, and that gorgeous mouth, claiming it for himself as he thrust and moved, moaning softly into his lover's mouth as the clench of Lex's muscles made his eyes roll back in his head.

Oh. Oh, finally. Clark was moving, faster and a little harder, and Lex thrust up against it eagerly. His nails raked over Clark's shoulders in encouragement as he lifted into every motion. He kissed Clark deeply, swallowing the moans with fervid need as he devoured more and more kisses, his tongue dipping deeply into Clark's mouth. His heels ground against the little bump on Clark's back as he held his lover tightly, pulling him down and holding him tightly as he writhed.

"I love you," Clark whispered into his lovers throat, and very suddenly, all he wanted to do was sate his lover. He stroked all over, fucking Lex with the full length of his cock, his palms stroking Lex's hips, his tight thighs, and his *cock*, which he jerked and stroked hard. He rested on one elbow and kissed the hell out of his lover, hand moving between their bodies and stroking each of their belly's as he did.

"I love you," Lex grunted back, and then he couldn't help the quiet little scream that erupted when Clark's hand wrapped around his cock, jerking it just as roughly as he could have wanted as Clark started to pound into him. His cock jerked in Clark's hand, slickening it with dripping pre-come as he did, and his mouth seemed fused to Clark as they shared wet, hard, and deep kisses.

Clark began to thrust in earnest, keeping his orgasm back by sheer willpower, fucking his lover harder, faster, deeper, and let go of Lex's cock to do so. He moved hard and fast, sucking on Lex's neck and bringing up another bruise to add to the other fading ones as he moved fast, stroked Lex hard, pushing and moving as fast as he could without hurting his lover.

The pace was perfect; it was exactly what Lex craved. Hard, fast, kind of dirty, and altogether hot as Clark pushed himself just to the limit of his control.

The suck to his neck, and the tug of Clark's suction on the rising mark that Lex knew would be a vivid purple was pretty much the last blow to Lex's control, and he shuddered hard in Clark's arms. Mindless with want, now, Lex shifted under Clark, just a little, so that every long, hard stroke of Clark's cock pounded against his prostate.

It only took a few strokes. Lex's entire body convulsed once, locking up and squeezing his lover's cock tightly as it stroked into him, and Lex came. His cock jerked roughly in Clark's hand, spitting out stream after stream of thick white come as he shivered his orgasm out.

When Lex shuddered Clark did too, mewling against his lovers flesh as Lex became taut, trembling, locked up against him and coming furiously as if he'd never stop. Clark groaned, deeply, as Lex's body locked on him and sheer willpower. Sheer *willpower*. Kept him from coming. He cried out with his lover as Lex came, jets of white ribboning out on his stomach, and Clark groaned, his hand slick.

As soon as Lex's body let him go he slipped out of Lex's body and took hold of his cock, stroking it hard and fast, fist flying, his other hand still clenched on Lex's, where his lover was still coming.

Clark came just as Lex was finishing, and he aimed it so it fell all over Lex's crotch, mixing with Lex's, streaking Lex's crotch, belly, and with the last few tugs, he moved and shot them over Lex's cheeks, lips, and neck over the bruise.

Soft, but guttural moan as Lex felt his lover's hot come falling on his face. His tongue snaked out to lick at the come on his lips, the tip flickering down over his chin to clean it off as his eyes closed with the pleasure of it. He moaned again as he tasted each little jet, tongue straining to reach the source--Clark's cock-- as he let the other streaks linger on his skin, rubbing it into the bruises on his neck.

"You don't want to be licking that right now," Clark said hoarsely, as he slumped next to Lex. He let go of his cock and stroked over his lovers covered belly, smoothing the come into his skin as he panted for breath.

"Why not?" Lex asked, his own voice gruff as he strained for breath.

"Could get sick," Clark mumbled sleepily, stretching out beside him cozily. He set his head in the hollow of Lex's throat, snuggling close and licking some of his own come from Lex's jaw softly, eyes at half mast.

Lex's brow furrowed, and he looked down at Clark's head snuggled against his throat. "Clark?" He nudged Clark's shoulder with his own. "Clark, how can I get sick from your come?"

Clark opened one eye and looked up at his lover. "I meant sucking on my cock after I've just fucked your brains out," Clark said, lips turning up. "If you could get sick from my come I wouldn't have just smeared it all over your face." He stroked his fingers through the mess on Lex's cheek and lifted it to Lex's mouth. "Suck."

Lex's mouth opened and sucked Clark's fingers inside, his tongue licking along each long, thick digit as he sucked the come off, teeth nibbling lightly around the nail as he slurped.

Clark gave a sleepy, satisfied smile. "I wonder if your body changed because of this, you know. To deal with eating my come. If my pee is explosive, I wonder if there's something in my come too." He yawned deeply and pressed his face close to Lex.

"I don't know," Lex answered idly, letting his fingertips draw aimless patterns on Clark's hip and backside. "But I do know I was swallowing your come before my body started to change."

"Maybe swallowing my come made your body begin to change," Clark murmured, opening one eye. "Like your cock, so it could hit the good spots inside and be better for conceiving."

"That's possible," Lex agreed, and then he grinned. "I think it's also possible you're thinking entirely too much for someone who just had good sex."

Clark grinned, but only a little. "I'm trying to lull you into sleeping."

Lex shook his head as he kissed the top of Clark's. "Sorry, but the pitter-patter of little photographer feet will be up here at any moment demanding that we come down and get your pictures done," Lex pointed out.

"We're stinky," Clark mumbled, pushing some of his long curls out of his eyes. As soon as they were finished with the shoot, he was asking Aden to cut it short. He couldn't take the mess anymore. "And we're covered in come. *And* all the makeup is smeared."

"You are not going to get your hair cut short again," Lex said firmly. "You need a trim, and some thinning out, I don't deny that, but I won't let you go short again."

Clark glared upward. "My head."

"Mine too, you know," Lex pointed out.

"Nuht uh," Clark said, a note of whining in his voice. "I really do need to cut it. I look like a girl. Or a gay alien, which I am, but still. I need to cut it."

"You do not look like a girl," Lex said, tightening his arms around his aushna'. "You don't. What you *do* look is eminently fuckable with the thick curly hair. It makes people want to run their fingers through it, give it that just-fucked look, and then rip open your shirt and have their wicked way with you."

He paused.

"Or perhaps that's just me."

Clark grinned. Broadly. "If you don't want random people fucking me on the street, Lex, you'll let me cut it."

"If someone randomly fucks you on the street, I'll murder them where they stand," he said with a deep growl, his grip on Clark tightening. "But if they want to think about it? More power to them. Because you're *mine.*"

Clark preened into the possessive hold, the deep growl, squirming like a kitten in the cream at it. "All yours."

"All mine." Lex's voice was still gruff, and he snarled at the knock on the door. "WHAT!!??"

Jean's exasperated voice came through the door. "If yer done wi' fuckin' each other, ah'm goin' t'need Clark downstairs in front of th'fireplace!"

Clark groaned, buried his face in Lex's chest for a moment, and then climbed up onto one elbow. "Be there in a minute."


go on to the next part