
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 76: Preschool

Lex slid off the bed on watery legs; he loved being able to turn Clark on like that.  Loved even more being the one he worked it off with.  He walked slowly towards the bathroom.  "Meet me in the closet when you're done," Lex called, over the rushing water.


"O… Okay." He was swallowing... very delicately, and he stripped his shirts and jeans off, kicking a lone sock off as he got under the heated water. He scrubbed his face, cheeks, soaping up a hand towel and rubbing it over his chest. He was shaking with want, erotic and mindless, and he stroked over his belly and... and his cock, hard as rock. A quiet moan erupted from him as he washed his cock and balls... his little puckered hole, making sure everything was soaped down and clean.


Legs, feet, and he rinsed as fast as he could, wrapping a towel around himself, stepping out, and making a bee line for the closet.


Lex smiled to himself and opened the closet, then walked into it and opened the second half-door, across the way from his little toy room.  It opened up into a fairly spacious dressing room, and Lex sat at the small vanity table.  On it, he laid out a large variety of makeup in different shades of blue, teal, dark aqua, and all the other shades he thought would match his lover.  Off to the side was a black case, and Lex sat it on the table as well, flicking the latch open as he pulled out a long, silky red wig and shook the length down.


He hung the wig carefully on a hook on the table, and left the rest of his own personal stash in the case.  Crossing his legs, he waited for his lover.


Clark skid, much like Samson had, on the tile...and walked into the closet with plush carpeting on the ground. "Lex?" There was a small light coming from the back of the enormous closet, and what a guy would need with so much clothes still eluded Clark. He had three pairs of jeans and four shirts. That was about it. "Lex?" He stopped in front of the door, rivulets of water still slipping down his mostly dry chest, hair rubbed dry though it was now frizzing and sticking up in fifty directions.


Makeup. Oh, fuck.


"Finish drying off, Clark."  Lex smiled at his lover.  "Then sit down."  He inclined his head towards the other chair beside the table.  "I'll need to do a bit of color matching on you first."


He didn’t dare pull the towel off... but finding himself without another option, he pulled it off. And showcased, amongst dark black curls, a cock so hard it was darkening.


Clark swallowed hard in embarrassment, rubbing his chest and neck off… his face and hair, then leaned down to rub his thighs and legs dry, before tugging the wet towel back around his waist and swallowing. He tried to hide his red cheeks, sitting down in the chair beside the table and shifting nervously.


Lex leaned forward and slipped his hand under the towel, stroking his lover's hard cock.  "Clark, relax.  If you keep blushing, you'll throw off my entire color scheme.  There's nothing to be shy about, no reason for you to blush."  His hand didn't stop stroking as he leaned in close, studying Clark's mouth and eyes.


He groaned, very softly, eyes closing as his chest tightened. Oh, yes. He arched into the warm hand, swallowing hard as he opened his eyes and gazed up at his lover, murmuring, "We're about to put on makeup and dresses. This is where shy was made."


"Mmm... no, this is where kinky was made."  Lex stopped stroking, licked his hand clean of precome, and then wiped it on the towel before rubbing a thumb over the softness of Clark's lips.  "Hmm... you'll do without a moisturizer base; your soft enough already."  He picked up black tube, turned it upside down, discarded it, and went through four others before he came up with what he wanted.  "Here... let me see your wrist."  He leaned forward and kissed his lover deeply, tongue tasting and licking over Clark’s mouth, making it glisten.


Clark trembled as he watched that gorgeous little pink tongue slip out and lap at a wide palm, sighing with it heavily. He lifted his face a little bit to let his lover study it...then giggled. "Gee, thanks. I’m soft? Yay. That’s the most masculine comment you've--" Mouthful of Lex.




He kissed back, hungrily, fingers sliding up to cup the back of his bald head and hold him close as their tongues dueled. A dusky moan erupted from him, eyes closing as he rubbed the head of his cock against the towel, and mumbled absently.


Lex's hand slipped into Clark's lap, rubbing his lover's cock through the towel, jacking him with a handful of terrycloth.  He moaned softly into Clark's mouth, sucked hungrily on his tongue, thrust his own hips forward when Clark moaned. 


Then, with a whimper, he pulled away.  Just kissed and wet, Clark's mouth was the perfect shade of pink-red, and Lex picked up the tube he'd chosen. "Keep your eyes closed," he cautioned, and with an expert hand, he applied the lipstick to his lover's lips.


He was panting, hardly able to breathe with the kiss he'd just been given. His tongue darted out to taste his lover on his lips still, moaning again as his hips vibrated with the want to thrust up, and he mumbled about not being able to see anyway. His eyelashes lay on his cheeks, chest vibrating with his heaving little sighs and shakes, and he...something was rubbing against his...oh, God.


He stilled, waiting until his lover was finished, shaking with suppressed energy as he swallowed. "Are...are you.."


"Putting lipstick on you, yes."


It was soft… a little strange on his mouth. Like a coating, almost like the hot wax Clark had once experimented with...but softer. He couldn’t stop moaning. He didn’t think he could stop, his throat vibrating with it as he opened his mouth a little to his lover...and darted his tongue out, licking it a little as it was spread on his lips. "What...can I...the co-color?" Clark asked softly.


"Don't lick," Lex cautioned, rubbing color where Clark's tongue had licked it.  "I need to put the top coat on now, and then you can lick to your heart's content.  You can also kiss, suck, bite, eat, chew, and do all other sorts of things, because with this... your lipstick won't smear.  It's being patented as we speak, and it comes off with soap and water, not facial cleanser like that other crap."  He studied the fullness of his lover's lips.  "Color?  The name is called Starlight Pink, but don't let that mislead you.  It's close to your natural color, just... a few shades brighter.  I'm also going to use a bit of liner around your lips to shape the bottom one, make it just a little poutier, so hold still.  You can look when I’m done."


Clark was trembling was his lover spoke...and his palm went back to tent in the towel, rubbing against it as a shake raced through him. "It… it tastes... its not bad...not… its st-strange." He whispered, then kept his mouth still as the color was spread over it. "I can't believe... lipstick." Said so, so softly... and his fingers began to roam. They inched very gently up his lovers knees...t highs... his cock, rubbing at it with his fingertips as he pictured himself leaping up, mounting it, and riding them both to a hot, sticky finish.


Mmmmmm. And he moaned.


"Clark, behave yourself," Lex scolded, voice catching in his throat.  "I can't--I can't very well work if I'm riding your cock."  He swallowed hard, fighting to keep his trembling hand steady.  "And as much as I want to be doing that... I'd rather go out with you first and then ride you hard."  He put the brush down, satisfied with the liner and the fullness of his lover's lips, and then picked up the clear gloss and quickly brushed it on.  His thumb smeared a little of it over the crown of his lip, and then he sat back, sighing.  "There.  It's done, you can look."  He bent over then, hands bracing on Clark's hips as he pulled the towel off and deepthroated Clark as he looked.


Clarks eyes flickered to the mirror beside Lex's head...and watched, with a hard, heaving gasp, as he was met with soft, pink lips that looked like rose petals.


And Lex, with his bald head between his thighs.


"GRAH!" He cried, on top of his lungs, arching into the suck as he watched the mirror. My God, he was half in awe, because… he... he was watching himself get off. He was watching Lex, his lover, suck him off, and Clark almost couldn’t believe the expression his face had. Foreign, pleasure heating through him like knives of fire, as Lex's head bobbed… and the pleasure on his own face only intensified.


Lex slid his mouth up and down his lover's cock twice more before pulling his mouth away, and kissing the rosy, pink lips.  The gloss was cool against his own lips as his tongue pushed through, and let Clark taste his own precome as it lingered in Lex's mouth.  "Mmm... tastes so good, baby," Lex murmured into his lover's mouth.  "Next is eye shadow."


"N... no…" Clark was a hundred percent sure he whimpered, kissing back as hard as he could despite the strange feeling on his lips. God, this was what it was like for women to taste his lover, and Clark suddenly understood the feeling a hundred times better. Why women fawned after this man. Why he was so lucky.


He needed to get. Off.


"N… not going to...?..." Yep. He whimpered again.


"Oh, yes.  I'm going to."  Lex's smile was just a little bit evil.  "Every time you look at yourself, I'm going to."


Oh. God. "P... punish me? If I come?" He asked it softly, looking up at him with trepidation and desire. "Eye shadow?"


"And I'll reward you if you don't come until the end."  Lex rubbed his hand over Clark's thigh.  "Yes.  Eye shadow.  Followed by mascara and eyeliner.  Then foundation, powder, concealer, and blush.  Then hairspray and hair, and finally... clothes.  Yes, I know, I'm doing it out of the usual order, but it's what works the best."


His moan was long, vibrating, and he reached under the towel to give his hard, tight balls a vicious tug. He gasped… closed his eyes, worked through the pain of it as images... images of the both of them, having dark, hot sex dressed in skirts and heels and makeup, and... how would Lex's lips feel against his skin, covered in lipstick? How would his eyes look, covered in the black soot women covered them with, looking into his? How would his body feel, fake tits pressed into his chest?


He was going to die before this was over. Bury him now.


Lex merely smiled, kissing his lover's Adam's apple before sitting back up and going through his shades of eye shadow.  "Look me in the eye, Clark," Lex whispered softly, fingers dancing over the different shades he'd laid out as he studied.


He looked up, arousal and lust fogged deep in his expression, his mouth opening as he fought to breath properly. His cheeks were pinked up gorgeously, his eyes heavy lidded, and his tongue kept flickering out, tasting the lipstick his mouth was covered in, and trying in vain not to rub his cock.


Lex leaned forward and caught the flickering tongue between his teeth, tugging the tip into his mouth as he kept his eyes open, studying the deep colors that flickered in his lover's eyes.  "Ah."  Letting go, Lex turned and picked up a small compact with six shades of hunter green.  "Close your eyes, Clark, and hold still... I don't want to put your eye out doing this."


"Couldn’t. I-Invincible." Was his muttered, soft reply. Oh, the teeth had shot a fire of pure lost down between his legs, and he was barely able to stop squirming, thrusting against the towel as he grunted.


Lex rubbed the small eye shadow brush against the pancake of color, making sure there was enough silky powder on it to cover Clark's lid.  A few expert flicks of his wrist, and Lex had covered Clark's right lid in the color, and then returned the brush and reloaded it with color before repeating the process on his left lid.  Light puffs of air to remove the excess color from his skin, and then the backside of the brush to blend in a layer a little and Lex put the brush down.  "Do you want to look before or after the eyeliner?"


"After." There was no way on Gods earth that he was not going to come. No, no, no. Nooo. Images of it flickered across his minds eye, so caught in his lust that he didn’t remember that Lex could see too, just groaning softly as he envisioned Lex back between his thighs that hot day, wearing the leather and rising and falling over his hard cock. Oh, God.




The brush stroked over his eyes, and he was going to lose his mind, yep, lose it, lose it before the night was through, and come like a fucking race horse.


"You better not, Clark," Lex said darkly, peeking into his lover's thoughts.  "Because if you do, then you don't get to fuck me.  Nor will you get to see me take that big blue dildo... which I will do for you, if you behave yourself tonight and not come." 


And, just to be a bastard, Lex let a memory of the last time he'd used Big Blue filter into his mind--hung in a leather harness contraption, wrists bound to his ankles as a masked dom in leather greased the blue shaft and slowly pushed it into his ass.


Lex's hand was shaking as he picked up the small brass pot of kohl chunks.  He wrapped one small piece in a tissue from the table, and used it to draw thin lines around Clark's lower and upper lids, making his lover's eyes seem larger, starker, and more innocent in his face.  "Th--there.  Now you can look."


He was sobbing with want. He couldn’t help it. Each Breath hitched out of him was ecstasy, as he watched, fantasies in an uproar, as Lex shared something that had happened, happened to him. Oh, GOD.


It was huge, so big, huge, like a fucking pole, slid up inside of his lover and he couldn’t come. He couldn’t, couldn’t, if he wanted the live action show. Couldn’t come. Mantra. Good to go by. Don’t come, Kent. Don’t even consider it.


And as he opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror... his gasp this time was of pure surprise. His face... it wasn’t much different then normal, but at the same time, completely was. His eyelashes seemed longer... his eyes bigger and more innocent. His lips only added to the effect and it made him seem young, but at the same time, outrageously, completely… sexy.


Was that no coming, Clark?


Don’t even think about it, sperm. You're to stay inside, are we clear?


But....look. Please?




You suck.


As Clark looked at himself in the mirror, good as his word Lex bent down again, taking his lover's cock into his mouth.  Three long, hard sucks and he pulled away again, licking up Clark's stomach and then sitting up entirely.  "You don't even need the mascara, you bastard," Lex groused.  "You've got perfect lashes already."  Lex dropped the kohl back into it's pot and shook a bottle, holding it up to Clark's face.  "Mmmm... Clark, let me see your wrist again... I want to make sure this isn't too light for you."








He was aware, in the back of his mind, that he was whimpering. He was. His nipples were hard as rock, his chest ached with the need to come, to come, to come, and he barely heard Lex's words, struggling to keep control. He wasn’t good at it as a rule, but he was going to try, for Lex's sake. And because he didn’t want to be punished, as fun as punishment could be.


He blinked... offered his wrist, and tried to concentrate on things that weren’t of the sex variety. For instance, that vein throbbing in Lex's head. The door handle. The rug.


The vein that was pumping with blood going south, the door handle that led to the room with the sex toys, and the rug shaped like a penis.


"My rug is not shaped like a penis," Lex murmured, privy to nearly everything going through his lover's head.  He wet a small sponge with foundation from the bottle and swept it over Clark's wrist.  "See, now that's what I was afraid of.  Too light to go with your tan."  Lex rummaged for a moment, and came up with another bottle.  A new sponge, another dab on his wrist.  "Ah, there we go."  A swipe of a wet cloth across Clark's wrist and the makeup was gone.  "Now... close your eyes while I put the foundation on."


"K-Kay." Clark whispered softly, closing his eyes and waiting. Not going to come. Concentrating too hard. Mustn’t talk very much, or will lose said concentration. Cold makeup, makeup going ON his face, rug IS shaped like a penis, thank you.


"Rug is not shaped like a penis.  You're obsessed with penises, Clark," Lex said quietly, sponging the makeup on his lover, blending it in behind his cheekbones and down his throat, giving him a nearly indistinguishable makeup line.  "Blending is the key, Clark.  Most people, you can look right at their ears, and see the makeup line.  But you, love... you won't have one.  Because I've learned how to blend."  He scooted closer to his lover, maneuvering to sweep over his forehead and down his nose.


Blending. Something about blending. Yes. Makeup involved. If he weren’t totally about to grab a handful of it and jerk his cock off with it, he'd be listening. However, at the moment, he was trying very, very hard to stay focused on the objective. Which was, coincidently, not coming. He wanted to. God knows he wanted to. He was going to lose his mind if he didn’t, actually. But the torture of it gave him a thrilling pleasure, as was thoughts of Lex punishing him.


Nooot coming. Don’t think about it, little Clark.


Soft, wet glide of the foundation minimalizing his cheekbones, and Lex grinned to himself at Clark's thoughts.  He slipped in a very wicked image of him bending Clark over a chair, cuffing his wrists to the legs, and paddling him with a large, wooden paddle.  That's what will happen to you if you come, my aushna', Lex hummed.  "Do you want to look now, or after the powder and blush?"


"Mrahmph." The groan wasn’t under his control, hard and vibrating in his chest, and he squirmed as he tried to keep it. Don’t come, Clark. Don’t. No. Bad! But, oh, the pleasure of it would be so good. But bad! BAD! Bad, bad, bad! "A-after." He whispered, keeping his jaw up and his fingers on the base of his cock. He gave it a hard jerk every time he felt control wavering, trembling now as his body broke out with shivers and trembles... and moans slipped from his lips. "Le... Lex... P… please.."


"Please what, baby?  You want to come?  Need to?  Want me to get on my knees and let you fuck my throat as hard as you can, shoving in deep and making me swallow?"  Lex ran his fingertips over taut thighs.  "Want to hold me down, fuck me hard, make me pay for teasing you like this?"


"Yes, yes, yes," Clark gasped. No more games, please, he had to come, he had to, he couldn’t take this anymore, he couldn’t hold it, he wanted to get punished but he didn’t want Lex mad, no, he needed, oh, God, please.


Lex arranged himself on the floor, kneeling in front of Clark, hands held together at the wrist as though waiting to be bound together, heels pressing into his ass as he kept his head down.  "Then open your eyes and do it, Clark."


He gasped, flickered open his eyes... and looked into the mirror. He saw his lover. He saw himself. He saw red.


He was so hard he hurt, so hard, so hard, and all he could do was drop to his knees, and prayed that his sopping wet cock would be enough. He pushed his lover over, so far that his chest and face pressed into the ground. He had precome all over the place, and as he slammed in, he hoped he hadn’t, hoped to God his lover was okay.


And for the first time, found himself unable to stop.


He lay over his lover, pressing him into the ground, wide fingers clamping tightly around Lex's wrists and holding them like steel as he thrust. Hard, punishing strokes, giving but asking just as much, slamming in. Over. And over. And over.


Lex cried out in pained ecstasy as Clark entered him.  No stretching, no foreplay, but his body soon wrapped itself easily around the familiar intruder and hugged his lover's cock tightly. 


He squirmed under Clark, loving the feel of the massive weight pressing him down, the steely grip over his wrists that held him tightly bound and Lex let go, crying out softly, urging Clark to fuck him harder and faster, rocking back into the rough fucking as much as he could, begging for more, wanting everything Clark could give him.


His, his, his aushna' was HIS and Clark would be goddamned if he didn’t show him. His cock was pounding and pumping out, steady, ruthless, fast. He made sure Lex knew he was masculine, he was an alpha male too, as he stroked in and out of him as hard as he could.


His free hand wrapped around Lex's body, strong hip and slammed him onto his cock. Over, over, merciless, keeping him bound as he fucked him. Pure, mindless, and he felt himself let go in his mind, felt it even as he roared in the language of his people. Mine! YOU ARE MINE!


Lex whimpered, thrusting up and meeting Clark's thrust.  Primal cries of deep pleasure as Clark pulled him back onto his cock, and Lex would have reached back and wrapped his arms around Clark's neck had he not been pinned down. 


The roar nearly deafened Lex's thoughts, and for a long moment it was the only thing that rang in his head.  Then his answering cry, just as loud and demanding.  YOURS, MY AUSHNA'!  OAKENEPEL BELONGS TO KAL-EL!  His entire body screamed with it, arching up and pressing down.


"YES!" Clark screamed into his ear, pounding harder, faster... and he came. Hard, outrageous, he felt himself empty, balls screaming, throat screaming, MIND screaming as he thrust to the hilt...and climaxed. It was outrageous, hard and furious, and when he was aware of his senses, he snarled. Not done. Not done yet. Not. YET.


He pulled out of his lover, cock still dripping with what he'd just climaxed, growling as he turned him over and sat on his cock. It was tight but he felt no pain, wriggling onto his lover... sitting abruptly, and leaning over to pin Lex's arms above his head. Clark looked into those gray, storming eyes, and squeezed as hard as he could around the cock inside of him. You will not orgasm. Not yet. Not until I am ready.


Lex cried out sharply as he felt the hot flood of come inside him, and he'd never felt so sated before in his life.  His cock was still hard, throbbing, but he didn't feel the urge, the pounding need until Clark slid down on him.  He cried out again, eyes snapping open as he met his lover's hot glare, and he twisted up, offering his mouth, his throat, and his chest for hot kisses as he clamped down on his own urges, growing now that he was inside his lover.


Hurry, aushna', Lex pled.  I hunger for you.


Clark kept his fingers clamped around Lex's wrists… and slowly... softly... began to ride him. Not hard enough, but not to punish... to soothe, to give after that hard orgasm, squeezing his tight, hot length inside of him as hard as he was capable, with his strong muscles. Strong, carefully, and Clark, here, now, pink lip caught between his teeth...let his imagination run wild.


Lex spanking him. Hard. Wearing a collar for his lover, wearing a harness for his lover, a leash to be dragged. Offering his ass to any punishment he could think of, paddle, whip.


And with each fantasy, Clark did something he would only allow himself to do during this. He infused his lover’s muscles with his own powers through the power of his mind, sharing with Lex the speed, the agility, the invulnerability.


But, most of all, speed. As he began to thrust fast...faster.


Lex felt the power seeping into his body.  Felt himself moving faster, thrusting hard into his lover, sheath clamping around him. 


He screamed.  Inside himself, he knew he was not ready for this, and his mind screamed even as his body thrust eagerly, soaking up all the gifts that Clark was sharing with him, feeling the enormous responsibility settling somewhere in his psyche that Clark felt every day.  He felt Clark moving faster too, and Lex closed his eyes.  His body was moving too fast, faster than he'd ever moved before, strength increasing but still not enough to break the grip on his arms. 


Aushna'... I am scared, Lex cried out.  He pushed faster, harder, body ignoring his thoughts as he raced towards pleasure.  I want to come, please, let me come.


I am here, I am here, my aushna’ , Clark soothed, even as he pumped his hips faster, faster, orgasm he'd never felt building in his spine. It was hard, ruthless, pinpoints of agonized pleasure dotting all over his body as it began to build, as he felt his lovers hips racing. In his mind he saw Lex's fear and he grasped it, wrapped it around his arms to protect him, and rose and fell as fast as he could. Oh, God, oh, God, and he linked harder onto his love, keeping him with him, keeping him there.  I am here, do not fear, come, my aushna, come for me, Clark gasped, letting go of his lovers arms and bringing him up, wrapping his arms tightly around him.


Lex's arms shot around Clark's waist, holding tight to him and rocking hard, burying his face in his beloved's warm chest as he shuddered.  His cock twitched, throbbed, and then he screamed as he came, vibrating the harsh noise through Clark's body.  He held tightly, trembling and shuddering again as he thrust up, working the orgasm out of his body and into his lover's.


"MRAHHHH!" Clark's scream echoed right beside Lex's, as he sat abruptly on it, Lex's cock pressed to his prostate, and came. All over their bellies, it burned from the inside out... too soon after his last orgasm but oh, fucking Jesus it was good. His powers were sucked back into his body in that moment and he threw his head back, moaning with the pleasure, harsh pleasure, spine tingling as he mewled.


Lex whimpered as Clark's sheath rippled around him again, milking him again and he rocked forward as Clark came all over them.  His hands slid over his lover's back, clinging tightly, rubbing his cheek against Clark's shoulder as he felt his body deflating.  He realized an instant later that he was normal again, and he just gripped his lover all the tighter for being human again.


Clark held him.. .softly, gently against his body, and... and so maybe he giggled. He couldn’t help it--he was giddy. Oh, God. His belly felt so god, hot and sated, and he just wanted to lay down forever and sleep with the makeup and the sex and Lex's arms tied to the headboard. Mmmm.


He leaned in and nosed his lovers cheek… his mouth, then kissed him very softly, as the aura that protected his skin protected the makeup from getting smudged. Because Clark didn’t want to, and his body did as it was told. He gazed into his lovers cloudy eyes with his darkened, smudged ones, and moaned in appreciation.


Lex kissed back, hands sliding through his lover's mussed hair, keeping himself pressed tight to his lover.  "We're messy, baby," he whispered softly.  "I don't wanna move though."


He giggled, quietly, and rubbed his cheeks against his lovers chest, nibbling on perky nipples with pink lips. "I’m still horny." He whispered back, eyes dancing even as his sated body said otherwise. "Don’t wanna move. Wanna lay with you... sleepy... watch you fuck that blue thing.."


"Gotta move," Lex whispered, even as he arched his back.  "Gotta clean up... finish getting ready... go out."


"Like it?" Clark whispered softly, and they both knew it wasn’t about his licking those soft nipples. ...Even if he was enjoying them quite a lot.


"Like what?" Lex asked carefully, still holding on to his love.


"Moving fast." He whispered. His mouth traveled the length of Lex's torso...and as he reached his softening cock, he began to give it a tongue bath. His mouth moved over the base first, liking the come that had slid down it, and sighing softly in pleasure.


"It... It was frightening, Clark," Lex confessed softly.  "It was... amazing... but it frightened me... down to the depths of my soul."  He caught his lover's face with his hands and stared at him.  "I love you with every piece of me, aushna'... but I am frightened of myself and what I am capable of doing."


"Don’t be, baby." And in Clarks eyes was apology, deep apology, kissing him back as he laced his arms around him… rolled, and cushioned Lex up atop his chest, looking up into his eyes. "I’m so sorry, my AJ. Don’t be scared, we wont do it anymore." But the lat part of it had his eyes snapping up to his... brow furrowing. "Why are you scared, baby? You are a beautiful, handsome, wonderful man. We're all capable of darkness… its the way you deal with it that makes you who you are."


"Don't be sorry, Clark."  Lex curled onto the warm plane of his lover's chest.  "I'm scared because I don't trust myself with you... with what you can do... I'm scared because I don't think I can fight the darkness."  His hands stroked restlessly through Clark's hair.  "I have nightmares, Clark, dreams at night of things I do to you, and I'm frightened that there is the possibility they could come true.  I love you, but I don't trust myself with you.  You saw what I did while you were molting, and that's only just a little part of it."


"You can, baby. Know why? Because I am sitting here, with you, over two years of knowing you... and you haven’t hurt me, not once. Well, okay, that one time with the dead cows, but so not your fault." Clark nodded, reaching up to kiss the very tip of his nose. "I love you. You love me. And our love… it can fight anything, Lex, anything. Because its strong. You’re strong. I believe in you." He said it softly. "I trust in you. I know that as long as you love me, you can never hurt me. And as long as I love you...I'll try as hard as I can not to. Unless I’m drunk, or under the red rock’s  influence."


"That one time with the dead cows was one time too many," Lex said quietly, still clinging tightly to his lover.  "I trust you, Clark... I love you.  Your faith... your faith in me will have to be enough."


"No. Say it with me. Farm Boy and AJ can surpass all obstacles." Clarks face was trying to break out into a grin. "Come on. Faarrm booy and AaaaJjjj," He prodded.


"Farm Boy and AJ can surpass all obstacles," Lex repeated obediently.


"Good. See?" And Clarks smudged, darkened eyes danced up at his lover, as his mouth returned to its task. His tongue, wet, soft, hot, long, lapped over the softening cock, cleaning it of come. The base had been sweet as honey, but as he lapped down and over him, the musky, gorgeous scent and taste filled his senses until he sighed. The slit was so delicious to tongue, dipping the tip of his tongue in just, just a tiny tiny bit, lapping at it softly before down and around to lave his balls.


Lex shuddered, thrusting up against his lover.  "Cl--Clark... if you... you keep doing that... we won't... we won't get out of here tonight."  His hand carded through Clark's hair, mussing it as he stroked.


"Wanna wear a pretty dress." He whispered into those balls, mouthing them... then under them, cleaning them of the come he'd spilled. And he chanced a glance up. "Leather."


"How--how about a leather skirt?  Got one made... for you.  Mid-thigh length... not too short... not too long either."  Lex's lower lip was caught between his teeth as his body arched.


Clark waited until Lex looked at him… then sucked his lovers cock into his mouth. Limp, but he was cleaning here, and he wanted his lover to see... see the pink lips around his cock. He sucked once… kissed the head, then traveled little kisses back up the long line of his torso. "Made for me?"


Another arch that drove his cock deep into Clark's mouth, but pulled back before it entered his throat.  "Made... made for you," Lex grunted.  "The shirt you left... had everything made for you... using it for size."


Clark’s brows rose... and his smile, it was priceless. He lay his weight back onto his lover, pressing him down into the fluffy carpet, twining their legs as he sucked little kisses from his neck and throat. "Panties? G… garter?"


"Panties... garter... belt too... stockings."  Lex's throat arched as he tried to keep talking.  "Shoes... even... got a small set... fake breasts."


That was the clincher.


He moaned, hard, his whole body shaking with pleasure, and rolled off his lover, hauling him up. "Alright, come on, lets go, gonna get dressed, uh huh, uh huh." His voice hitched and his eyes were wide, linking his fingers through Lex's as they both straightened. "C'mon, c'mon, impatient here!"


Lex laughed breathlessly.  "Go... go to the bathroom... get a wet towel... wipe us both down... I'll lay out everything while you're gone."


"Kay, uh huh, okay," He whimpered, and letting go, he rushed out of the bathroom. Shakes and trembles were all over his body, goosebumped for the first time in a long time, and he ran his fingers through his hair as he walked into their bathroom… and got a really, really good look at himself in the mirror. Christ. He looked so different... sophisticated, older. Sexy, strange, different. He rubbed his thumb over his lower lip... watching his mouth pout, and his eyes widened in his face.


Smoky eyes, lined and big. He didn’t know his eyes could be this big.


He looked.... different. But very, very good. Huh. He took a towel from the shelf, moistening it under the tap... making sure it was warm and wet, before walking back to the closet. "Lex? Lex... I... I look sexy." Said with an almost quiet awe.


While Clark was gone, Lex stood unsteadily on wobbly feet as he went to the left side of the closet.  Four boxes got stacked on his chair--underwear, stockings, garter and belt, and finally the false breasts he'd promised his lover.


Then he started picking out clothes.  The mid-length leather skirt was over his arm when Clark came back into the closet, and he smiled.  "Yes... you do.  You look beautiful.  And when I'm done with your hair, you'll look even sexier... nobody will be able to keep their eyes off you tonight... any night, really."  Lex offered the skirt for Clark's perusal.  "Do you want a leather shirt to go with it, or do you want a different kind?"


Clark took it... gazed at it for a moment, and shook his head. "No. Something long, to the floor. Leather. Do you have anything like that? W..." And now he flushed, when he realized he was asking his lover if he had a leather skirt for him. Yeah, he was messed up. Heee, it was damn fun, and he grinned broadly. "A long one, with a slit. High slit. I’ve got nice legs, dammit."


Lex grinned, and rummaged.  "I think I might have something like you want."  He tugged something off the furthest rack in the back.  "Didn't think you'd like it, but I had it made to match mine."  A grunt, and the object came off.  It was a straight, flowing leather skirt, split from hip to floor, waistband studded with chrome.  He tossed it to Clark.  "That what you're looking for?"



Helloooo nurse. Clark gasped... lifted it up, and gazed at it. Sexy, gorgeous leather smooth as water, with silver stitching and the chrome waistband.  And it was high, really high, to show off his really great thighs. Or so Chloe told him. "She said I could cut diamonds with them once." Clark muttered to himself absently, gazing at the leather and sighing softly as he rubbed it against his belly. "Lex… we're really screwed up, you know that right?" 


"We're not screwed up, Clark.  We're healthy, unrestrained, and not-tight-assed.  We're not repressed."  He repeated his question about the blouse.  "Leather or non-leather shirt?"


"Not leather." Clark murmured, shaking his head as he looked at the leather with a sigh. Clark set it to the side, picking his wet towel up again and... and dropping to his knees in front of his lover. He gently, soothingly wiped the warm towel against his belly and genitals, cleaning them and kissing them as he went, until his lover was sparkly fresh again. "Put a little soap." He rose and did the same to his own, though much gruffer and male--scrubbing himself clean and dropping the towel beside the door to the closet until they left.


And he blinked. "Hey! Wait! I DO have a tight ass! Excuse me! Buns of granite, here!" 


"You're right.  You have the tightest ass I've ever had the pleasure of being inside.  But you're still not repressed."  Lex buried his smirk in the blouses, and pulled a sheer silvery gauze with hunter green trim on it.  Wide deep neck would draw attention to Clark's skin while the folds of gauze minimized his broad shoulders.  "Here... look at this."


"Ohh… yes." Clark gasped softly, reaching out to run his fingers along the gauzy shirt. He sighed, heavily, squirming as he itched to get it on, and bit his lip as blood began to pool back into his groin. "Lex... it feels good? All wrapped up leather and silk?"


Lex raised an eyebrow at his lover.  "You'll have to try it on and see.  But we have to try these other things on first and find what you like."  He pointed to the boxes on his chair.  "That's underwear, that's the garter belt and such, the third box is stockings, and the fourth one is your cleavage, so be gentle."


He choked a giggle behind his hand. "Words I never thought I'd hear you say, sweetheart." Clarks eyebrows suddenly perked a little, in fear of asking...but the desire of it had the words spilling from his pink lips. "Are... are we g-going to use your... your toys?"


Lex's other eyebrow rose to join the first.  "I hadn't planned on it, but if you'd like to, we certainly can."  He grinned.  "Right across the hall; pick out any two things your heart desires.  Just remember, they have to be wearable under these things."


"I don’t..." Inexperience sucked. "I don’t know what t… they do. You get them, kay?" Surprise me, lover. "I'll see...what underwear I like. N' stuff." A blink. "How do you hide your dick?"


Lex reached out and took his lover by the wrist.  "Come on.  We'll pick them out together."


"Yeah? I..I mean," Cough. "Yeah." He followed his lover, leaving his skirt behind, whimper, but they'd be back to it soon.


The Closet. The one where there were things that made Clarks libido run wild. How could he wear a skirt with a hard on? Holy crap. "M… maybe we shouldn’t..." He swallowed.


"No, we should.  There are ways to tuck it away, Clark."  Lex kept his hand clamped around Clark's wrist as he drew his lover behind him, into the toy room as he flicked the light on.  "Okay.  Look.  Ask, Clark.  It's how I learned."


He couldn’t open his eyes. Noooononono. Cause then, yes! Hard on! ...Too late. He opened his eyes and the blood pooled in his groin as the gasp tore from his lips. Oh, God. The harnesses, the dildo's, the gadgets he didn’t know. Oh. Lord. "H… how about I tell you what I want... and you can produce the product. Easier, cause if not, we're not leaving this room. Ever."


"Fair enough," Lex snickered.  "We'll have tutoring sessions later.  Hit me with your desires, beautiful one."


He shifted from one foot to the other, gazing at his lover... bald, gorgeous, smooth as honey, and whimpered. "I..I, um." Cough, cleared throat. "I want t-to... to be full. Inside. B... but not so I c-c-can’t sit."


"Mmmhmmm," Lex murmured.  Ignoring the dildo displays, he went straight for one of the drawers and pulled out a small oval shape.  He studied it, looked down at his own cock, at his lover, and then discarded it for a slight larger, slightly longer oval, and then pulled out a matching little black box with buttons.  "All right, Clark... brief lesson.  This is called an egg, for obvious reasons."  He placed the soft rubber egg in his lover's hand, and then pressed one of the buttons on the black box.  "It even vibrates."


Great googly moogly, he wasn’t going to make it through tonight. Clark just stared, blinking once with his large eyes as the oval, big in his hand, began to shake. "It...with the remote?" He stared up at his love, then down again. "It...oh boy."


Alright, and here came the humiliating part. "How... how doesn’t it... get… lost?"


Lex smiled, and moved one of Clark's hands to feel the flared base.  "Feel there?  How it narrows, and then flares back out?  That keeps it from going where it shouldn't."  He flicked a button on the remote, and a wire tail came out of the base.  "And this is how you remove it.  But if you're not comfortable with it like that... I have something else for you."  He dug back through the drawer, and came up with a rubber sheath, shaped like a thick, stubby cock.  "The egg slides right in here, and the sheath is what slides into you."


"You... you can still have the remote control with it?" Clark murmured, slowly fingering the shaking egg, and oh, fuck, how good it must feel inside. He trembled, fingertips of his left hand sliding up over his belly to pinch one of his nipples unconsciously, groaning softly as he inspected it. "I want… I want you to have the remote. I... I want..." He didn’t know how to properly say it, so he used his language. "You are my Oakenepel....but I am yours, as well. You are in control tonight."


"Yes... you can."  Lex shivered as the words slipped into his brain, through his consciousness.  Trembling fingers slipped the egg into the rubber sheath, and hit the remote again.  The vibration moved up to the top speed, and he put the moving thing back in Clark's palm.


"Oh, crap." Yep. That was just about the gist of it. The thing trembled and shook and this was going into his body?


Oh, crap. Oh, god. Oh, YES.


Clark immediately sank to his knees, handing the egg back to his lover and getting on all floors. "Inside, inside. Get it in, kay? " He whimpered quietly, leaning over further, presenting his ass to his lover as he got onto his elbows and spread his legs. "Get it in. I want to feel it. It'll stay? Won’t slip out?"


"It won't slip out," Lex said, grunting as Clark presented himself.  Lube was all over the place in the room, bottles and tubes, and Lex grabbed the nearest one and squeezed.  He slicked the rubber shaft well, turned off the vibration as he did, then slid his fingers inside his lover.  Come from before was still lingering inside him and that nearly drove Lex insane as he stretched, and then after only a few brief strokes, Lex positioned the head against Clark's opening and pushed.  He pushed forward, pressing until the rubber balls pressed against Clark's own, and then slapped his lover lightly on the cheek.  "There... it's in."


How the fuck he wasn't going to lose it when Clark did the same to him was a miracle known only to God.


It was thick... long. A little thicker at the base then his lover and Clark gasped softly, closing his eyes as he squirmed. The rubber balls felt entirely too fucking good against his... reminding him of when Lex had pulled him to sit on his lap and fuck himself. Oh, that had been… oh yeah.


OH, yeah.


Clarks moans were very soft, very, very soft, trembling as he clenched his muscles around the rubber and kept it in. In, in, in. He was stuffed full, and the thought of it had shakes racing all over him again. Oh, Christ on a cross, yes. "Lex..." He gasped it, closing his eyes as his cock dripped. His voice was muffled into his arm, and he shut his eyes tight. He reached underneath himself and tugged at his balls, willing the orgasm away, willing the need to taper off. "Lex... don’t... don’t pu-put the vibrator on yet... don’t want to come." Clark whispered hoarsely, and slowly... slowly straightened.


He wasn’t going to make it through this.


A keening cry of ecstasy vibrated off the walls as he straightened onto his knees, arms flailing out until he grasped Lex's arm. Full, thick, inside, not moving anywhere, the balls pressed tightly to his own and his body stretched open to admit the intruder.


Not. Gonna. Make. It.


Lex gripped Clark's hands tightly, pulling to him close and holding him.  "Baby, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," he whispered softly.  "You can pick something else, you don't have to choose anything at all."  He stroked Clark's hair gently.  "If it's too much, then it's okay."


Clark shook his head... once... twice... and when he looked up, his eyes were glittering wickedly. "Feels like... like when I sat on you, fucked me like that… balls pressed tight... mruh." Muttered quietly, as he slowly... veery slowly, climbed to his feet, adjusting to the size. Hello, nurse. He was going to have a vibrating egg thing inside him all night... and nobody would know. Just Lex.


Vicious thrill, that.


Lex nodded softly, and flicked the vibration button.  On and off, less than five seconds of vibration, just enough to tease his lover.  "Does it... now?"  He rubbed his hands over Clark's chest.  "And what do you want for me?"


"Guh! Oh! God!" Clark tried to grab for the remote, failed, as his cock swelled and hardened in an instant. He grunted in pleasure, closing his eyes...and he swayed his hips slightly, to feel the thing shift in him. Oooo boy. Hello, YES.


His eyes flickered up to Lex's, and they were just as wicked as before. "Something just as evil. Something yummy."


Lex held the remote behind his back.  "How about... matching eggs?  And you can have the remote to mine."  He grinned as he dangled the idea in front of his love.  "We'll belong to each other... you'll be mine and I'll be yours."


"Okay, yes." Clark nodded, enthusiastically, and tried for the remote again. "Uh huh. I say yes. Yep. And also, more yes."


Lex snickered, and thrust forward, his cock skating against Lex's as he kept tossing the remote hand to hand, keeping it out of Clark's playful grip.  "Then stop trying to molest me and let me pick it out... or do you want to pick the sheath it'll go in?"


At that he giggled, hauling his lover up bodily into his arms and swinging him around, planting thick, soft, warm kisses against his face and throat. "Christ, I love you. You pick it out, and I'll slide it in. Kay? And then we go try underwear, and you tell me how the hell you hide a seven inch dick into a skirt." Clark giggled it, kissing again as he continued to try and snag the remote. So not happening, because he wasn’t even trying.


"I love you."  Lex licked his lover's mouth, then bit down hard on his lower lip before wiggling out of his grasp and tucking the remote under his arm as he went through the drawer.  He knew what he liked, and aaah... there it was.  One hand had the silver three-speed egg, and the other had a rough, studded sheath.  He turned around to let Clark watch him slide the egg in, and he handed Clark the remote.  "Here... this one has three speeds on it.  Slow, Fast, and who needs a man?  At least... that's what the advertising for it says."  He handed the sheathed egg to Clark.  "How do you want me?"


Clark knew better then to crack up. Even if the noise sounded in his throat. He caught his lower lip in his mouth, tried not to say anything for a moment, even as he took the sheath thing with the bumps all over it. Oooo. Okay. Concentrate on not laughing here, Clark.


Oh, who was he kidding?


"Who needs a man?" Clark repeated softly, laughter sounding in the back of his throat as he pressed his lips together, fighting like the devil not to laugh. He sank to the ground, pulling his lover with him, and leaned him over, giving his lover the freedom to lean as far as he wanted.


Lex smiled innocently as he tightened his lover's fist around the rubber sheath, and then flicked the vibrator onto it's highest setting.  "Who needs a man," Lex repeated.


"Ah! Oh! HELLO!" Clark cried, gasping as his cock surged harder against his belly. Oh, boy. Okay. So maybe who needs a man wasn’t lying. His eyes widened and he choked on a giggle, squirming happily. "Okay, I get you. Take it off, I’m gonna slide it inside."


Lex grinned as Clark pulled him down.  He flicked the remote off, and then handed his to Clark, while keeping Clark's for himself.  He situated himself over Clark's lap, like a naughty child waiting to be spanked.  "I'm ready."


Lips curving softly, Clark slipped his thumb back to the little hole, wet with lube he squeezed on it, and slipped it inside. Squirmed it around, spreading the slickening lube around the hole over and over. Sexy as hell. Sexy as fucking hell. And leaned down, to bite his lovers ass again.


Lex whimpered, hips moving against Clark's leg, rubbing his cock on his lover's thigh.  "Mmm... gonna lose it, Clark... hurry, please."  He moaned loudly at the teeth on his ass.  "M-mark me!"


"I am." Clark chuckled softly, and slipped his two index fingers in full length, squirming them about and thrusting. It was still so wet and hot from their last session, and Clark groaned softly as he popped him again. Harder, twice... three times, and leaned down to take another bite, sucking hard on it to leave a purpled bruise.


Lex's ass jerked, tightening hard around Clark's fingers as Clark popped him.  Hot shivers wracked his body at the groan from Clark's throat as he felt the bite on his ass, and he cried out, wordless need as he arched into stroking fingers.


And Clark used Lex's arch to pull his fingers free, and slide the toy in. He pushed it as far as it would go, making sure it was snug and tight around his lovers balls… then leaned down, dragging his tongue along the distended, tight rim that was clutching the toy tightly. Oh, yes.


And he chuckled, as he turned the vibration on to the lowest setting. "Tease. This is for being a tease."


Lex yelled loudly again, ass bearing down tightly on the toy in his ass, massaging it with inner muscles.  He slid off Clark's lap as the vibration turned on, and he rolled onto his back, rubbing his ass against the carpeted floor.  He clenched his fists by his sides as he tried to figure out why, exactly, he needed to get up off the floor and not jerk off.


And Clark cracked up. How could he not? His poor lovers frustration was sending a thousand thoughts and images in his mind... most of Clark sucking him off, and he leaned down to kiss the tip of his sweet lovers nose gently. "Sorry, baby. Member? Leather, lace, makeup, hair?" Clark squirmed his hips, letting the toy he was sitting on stroke his prostate... and he gave that pleasure to Lex, only feeling a moment of it before pooling it in his lovers groin.


He was getting good at it. Just like Lex was getting good at it.


"Clark Jerome Kent... I think I'm going to have to kill you," Lex panted softly.  He let his hand grip his cock tightly, stroke it soothingly as his hips thrust gently, pushing his cock into his fingers.  "I... really don't care right now."


"Nooonono." Clark reached over and stilled Lex's fingers, shaking his head sweetly. "No. No orgasms. Remember?" He took off the vibration of the egg and wriggled it in the air. "Lace. Leather. Sex with me dressed as a woman. There's no orgasming for you, when I can't either."


"That is not a fair rule," Lex grumbled from his position on the floor.  He didn't even try and swipe his remote.


"I think it is." Clark giggled and rose to his feet, tugging Lex up along with him. "Do you..." Oh, and he blushed, as the dildo thingy shifted in him, and his heart stuttered. "Do you have, maybe nipple clamps? I c… could wear? Maybe?"


Lex moaned as he got to his feet, and his pleasure-deprived brain tried to comprehend what Clark was saying.  "Um... try... try the false cleavage on first... if there's enough room... then yes, there's clamps."


"Lex..." Innocently. "Can I try something?"


"You can try... anything."


Oh. Bad things to be said when saying that to an overhormonized alien.


Clark plucked his lover up like he weighed next to nothing...and turned him upside down. He grasped those slender, strong hips hard, hefted Lex up so his legs wrapped around his head, and sucked his lover down his throat.



Holy fuck!" Lex shouted as he was turned upside down.  Immediate rush of blood to his head, disorientated dizziness as his axis shifted, his hands braced on Clark's hips.  Before he could ask what or why, he felt the mouth sliding down the length of his cock and he cried out, biting his inner thigh before licking over Clark's cock. 


And yeah, so maybe he was grinning around that long, hard cock. He couldn’t help it. He kept his fingers locked tight on that gorgeous ass... flipped the vibrator on, and sucked. Hard as he could, lifting and lowering his lover so his cock thrust into his throat instead of Clark sucking him off. Easy pleasure to get him off, and somewhere in Clark's mind, it clicked that this was normal from wherever he was from. This was how it worked, because... they didn’t like laying down for oral pleasure.


God, he loved his lover.


He sucked harder, faster, billowing his lips and sucking as he slid down, then panting for air when he pulled Lex's cock up. Completely in control, but his lovers bucking hips helped.


Okay... Okay... Lex was just in the process of losing his mind, that was all.  He sucked blindly on the cock in his throat, blood pounding in his head, eyes shut as he felt Clark lifting and shifting him. 


Christ on a mother fucking crutch, he was going to die.  The vibrator flipped on, and Lex cried out, shouting muffled by the cock between his lips but he still cried out, sucking hard, hips bucking hard and nails digging into invulnerable skin as he whimpered, on the razor's edge of orgasm.


Oh. Oh! OH! Lex was sucking him! Oh, God! Advantage, Clark hadn’t been looking for it! Holy mother of God, he sucked harder, faster, fucking Lex's cock with his willing orifice, sucking him harder... as he flipped the vibrator to the who needs a man speed.


Hah. Apparently Lex needed his just the same. He'd giggle later. Now not time. Fucking. He slurped Lex's dick in, swallowing hard around it like his inner walls did before he orgasmed...and tightened those throat muscled around his lover.


Just like when he came.


Lex came.  Felt hot wet heat tightening around him, milking his cock, and he came, hard, shuddering as the vibrating egg inside him cranked up to it's highest speed and rammed straight against his prostate.  Howling his pleasure against Clark's cock, he kept the hard organ in his mouth, sucking it hard, fighting to breathe in his inverted position, and he didn't fucking care if he never breathed again, because he could die like this and be happy.


Clark held tight, breathing shallowly through his nose as Lex screamed below him...and he felt the organ expand before exploding. The hot cream slid right down his throat, perfect at his ankle as Clark kept his head tipped back and accepted it all....sucking harder to get him through the orgasm, to make it last, fingers tightening around his hips and ass as his lover screamed around his cock.


Oh. Vibrations. Oh, yeah.


Lex's brain was being sucked out through his cock.  He was absolutely sure of it.  All he could think of was sucking Clark's out in return, head sliding along the slick shaft, body shuddering as his balls emptied themselves down his lover's waiting throat.


And as soon as Clark felt his lover sag, he gently leaned down on the floor, and lay his lover down. Head rush, he knew, and he gently pulled his aching cock from those gorgeous red lips, letting his lover get his bearings back as he kissed and nibbled his lips... licking his own pre come from those soft lips.


Lex felt another disorienting rush as he was laid flat, and his eyes opened slowly, head throbbing as he sucked air into starved lungs.  "That... yeah."


Clark’s big green eyes, he made sure, were the first thing he saw. Plus, you know, the grin from ear to ear. He giggled, quite manly like, in his throat, rubbing his lovers cheeks softly as he kissed him. "Good?"


"Great."  He slid his hand down.  "What about you?"


"I’m" Going to fuck a hole through your floor. "cool. Don’t worry." He brightened, considerably, as the mental image made him grin. "I...actually plan on getting off to the lace panties. So... lace panties it is?" He giggled. "Is the blood out of your head baby?"


"Which head?" he groaned, sitting up and forcing his equilibrium to steady.  "Is it out of the head on my shoulders?  Mostly.  Out of the head on my cock?"  He dropped his head down to look.  "No."


Oh, Clark grinned. "You liked it?"


"I loved it."  The feeling of being suspended in the air?  A head rush.  "But it's really easier lying down."


"That’s not..." He paused, thinking a moment. "Not how you're supposed to do it. Make sense? I mean, I don’t think the people I come from like that. I do, hey now. But its like... its supposed to be dirty." Clarks smile spread, broadly. "I like that."


Lex raised an eyebrow.  "In English and not Clark-ese, please?"


Hee! "The people I’m from?  They like it upside down like that. Either way, though the woman is usually upside down."


"So my trusty Clark brain says." Clark nodded.


"I trust the Clark Brain," Lex said, not quite believing that he just said Clark Brain.  "But I am most definitely not a woman, thank you.  Even though I will be dressing like one shortly."


"I know." Clark grinned. "Though I don’t think you could lift me, baby."


"No, I know I couldn't, and I'd rather not give myself a hernia."


"Well, then? Off to the lace panties." Clark got to his knees, gently helping his lover sit up, and grinning. "Head rush. Don’t faint."


"Luthors do not faint."  Lex left his head resting on his knees.  "They do, however, stand up very slowly."


"I know. Lex, we can't get out of here." Clark was giggling. "We're going to have to wipe down again. I want to go out...can I wear heels?"


So maybe he was a little eager.


"Only if you don't twist your ankle in them," Lex grumbled.  "Which I did, the first time I tried to wear them."


"I can’t twist my ankle, Lex." He grinned and swiveled his heel. "Invincible everything."  And he suddenly choked. "You twisted your ankle?"


"Yes, I did.  I limped for a week."  Lex slowly regained his footing, and was surprised when he didn't pitch forward onto the floor.  "Come on... I have a lace pouch you'll love."


"Pouch?" Oh. "This... Lex, we're really going to do this. Oh, God." He squirmed around the egg and followed him, his palm resting on the small of his lovers back to keep him straight. "Lex, I want the nine. Come on. I want in that skirt."


"Pouch.  For your dick to tuck into.  Then you slide the panties on over it to hold it up."  He straightened his back and rubbed against Clark's hand.  "You'll get in the skirt, I promise you."  Suddenly, he took Clark's chin in his hand and stared.  "Bastard.  You don't need blush, either.  I hate you, Clark.  You look so fucking natural in this."


Clark couldn’t help grinning, broadly. "My mom always said I looked like what an angel would look like. She used to call me her angel… still does. I guess the eyelashes and the cheeks and the lips go with it, right?" A sudden blink, and a bruised ego suddenly flashed. "I don’t... I’m not girly or anything, right? I mean, other then right now?"


Lex looked at him honestly.  "No, Clark, you're not.  Occasionally when you blush very prettily you look more like you do now than your usual self, but no... you're not girly.  At all."  He slipped his hand down to stroke Clark's cock.  "There's way too much packing here for anyone to think of you as girly or effeminate."


He gasped...grunted and dropped his head to watch Lex stroke up. Mmmm. Yes. He sighed, softly, closing his eyes and mumbling for a moment before sighing. "Good. I don’t want to be girly. I’m not a diva, here." But when he looked up into Lex's eyes, there was thankfulness in them. "Thanks, baby."


"You're not a diva.  Well... maybe when you're molting and you have the whole mood swing thing," he teased, dancing out of the way.  "You'd give a diva a run for her money during that, but even still... not girly, just moody."  He dragged Clark bodily across the hall.  "Come on.  I haven't even gotten ready yet."


He cracked up and let himself be pulled, trying to be offended and just not being able to. "Hey! I resent that! Or possibly, thank you." And he pouted. "I was having stress. My skin was flapping. There is something wrong when your lover has to push your skin out of the way to kiss you."


"I just flipped it up," Lex protested, still dragging.  "I didn't push it out of the way, and even if I had to, it was worth it.  Kisses from you are worth anything I have to do to get them."  He pushed Clark into the chair.  "Okay.  Go through the boxes and find what you want while I make up."


He was pushed into a chair, and my, my, didn’t he like that. Okay. He was going to not tease.


His hard on was becoming part of his life, by the way. It seemed to always be there, whenever he was around his lover. ...And even when he wasn’t. Heh.


Clark grinned at that… and the grin slipped right off his lips when he realized the boxes were full of lingerie. Every color imaginable, and as he opened the first one… his fingers slipped down to begin stroking his cock. Whooaa boy. Lacy, provocative, sexy. Red, pink, black, white. Navy blue, maroon.


Oh, boy.


"I'd suggest the black pouch and black garters, since the slit's so high up and your skirt is black."  Lex picked up a compact of light green base, and stroked it with a very, very easy hand over his face, evening out the redness of his face.  Next he picked up the bottle of foundation and started sponging it on with a clean sponge, a shade nearly the same as his normal skin tone as he blended it along his jaw, up over his forehead, even onto the crown of his head.  That took several minutes, and when he was done, he looked over at his lover.


And Clark hadn’t stopped staring at him the entire time. The box of underwear, strong enough for a man but made for a woman, sitting in his lap. His hard on..had long since punctured the bottom of said box, and his fingers had dented the sides with their grip. He'd put the makeup on so easily, moving his mouth this way and that. Oh. God.


Oh. God.


Lex blinked, and leaned over, pressing Clark's jaw shut with his fingertips.


It snapped shut, and Clark blinked. Once. Coughed. And looked down at the box, where his cock was currently buried in. "Mmm." His voice cracked, hard.


"Would you like some help there, Clark?"


He couldn’t speak. No. Not right now. Now when he was so aroused his heart was going to beat out of his...collar bone. "Mmm?"


"Clothes, Clark.  Picking them out, putting them on?  What you're supposed to be doing while I'm working?"  He turned back to the mirror, picking up the compact of powder and the large powder brush, stroking the pressed powder over his face.


"O-oh." A moment. "I broke y-your box."


"I'll buy another one," Lex said, not even blinking as he stroked.  He leaned forward, examining his reflection, and picked up the blush next, drawing light lines down each cheekbone and then blending.


He looked into the box...spotting his cock peeking happily from the lace, and blinked at it once before picking up a lacey set of underwear. It was square cut and lacy… very pretty, which was almost mesmerizing, and the richest shade of red he'd ever seen. "Oh."


At the "oh" from his lover, Lex paused in his blending to look over.  "Those are nice.... that'll fit great over the pouch.  Or, if you'd rather have a jock strap, there's one at the bottom of the garter box--it's one of the newer strapless ones, but it still serves the same purpose."  He turned back to the mirror, and picked up his lavender eye shadow and brushing it on.


His nipples were rocks. Hard as diamonds, and he rubbed at them, shivering as he set the panties aside. Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh huh. "Matches? The... the underwear?" He said very quietly, looking up as his lover started putting on the eye shadow.




He stroked his poor cock amongst the lace, rubbing the head. I know, friend. Just wait, your time will come. Clark swallowed very, very delicately, shifting a little.


"Clark, everything matches."  Lex's eyes were closed as he expertly stroked on the eye coloring, then smoothed it over his lids and found the mascara tube by touch.  "You think that I'd have anything for you that didn't match?  No.  Call me anal, but everything in this closet matches something else.  Down to the fact that I have an outfit that will complement yours."


Oh, hee! He giggled at that, eyes wide, and decided looking at his lover was a no go for the moment. If he looked, he was ruining all the lacy things in this box. So he just opened the one beside him, looking inside it... gasping softly at all the bra's. "Oh. Will they fit... around my back? I've got a wide back." Lacy, red, lacy, red. Oh, Boy.


A deep sigh as Lex's wrist flicked mascara over his lashes, lengthening and fattening them, then quick flicks over his brows as well, giving them just a bit of color and definition.  "Yes, Clark.  I told you.  Everything is custom tailored to fit you."


He found it.


He keened in pleasure, lifting the one up. It was that same, the same color, blood red and sexy as fucking hell. Oh, GOD. This was it! Yep. It, this was. The cups were sturdier then he figured were made for a woman but he didn’t care. This. Was. It. The one he wanted. Oh, buddy. He opened the next box, peering into it.... garters. And belts. He needed a garter, yep, and he found the matching red one, doing a little wiggle dance in his seat... which shifted the dildo inside of him, and the moan that erupted him was very soft, and very deep. "Oh… I… I found it. I don’t know about hose, but I want the line in the back, up my leg. Okay?"


Lex opened his eyes at the soft moan and looked over.  "If you want hose, forget the garter belt; if you want to wear the garter belt, you'll have to wear stockings, which are in one of the other boxes."


"I want people to see the garter belt lines." Because he was feeling daring, here, taking the self esteem from his lover, he rose his chin. "I want people to see me."


Lex put the eyeliner pencil down and stared straight at his lover.  "They won't be able to miss you, baby.  Not looking as beautiful, hot, and sexy as you look tonight.  Nobody will be able to take their eyes off you."


"Damn right." A moment, as he looked into the box. "You know, until you came around, no one called me sexy or hot or those things." He shrugged his mountainous shoulders and peeked up at his lover before sighing at his dick in the box.


"I can't believe the people of this town were so damned idiotic as to not see what's right under their nose. You are all of those things, Clark... never think otherwise."


"I don’t." He grinned it. "I was just saying." And he shifted, pulling his cock out of the box, peering at the hole he made… wincing, and setting it aside. "I want… I want you... you to have sex with me. Dressed in all this." He nodded, and lifted the underwear, peering at it. "When you're done w... with your makeup, and I stop wanting to lick it off, will you help me? Or give me this pouch, and watch me squish everything...which can be very entertaining."


Lex giggled as he pursed his lips.  "Just a minute, let me do my lipstick, and I'll help you into the pouch."


"Wait...wait." Clark dropped to his knees in front of his lover, and kissed him. Very tenderly and passionately, his tongue tracing all over the inside of that lovely mouth, tongue meeting… letting go... meeting, then gently lapping all of his lovers lips. Tenderly and reverently he sucked, nibbled...bit, fingertips caressing his warm flank as he did so.


Lex dropped the tube of lipstick onto the table and brought his hands to cup either side of his lover's face.  Smooth, gentle kiss and his tongue wrapped around Clark's, tugging it, tasting and teasing it, moaning softly into his love's mouth as he did, fingertips stroking perfect cheeks.


Clark let go, gently, after several moments of it... and smirked at the red tint of his lovers lips, though his eyes danced happily. "Now you can pick what shade you want."


Lex looked at himself in the mirror, lips full, wet and red.  "I'd like to keep this look all night, but that'd mean constantly kissing you, every second of the time we're out."


Clark’s grin broadened. "You say that as if I wouldn’t mind. Pick a shade close to it, though...I love that just kissed, wet look you get." He nodded and climbed to his feet again... lifting the underwear like it was the biggest puzzle he'd ever seen. Woooboy. "Wow. Erm. Yes."


Lex discarded the color he'd chosen, and instead picked out a deeper, wetter red.  He turned the color up, smeared it delicately over his lips, blotted them against each other, and then glossed over it.  Then he smiled and turned to Clark, lips looking wet and shimmery.  "How's that?"


Oh, he blushed. Hard. Color rose up into his cheeks, across his naked chest, and he sighed softly. "Oh...oh, yes. Its...oh." He went over to him… rubbed him thumb across the bottom lip, then kissed him softly. "Oh, yes."


Lex returned the kiss, nipping at Clark's thumb and then pulled back.  "Okay.  Have you figured out the mysteries of the pouch, or do you still need help?"


"I don’t even know where it is. Help?" Squeak.


Lex giggled.  "Okay.  Let's see... you never did answer me, pouch or jock?"


"I... pouch." Clark nodded it, rubbing his too long curls from his eyes as he stood before his lover, like the mountainous gentle giant he was. "Cause. I just like the word. Pouch. Lex, how the hell does this work? I mean, really? Explain it to me as you help me into it, so I don’t balk and run to Florida."


"Well... the pouch itself is basically a sock on a string that goes around your waist and holds your dick up against your body," Lex explained.  "Here... let me show you on me.  You'll see."  Lex went through his own drawers until he came up with a black satin pouch and panties.  "This is what I'll be wearing tonight."  Lex bent over, stepping through the thin string of the pouch and pulling it up around his waist like regular underwear, and then taking a deep breath, he maneuvered his cock until it was tucked in the pouch, and it fell naturally close to his body, contained and tucked away instead of falling loose.  "Th--there.  Pouch."


"Oh." The drool had pooled into his mouth. "I...oh." He reached down, gently touching it as it was tucked away. "Do...what if you get a hard on?" He asked quietly, rubbing it a little as he looked. It was hidden away, completely, and...yeah. Wow. Oh, wow. It only accentuated his lovers long, thin torso, the concave, flat belly, and yeah. Okay. He wasnt going to lose his cool, nononono. Woo. No.


The panties in his lovers hand were like beacons for his eyes, and he bit his lip. "Can...let me see?"


"Suffer," Lex grinned softly.  "It's not that painful, it's just... it definitely makes you aware of what is going on between your legs."  At the whispered question, he nodded.  "Of course; come on.  You can see, look, touch."


Yeah. So Clark did. He couldn’t say no to an invitation like that. His fingers stroked the very slim stringy strap... then down, palming the tucked cock, looking at it as it was hidden from view and could form an unlined from. Oh, boy. His tongue flickered out… licked his lower lip, and sucked it into his mouth.


Okay. So. "H… help me in mine?"


Lex slid gracefully to his knees.  "You know, as much time as I spend down here, I need to pad my floors better," he mused quietly, and ran a hand up Clark's leg.  "Relax, baby.  This won't work if you're not loose."


"Got a hard on. Don’t want to come. Trying to relax." Clark grunted, looking down at his lover, reaching underneath his cock, and yanking on his balls.


EEEEEEEEEEP. Okay. So, maybe he could feel small flashes of pain. A choked squeak, swallowing hard and shifting his weight to the other foot, before shaking out his hands and letting himself relax. Relax, relax. Alright. Yay. "Okay... better." He chuckled. "Sorry. I’m good now."


Lex didn't say anything, instead just wrapping his hand around Clark's cock and holding it still.  He jacked once, and then let go, guiding Clark's feet through the thin strap and tugged it up around his waist.  Kissing the tip, Lex slid the pouch along the hard length.  "Now this is where it might be a little uncomfortable at first, but trust me, it'll get better in a second."  Lex reached through Clark's legs and tugged the pouch back into position.  It pulled Clark's hard cock with it, but instead of tucking back like Lex's had done, it laid as a hard weight against his thighs.  "Now... your panties will finish tucking it all the way up, and the support will keep it from feeling so uncomfortable."


"I... why... why not... okay, yeah, em… " Uncomfortable wasn’t quite the word. He was tucked and fitted and he whimpered, squirming as his cock fought to harden and his mind fought to soften it. "It..." He switched his weight to the other foot, and Christ Almighty he was so aroused he could barely see straight. So he did the best thing--closed his eyes, and tried to pant through it. "Not gonna come. Not gonna come. Not. Gonna. Come." He muttered. "Underwear, lets do it all. Wanna go out in the leather… wanna look so sexy for you."


"You can come, Clark... it would be a little more comfortable for you, and you can build the erection back up in no time."  He took the red lacy pants from his lover's lax grip, and held them out.  "Step in, one leg at a time."



"Nope. No coming. Wanna suffer. Am masochist." Speaking in short phrases for the Clark was never good, but he grinned and he took his lovers shoulder...stepping into the lace, and shuddering all over again.


Red panties. That he was going to wear. Alright. So maybe he'd died and gone to heaven. "You are my perfect aushna. No one else could understand this… want to do this. Thank you, baby. Thank you, so much."


Lex rested his cheek against Clark’s thigh for a moment, eyes closed.  He never knew how to verbalize the tight band of iron that squeezed his chest with happiness when Clark said those things.  "You're welcome," is all he said, letting what he felt flow into his lover. 


"Its the… oh... truth, this is the sexiest thing ever. Oh, my God." He grunted... groaned, and helped legs wriggle the panties up, fitting perfectly to his thighs, ass, and hips, dipping low on the belly and high on the hips, and oh, fuck. " got t-these sizes from my shirt?" He asked teasingly as he squirmed.


"I didn't; Rico did," Lex murmured quietly as he ran his hand over the red lace.  "He's quite skilled."


He groaned softly. The lace fit snug as spandex to his ass, molding it and... okay, so maybe he was going to lose his mind. His cock...when he looked down, all he could see were the barest of lumps, and it aroused him beyond measure. He looked… he looked like a chic.


Whoever said trans dressing wasn’t fucking hot?! "Okay. Fantasy. Hello." He murmured, rubbing his palm down over his smooth lower belly.


Lex mouthed the flat front of Clark's panties as he kissed his way up.  "Can you manage the bra while I pick out my clothes?  And then I'll help you with the falsies."  He rubbed his hand over Clark's, teasing his tummy and bellybutton.


"I look like... like… its all gone, flat, like a chic. Lex..." He looked up, eyes a little panicked and a lot aroused. "Is it okay to be this hot over that?"


"Oh, yes, Clark.  It's okay to be hot over that."


He groaned, and rubbed his palm with Lex's, over his muscle lined stomach and belly. "Oh, God. Its... Lex, so hot, oh crap, okay, bra? Bra, I can do. ...Sort of." He swallowed. He'd never taken one off a girl, or knew how it worked, but he could figure it out.


"Easiest way is to hook it closed in front, and then turn it around so the cups are in front and then slide the straps over your shoulders."


"Okay. Pick out your stuff, I can do this. I’m cool." He nodded to his lover, and picked up the red lacy number. It was stretchy too, comfortably stretchy, and Clark slipped it around his chest...pulling the two ends in front, and studying them. He was a smart kid, he could do it. Yes, he could.


Without saying a word, Lex leaned over, slipped the tiny hooks through the eyelets, and patted Clark's cheek with a grin before turning to his rack of the closet.


He glared lasers into his lovers back. Not actually! But he glared anyway. "I could have gotten it. I just... haven’t… ever. Okay, Chloe's once, but we were at the beach and a crab had crawled in. She was screaming, so I ripped it off, so it doesn’t count." He glared, tugging the bra around so it fit in front, and pulling his arms through the straps.


And caught a look of himself in the mirror.


Oh. God.


The red accented his skin to perfection. Flat belly, feminine… the bra, that were empty but looked like they were full. Clark gasped softly... panted.... and moaned.


"Remind me to have you practice on Chloe next time she's over," Lex mused.  At the moan, he looked over his shoulder.  "Clark... you're beautiful."


"I look like a giant chic. Not that its bad. And I have a wider chest. But… yeah." He was going to watch his lover. He turned... gazing at him, and squirmed at how tight and full and wrapped his entire crotch was. Interesting feeling, that. Making it through the night? Nooot gonna happen. But he was going to try, so he bit his lip and watched... grinning a little and biting his lip.


Lex felt the look between his shoulder blades.  "You look beautiful," Lex repeated.  He leaned in, snagged out a leather mini-skirt, a white blouse, the black leather corset from the other night, and from the drawer, his own set of false cleavage.  He laid it all out carefully on the chair back, and then turned around, picking up his black satin panties and sliding into them.


"Oh, Lex." Clark breathed softly. "You... yeah. You're so gorgeous. You have swimmers legs...look at you. Oh. I bet the guys lose their asses running after you." He switched his weight to the other hip and looked at his own clothes...then opened the box with the garters and things. "How is the Brandywine?"


"The last time I was there, it was a very exclusive club.  Only certain people get in--I happen to be one of them.  On Open Door nights, the list goes out the window.  They do check ID, but that can be gotten around easily."


"No... I mean... how is it? What’s it like? Do they dress good, bad? I mean, are there obvious gay guys hanging around?" A blink. "Stupid question. But you know... is there dancing, drinking? What do people do there? I’ve never been to a club before."


"There is constantly music playing--usually dance and techno mixes.  Yes, they dress well.  There are some bad dressers, but not many because of the exclusiveness.  Yes, there are.  Rico has been known to visit Brandywine on occasion, and you will not meet a more flamingly gay man in your life.  There is dancing, there is drinking, there is cocksucking and fucking."


"Yeah? Like, dancing, dancing? That’s kinda..." He grinned. "Flaming can be fun. You flame sometimes, Lex." Said ever so innocently, eyes dancing as he looked up...then, oh. Fucking. "Right there, in public? Fucking? People get out there and Right there?" Clark flushed.




"I do not flame, Clark.  And yes.  Dancing, dancing, ballroom dancing, dirty dancing, take your pick.  I've done them all there.  And yes... Right there, in public, on the floor, in the bathrooms, in the dark corners of the clubs.  I've done all those things, too."


Jealousy. Hot and hard, it filed his throat up like sea water, choking him for a moment as he struggled to swallow it down. Every time Lex alluded to his past, Clark wanted to grab him, push him against the nearest wall, and fuck him until he bled. It was hot, animalistic marking, territory, MINE, don’t touch.


But then the human side of him, the side that had been raised by Martha and Jonathan Kent calmed him, told him that everyone had a past and Lex wasn’t immune to that. And he could deal.


He could deal.


"You flame, I flame, Dominic and your dad start forest fires." Clark said lightly, grinning. "I like dancing. Drinking, no. I got sick the other day."


"Clark... listen to me."  Lex had felt a dark wash of that jealousy flowing through him, and he looked Clark straight in the eye.  "I belong to you, nobody else.  Things I've done in the past are just that... past.  You, you are my love, my present, my future."


"I know." He smiled again, tipped his head. "Its alien me breaking out of his cage to snarl. He's a possessive bastard." A serious nod, and he reached out to caress his lovers cheek. "I love you. You're everything, and tonight...we're going to show them who Lex Luthor belongs to."


And Clark paused. "I can call you Lex, right?"


"He can be possessive, Clark."  He rubbed his cheek against Clark hand.  "Human me likes possessive you."  He brought Clark's fingertips to his left nipple, where the scar had all but faded.  "I want you to be possessive; I want to carry your marks and belong to you, aushna'."  Then he blinked up.  "Actually, no.  You can't."


"I'll mark you again tonight." Clark smiled, this side of wicked. "What can I call you?"


"I have a variety of names," Lex grinned.  "Alexis is what I went by most recently."


"Alexis? Oh...I like Alexis." A squirm. "What about me?" He lifted the garter he wanted, black, and he'd seen his mom put these on enough. Back when he didn’t speak English, he could remember them getting ready for church, and she'd sit him on her bed as she got ready. She was always practical mom in practical panties, but there was something about the garter she loved.


Clark understood now, why.


He unclipped it, having memorized Lex's movement of the bra, and reclipped it low on his belly. Snug. But good.


"Then Alexis it is."  The first thing Lex slid into was the strapless bra.  He slipped the false breasts in, and then slid the oversized white men's shirt over it.  Loose and billowing, Lex quickly buttoned the cuffs and the bottom buttons, leaving the top ones open to show his cleavage.  Then... the corset.  He tugged the white shirt out the bottom of the corset, letting it flare over his hips as he buckled it and laced it up.  "Clark... I need to borrow your hands for just a minute... pull these laces tight, and then tie it in a knot in back."


"Wait." He couldn’t help it, not when the... yes. Clark buried his face in all that cleavage, and began to lick. His tongue, as if a mind of its own, lapped out and sucked, bit... found nipples under the plastic false breasts and bit, hard. Each one was given a stinging bite, and his fingers wrapped tight around his ass.... and he jumped. Hello! Cock wanted to rise, and couldn’t. He suddenly realized what Lex had said about an interesting feeling, and he moaned softly into the cleavage as he went around his lover to tighten the laces with shaking fingers.


Lex slipped his fingers through Clark's hair, petting and stroking as he arched softly, moaning and twisting.  "I love you, Clark."  He took a deep breath as Clark tightened the laces.  "There... that's good.  Tie them off there, and then I'll slide my garter and stockings on."


"God, you're so hot, you're so hot," Clark whimpered, burying his face into the back of his neck and biting. He bit the top vertebrae, then the back of his lovers head at that lovely knob, fingers sliding around the tight corset. He groaned and let his fingers slide down, over the lace panties, pressing himself up tight behind his lover and rubbing just a little.


Lex shook his head gently, rubbing against Clark as Clark pushed against him.  "No, baby... you're the beautiful one... I can't look at you without wanting you."  He slipped his hands around behind himself, gripping Clark's hips tightly and pulling them forward, grinding his ass against them.


"'ma sex maniac around you, can’t help it, sexy as hell, so sexy, impossible for you to be this hot, gotta get dressed, babbling," And he was babbling and he really didn’t care, peppering hot kisses down his throat as he rubbed his bound cock as much as he could, which wasn’t much, and dammit, he was losing his mind.


Breathing. Hi.


He let go, gently, willing himself, and grunted softly. "Gonna...yeah. Dressed. Gonna get. Get dressed." He swallowed, hard.


"If I could let you go I'd tell you to get dressed in the other room, but I can't not be around you," Lex panted softly as he separated himself from Clark.


"Me neither. Oh. Drug. You." Clark nodded this and picked up the leather skirt, swallowing hard. He slipped his legs over it… into it, and began to peel it up his thighs.


It was tight. Sinfully tight. It squeezed his already tightly packed crotch even tighter, and he groaned in delight as he slid it up his thighs. The slit was welcome, and he latched the chrome belt around his waist, tightly. The skirt… it was skin tight, and he couldn’t believe... yeah. Clark Kent, in a skirt.


Lex watched, slowly licking his lips.  "Gotta... gotta give Rico... gotta give Rico a bonus for this," he breathed, running his hands down the front of his corset and smoothing out the wrinkles before picking up a slender black garter belt.  He adjusted it low on his hips so that it would just peek out from under the mini skirt, and then rolled each stocking on, clipping it in place and holding out his fishnet-clad legs for Clark's inspection.


The slit rode high, showing the snaps of the corset he'd yet to attach to stockings, and a good dose of upper thigh...and a little crotch. Good. He wanted to make an impression tonight. He slipped into the gauzy, filmy shirt with the hunter accents, pulling it on over his head… and the cleavage was deep. Impressively so, showing off some of the red lacy bra. Hello, yes. Mrowr. He peeked down, looking at the effect, and decided… yeah. He liked it.


And at his lovers words, he giggled...and the giggle strangled in his throat. "Lex....impressive legs, baby."


Lex's toes wiggled at the end of his stockings.  "I'm proud of them... that's why I show them off."  He stood up again, shimmying the little mini-skirt up his legs and over his trim little waist.  The garter straps peeked out, showing a small bit of creamy thigh.  Shirttails billowed over the skirt as the corset pushed up the bra holding the false cleavage and making it even more impressive.  He pushed the billowy sleeves up his arms and used silver armbands to hold the cuffs halfway up his forearms.  The Napoleon watch was the only affectation of Lex Luthor that remained, and he picked up the red wig and adjusted the fit on his head.  "There."


God. He looked. Oh, God.


Oh, God.


Clark walked over, nearly tripped, righted himself, and snagged his lover into a kiss. Hard, passionate, violently almost, he grabbed him by the arms, lifted him to his toes, and kissed him. His tongue thrust in, over and over, stabbing thrusts as his blood boiled in his veins.


He was at a loss for words.


Lex's stocking-clad legs wrapped around Clark's hips, skirt pushed up just enough to grind his flat crotch against Clark's. 


"No..." He groaned it, very softly. "No, Lex, can’t... too... too tight, don’t... not yet." He whispered, and he was trembling. Packed too tight, balls and cock, and his ass was stuffed up hard and the skirt was so tight around him all he could do was shake. "Come… come on... help me, I want to go out with you, come on."


Lex left his legs wrapped loosely around Clark's hips.  "Can't help it... so hot, so hard, love feeling you between my legs like that, rubbing, so smooth and hot and hard."  He bit little kisses down Clark's throat, sucking on his Adam's apple, tonguing the flat of his chest as it showed through his blouse.  Slowly, he slid down Clark's body to stand on his own feet.  "Hair... gotta brush your hair, style it, brush out mine."


Clark couldn’t stop shaking. His lover had wanted to rub against him like this, he did, but if he let Lex do it, they weren’t leaving the house tonight. And he wanted...needed to. To show the world that he didn’t give a goddamn. He reached forward to suck hard at his lover’s pulse point… fisting his fingers in the skirt right above his lover’s ass, dragging it up so he could rub the gartered cheeks and the lacey underwear. "Mmmm. Brushing… mmm..."


Lex ground gently against Clark, rubbing the flatness against his lover's thigh as his ass flexed and twitched in Clark's hands.  "Sit... sit down.  Let me brush, I can do it, I won't jump you, even."


"Want you to." Clark whispered, but let go and followed orders.


Except sitting in the leather made him break out into heavy pants, and he gasped and trembled as he sat in it...and the slit rose high along one silky thigh. "Lex... legs… hairy? How?"


Lex rubbed his hands over his hips before picking up the brush.  "You... look in the bottom drawer.  There's.... there's a lotion in there.  Rub it on... let it sit for five minutes... rub it off.  Take the hair off too; it's okay, it won't hurt the stockings."  He started brushing out Clark's long curls, fluffing them with his fingers so they clouded gently around his face as he brushed the back out straight to curl just at the ends.


Oh. Lex's fingers in his hair were marvelous, and he did as he was told silently. The lotion was indeed there in a tiny blue bottle, and Clark rose each leg, grunting as the egg shifted inside of him, and rubbed it on even as he tried to think of something other then Lex's sinfully wonderful fingers rubbing over his scalp, tugging his hair.


Lex's fingers tugged and pulled Clark's hair, forcing it into the style that he wanted, and hairspray was next.  He shook the can, and out of habit put his hand over Clark's eyes as he sprayed the curls around his forehead and ears, keeping them fluffed and teased in place, shadowing the wide expanse of forehead and the deep slope of cheekbone.


The hair in the back Lex worked on next, fluffing it in deep body waves as brushed it, curling the ends to just tease the collar of Clark's blouse.


"Wish you c-could fuck me." Clark whispered a little mournfully, tipping his head this way and that as his lover brushed his hair. It was long, so he didn’t think it'd be too hard to style... but his mom, she took forever. And Chloe. Forget about ever making it to a movie on time.


The five minutes passed, and Clark took the lotion off...eyes widening huge in his head as he began to rub off his hair. "Oh, boy. No wearing shorts for a while." He squeaked, eyes widened in his head as he continued rubbing it off. His legs felt strangely numb, and cool, and he tipped his head, looking at them and catching his lip in his teeth. "Okay. I think... yeah."


He reached for the stockings, and because he'd watched his lover, began to slowly roll them up his legs. They snapped, easily, at his thigh, and his eyes were wide as he pushed the other side of the skirt up and did the same. "Oh. Oh, boy. If I weren’t sitting on my cock.."


"I j...just need my boobs. And... and shoes." Clark nodded it, looking up at his lover under the curls that he blew out of his face as it caught his eyelashes.


Lex dropped the brush at that.  "I wish I could fuck you too, Clark.  You don't know how much.  In fact, we'll be lucky to make it to the club before I fuck you over the hood of the car."  He finished teasing the mass of wavy hair, giving it a slightly feminine upsweep in back to accent the fullness as he sprayed it in place.


He couldn't help himself as he leaned over, breasts pressing against Clark's shoulder, and ran his hand over Clark's freshly denuded leg.  "Oh... oh, fucking Jesus, Clark... so smooth... just like me."


Oh. Okay. So. "Not... gonna... make it to the club." Clark panted, letting his head fall back as the breasts pushed into his arm. They felt real, soft and heavy, and he moaned hard as those long fingers slipped up his thigh. Fingers... soft and warm and gorgeous and he was a sixteen year old boy here people! His grip on his hormones was like his grip on higher math!


Clark gave a trembling, groaning moan, rubbing his ass against the hard seat, and swallowed reflexively. "Sh… shoes."


Right.  Shoes.  Lex's brain was working in single syllables.  "Shoes."  He pulled down a plastic shoe caddy that hung over the back of the door.  "These should... be the right size.  Saw your boot size... told Rico, he gave me these."


He went to his own side of the closet, pulled out a pair of black stiletto heels, and slipped into them with ease.


The heels was it. Clark let out a shattering, soulful cry, full of need and desperation, even as he hung his head and tried so, so hard to keep it in. No fucking. No fucking. He wanted to torture himself. No fucking for Clark Kent.


No. Fucking.


He got up, on unsteady legs, and walked to his lover, looking down at the boots. Black, with silver accents and hard laces. Gorgeous. Small heel... oh, yes. In a matter of moments he had them on over the hosiery, the boots reaching almost to his knees... and he sighed, heavily. "Mmmm."


Lex shuddered as Clark cried out.  The animal part of his brain wanted him to fall to his knees and suck and fuck and stop that agonized noise.


The part of him that was Oakenepel, the part of him that belonged to Kal-El wanted to go and hold his lover, soothe him, make him come over and over again until his needs had been sated by his body and his heart. 


He did neither, for the moment, drawing in deep, shuddery breaths as he turned around.  "Just... gotta get you filled."  Lex's heels tapped lightly on the carpet as he walked to the table and picked up the false breasts that were Clark's.  "Mmm... sit down one more time, baby... let me slide these in."


"G… gonna keep my eyes closed." Clark whispered, sitting down again and doing just that. Shutting his eyes, keeping a leash on his breaths, even as he spoke softly. "I love you. You are in control. I love you. I want you to make me suffer."


And God, he wanted to be tortured and teased until his temper snapped, and met Lex's, head for head. He wanted it--craved it, and he squirmed on the dildo as he offered his chest, shoulders thrown back.


"I will make you suffer."  Lex leaned over the back of the chair, pressing himself against Clark's back, sliding the cool silicone bags in place.  Just like feminine breasts, they had a soft rubber nipple that made small tents in the blouse that Clark was wearing, just like a woman's breast would.  As Lex adjusted the breast in the cup, he gave a merciless pinch to Clark's own nipple.


He let out a cry and threw his head back into Lex's shoulder, gasping as warm, erotic fingers pinched. Oh, Christ, save me. The breasts were heavy and strange against him, and he refused to look down. He wasn’t going to look. If he looked, he was going to come. "H… how big? Are t… they?"


"For you?  You've got the broad enough frame to pull off a small C-cup.  Mine?  Mid-size B."  Lex took pride in the fact that he could say that without strangling on the words.  He slipped the second one in, pinching the left nipple hard, just as he had the right, and adjusted the breast inside the cup.  "There."


"Big." Clarks tongue snaked out to lick his dry lips, moisten his dry mouth, and his eyelashes fluttered...and squeezed when Lex pinched again. "B...big." He said again, slightly more gruff, and his throat worked as he swallowed down the saliva pooling in his mouth. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sex as chicks. Best. Fantasy. Ever.


"Stand up.  You're... you're going to brush my hair out."  Lex put the brush in Clark's hand poked him in the shoulder.  "Think you can stand that?"


"Yeah." He whispered it, climbing to his feet slowly... flexing his ass around the rubber in his ass, the cock pressed tight to his body, and turned to look at his lover. Saw the mounds on his chest out of the corner of his eye. Refused to look. "Come here. Just b... brush it normal?"


"Just brush it normally."  Lex positioned himself in front  of  Clark, and his finger slipped into the small pocket of his mini-skirt, flicking the egg on and off in a second.


"Guh! Oh, God!" Involuntary gasp as he grabbed Lex's shoulder… straightened, and gagged on a second gasp. "Bastard. On purpose. Horny." Clark muttered, and began to brush the wig out. Long, steady strokes, just like he'd done to their horse Penny for years, and it wasn’t hard to get the tangles out and get it gleaming, straight, and shining.


For a very, long moment, Lex wanted the wig to be the messy tangle of hair he'd grown before, just so he could feel the calming strokes of the brush through it.  He seriously needed calming right now.  "Yes... I am a bastard."  He flicked the remote again, and then clenched his ass tightly, expecting his own to be flicked on in retaliation. 


Except Clark couldn’t think, grasping his lovers shoulders again and crying out in ecstasy. The egg rubbed against his prostate, vibrated and titillated, and his cock tried to rise and couldn’t, and it was a VICIOUS CYCLE, a cycle and he HATED IT!


Alright, that’s a lie. He was in heaven, and now he remembered, pulling the remote control from the nightstand, and flicking it on.


Lex strangled on a cry of his own, choking down the scream that tried to tear out of his throat as his cock filled, arching painfully against the bindings holding it against his body.  The tight bearing down had done nothing to mute the effect of it, and his lower body moved uncontrollably, his hips rolling as he tried to ride the vibrating toy in his ass.


Oh. Oh, yes.


Clark dropped to his knees, stockings and hair be damned, raising Lex's skirt to watch him move. Watch his ass flex, watch his hips buck as they tried to rock into the toy, feel the desperation and heat in his blood through their link.


He was an evil boy, so he reached between Lex's thighs, rubbed the bound cock head through the lace and silk, and spiked the level up to the second highest vibration.


No choking it back this time, and Lex's scream reverberated in the small room.  The touch on his cock was searingly, achingly painful as he hardened further, and his ass clenched down tighter on the toy.  He couldn't grip the remote to Clark's; thought was beyond him, other than getting off.  Which he couldn't do, because goddamnit, the toy couldn't thrust inside him, couldn't pound his ass hard and that is what Lex needed.


And Clark… shut the toy off, soothed his lover with gentling strokes against his ass cheeks, and rose to his feet. When he pressed his mouth to the shell of his lovers ear, his lips were curved. "Okay. Sufficient revenge. You kay baby? Don’t wanna get off until later, not yet, not yet, okay?"


Lex tried to slow the rolling of his hips with Clark's gentle strokes, but it was no use.  Dear God in Heaven above, he was hot.  He hadn't been this hot... well, ever, that he could remember.  Deep breaths.  In and out.  Clark.  Clark was talking to him.  "I'm... as okay as is possible for someone who is on the edge," He said softly, sucking in a shuddering breath.  "Let's go, before I do something stupid, like throw you against the wall and fuck you raw."


Oh. Clark grinned smugly, eyes dancing, licking at Lex's lovely ear, jaw, cheek, and neck. "I can feel you. Like... barely able to co-contain yourself, and…" He pressed the breasts into Lex's back, the ones he wouldn’t allow himself to look at. "And its so... its arousing, baby. So arousing. So sophanli. Like… like, good inside. You’re aroused cause of me... cause we're doing naughty things and its so hot." Clark murmured, softly, and finally... finally looked down.


He had breasts. Okay. Just one look, and he snapped his head back up. "I’m not going to come." He said it automatically, instead snagging his lovers hand and starting to lead him to the door of the closet. "I am not going to come."


"We aren't going to come," Lex amended.  The last thing he grabbed on the way out the door was two beaded black handbags; long with a strap for Clark, and a strapless clutch for himself.  "Don't forget your wallet; just drop it in your handbag.  Everything else you need is already in there."


"Not going to come. Not going to pretend I have a handbag." Clark nodded and pulled the long strap over his head, not bothering to look in the mirror, though anyone would think he was just gorgeous. His hair had been curled and teased around his face, sitting sexily along his ears and right over his eyes like he'd gone to a salon to get it done. Boots were heavy and clunky, but it went with the style, and the leather skirt just barely scraped the floor as his bare, hairless thigh said helloooo to the world.


"You need to see what you look like, Clark," Lex said softly.  "I want you to see.  I want you to know... how beautiful you are."


Clark stopped, on the way out of their bedroom... and looked back, where the free standing long mirror sat in the corner. "I... but... not c-coming?" He whimpered.


"You won't come.  I won't let you.  I won't even tease you."  Lex looked up into his lover's sweet eyes.  "But it's important to me, Clark... I want you to know how beautiful you are, know that I'm going to be the envy of every person there because I am the one on your arm."


Clark bit his lip again but nodded. Yes. He had to. He walked, very tentatively, back into the bedroom... stopping beside the mirror before getting in front of it for a moment.


And slowly, ever so slowly, he walked around to the front... and gasped. It wasn’t him standing there. My God. Leather, breasts, clunky boots and the hair, and… he could see himself, there, the farm boy who wore ripped jeans and flannel and had mussed, curly hair. But right now... that person had become this elegant, glamorous... thing, and his eyes were wide as he looked at himself.


His palm traced, up his bare, sexy thigh (of which he wasn’t ashamed to admit looked good), up his flat crotch, where surprises were tucked and filled inside. Up his quivering belly… over his breasts, and he gasped, hard, tracing them with both palms before up to his face… mouth... hair.


"N...not g-gonna come." Clark moaned.


Lex's slender arms wrapped around Clark's waist as his chin rested on Clark's shoulder.  "Do you see, Clark?  How beautiful you are?"  He turned Clark around to look at him, back to the mirror.  "You are this beautiful to me every time I look at you.  I don't mean with the makeup and the hair... I just mean you.  All this decoration... it's only that.  Decoration.  It's only bringing out how beautiful you are inside."


Clark nodded, several times, eyes wide and so innocent, and had he have seen them he would have blushed. But all he could do was let his mouth tremble open, gazing at his lovers done up eyes, where inside was his Oakenepel, and he set his forehead on his lovers. "I love you, Lex, Oakenepel, my aushna'. I love you, you, so very much."


Lex used his grip on Clark's waist to bring them closer together, chest to chest, groin to groin, holding him tightly.  "I love you, Kal-El," he said quietly.  "My only." 


He beamed, hard, holding his cheeks in both hands, rubbing his thumbs against cheek bones as he grinned. "Lets go out and have fun."


Lex nodded, kissing his lover's hands as he turned his head one way, then the other.  "You can pick the car... you can even drive."


"Yeah?" Oh, he giggled. "I can drive?" Those kissed fingers slipped down to wind around Lex's, and now he felt a little shy, a little embarrassed, a whole lot aroused. "The Aston Martin? The metallic black one?"


Lex gripped his lover's fingers tightly.  "Yes.  The Aston.  The metallic black one.  Any car in the garage you want."


"Okay. Lead the way?" He grinned again, even more shy, twitching in his leather and rubbing his fingers along the chrome belt.


Lex laughed.  "Come on."  He caught Clark's hand, tugged it gently, and dragged him out along the way to the garage.  






Lla la la la la! Burp burp! Burp burp! La la la la laaa! Burp burp! Burp burp!




Alright. Look, here, people. If the belching wasn’t catching his aunties attention, nothing was going to. Shaney was bored here! Play with Shaney! But noooo, she head to be all... doing whatever! Doing something to the tops of her fingers and watching dumb people dance around on the TV! HELLO! Shaney is in the HOUSE! Come look at HIM, not dumb boys who were dancing! No!


Darn it.


Where was that fuzzy candy that ran around and yelped when you needed it? Mmmmm. It tasted like chocolate! Especially the treats he left everywhere. Why was no one finding these things? And why did his daddy make faces and yell at him last time he found one and was trying to suck it? What was wrong with them, anyway?


Adults were so weird.


Shane sighed. Alright. If no one was going to pay attention to him, he was just going to have to... there we are! His pamper came off, greatest of ease, and he wriggled his bare, dry, powdered butt in the air. Auntie never put them on right, anyway.


Heeee! Lookit me, my weenie is in the air!


HELLO! Pay attention to SHANEY!


Shayla was bopping happily to MTV when a bare baby butt got shoved in between her and the TV.  "Shaney!" she yelled, waving her nails to dry them.  "What in God's name did you do?  Where is your diaper?"  She picked him up, only smudging one nail.  "C'mon, kiddo... God, you're an attention whore, but I love you."  She blew a wet raspberry on his bare tummy.  "C'mon, let's go get you more diapers, and see if you can't stay in them this time."


Graham had left Shane's diaper bag in the kitchen, beside the fridge where the bottles were kept, and Shayla flew Shane over her head as they bopped downstairs, humming.


And she nearly dropped the baby when she saw Clark and Lex going out the side door.


In dresses.  And a wig.  And... okay.  That was it.  She grabbed the diaper bag with one hand, and the telephone with the other.  Brief pause to think, and she dialed Pete's number from memory.  She tucked the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she hefted Shane up again, tickling his chin as she all but ran back to the bedroom.


Whoa! Hello! Running was to be had here, HEEEE! Shane cracked up, squealing as he grabbed his auntie’s now strangely colored hair, sucking on it as he wriggled his bare tushie on her arm. Yay! They were running at the speed of sound! Like Bush Lightbear! YEAH!


"Ross residence." A deep, though young voice said.


"C'n I speak to Pete, please?"  She rubbed her cheek against the phone as Shane chewed on her hair, and she paused at the foot of the staircase, wondering just how in the hell she was going to manage the climb.


"May I please ask who's calling?" That same, liquid honey over an open fire voice said. A singing voice, it was, and that’s how CJ made his living these days. Gospel singing, on campus at Notre Dame. The young girls voice made his brow peak, however, and a hand rub over his goatee. Peter had looked a little strange lately, a mixture of sorrow and love, and CJ suddenly pegged the answer.


Heee. Love was fun.


“It’s Shayla,” she said.  “I’m a friend of his.”


"Hold on just a sec, Shayla. He was just finishing in the shower....he's been talking about you nonstop for the past week."


Shayla almost made a comment about naked Pete, but then realized that it might not be a good idea to mention naked Pete to a family member.  But she blushed, bright red.  "R--really?  My brother's the same way, he's ready to you know, strangle me if I mention Pete Ross one more damn time," she giggled. 


"Seems like its going around." CJ chuckled, and knew his brother was going to wring his neck, as he poked his three year old brother and mouthed to him to go get Petey. "Pete told me you're starting school here in're really going to like it. I graduated from there about three years ago, valedictorian."


"No way!  I didn't know that!  Yeah, I'm going to be startin' on Monday.  Between Pete, Chloe, Clark, and the big blond brick wall--can't remember his name--I've got classes with people I know, so that's not gonna suck.  Plus, Pete's promised to show me around so I don't get lost."  She was totally unaware of the dreamy, sighing tone her voice took on when she talked about Pete.


But CJ was, and he almost choked on a laugh when his brother came skidding, towel hooked around his waist, down the hall and into his room.


Sudden leap and Pete had jumped on him, wrestling the phone away, and bumps, yells, curses and a suave, "See you later, Shayla." Before Pete yanked the phone away.


"Shay! Hey!" Pete snarled at his brother, stuck his tongue out at the little one, and hooked his towel back around his waist as he stomped to his room. "Did Chris give you any lip?"


"Pete Ross... did you know that Clark Kent wears dresses?"  Forget the niceties.  She had to dish.




Pete closed the door to his bedroom, threw the lock for good measure, and stripped, jumping on the bed and sighing at his cool, lovely comforter on his still damp skin. "Uh… well, once, when we were like, 6, he went through a kilt phase. Kinda funny, now that I think about it. But what’re you talking about, Shay?"


"I just saw Clark and AJ walk outta here, dressed up like a couple of hookers on their way to Hollywood Boulevard!  They were in leather and boots and heels!  And Lex had on a red wig and MAKEUP, Pete!  Clark looked prettier than I do!!" she wailed.


"Shayla! Christ! I didn’t want to know this!" Sudden horrid images of slut red lipstick and pumps and latex and Pete rolled over, burying his face in a pillow. "I didn’t need to KNOW THAT!"


"AND I DID?" she wailed again, and then sucked in a deep breath.  Shane, where was Shane?  Ah, there he was, bare ass trying to crawl off, and she picked him back up again.  "DRESSES!  Leather!  Boots!  Stiletto heels!  Makeup!"


His auntie was screaming. When people screamed, Shaney booked. Except Auntie had this way of grabbing him. Darn her.


"Don’t tell me anymore!" Pete wailed. "No more, Shayla! I don’t want to picture my best friend… and... GRAH!" He bellowed. Oh, fuck. Could he ever, ever, ever look at his best friend in the eye EVER again!?




"Fine.  I won't tell you about the fake tits."


Pete was bellowing on top of his lungs as he hung up on his girlfriend.


Shayla stared at the dead phone in her ear.  "He hung up on us, Shane-O."  She tucked the phone in her pocket, slung the diaper bag back over her shoulder, and situated Shane against her chest.  "Come on.  We'll get you re-diapered and asleep, and then we'll call him back, kay?"


"Cookie?" A little sniff, and Shane held his hand out to her. Come on, lady. Remember the Oreos, don’t mess up on me now. "Cookie?" How was it that his auntie was the only one who knew what the heck he was talking about, anyway? He felt insulted.


"Cookie, huh?"  Shayla dug through the diaper bag and came up with a slightly battered Oreo cookie, and passed it to him.  "There you go, kiddo."  She kissed him on the cheek, and then stuck her tongue out at the phone.  "Let's go get you diapered up, and figure out ways to make Pete feel bad for hanging up on us."


Alright, see? YES! That was SO cool. Shane immediately turned the Oreo into a third world country disaster, with chocolate all over his face, hands, arms, legs, neck, hair, ears, butt, and feet. And was having the time of his life. He squealed and munched, little tongue licking at the creamy goodness, kicking his feet as he ate. YES! YES! YES! Fresh pamper, and an Oreo! Make it an Oreo and a formula shake, and Shaney was going to be passed out before you could say 'his diaper smells'.


Which, of course, it was going to.  Shayla changed directions, and headed towards the bathroom.  "Okay... change of planes, kiddo.  Bath, then diaper, then Sulking at Boyfriend."  She hummed as she carried the squirming, chocolate-flavored Shane down to the bathtub, already scheming over how to pout effectively.


The cookie had disintegrated into piles of sticky goo all over him, but was Shane worried? Naaaaah. Besides, he was sleepy, and when he was sleepy, the world was a really great place. Everyone sang to him, and cuddled him, and fed him formula just right. Sometimes he lived to fall asleep and get songs from people.


Except his bestest friend. His bestest friend never sang...he told him stories. Couldn’t understand a word, but man, the rumbling in that big chest made him pass out EVERY single TIME.


Shayla turned on the warm water, ran just enough water to cover the bottom, and sat Shane in it.  "Kid... you managed to get that cookie everywhere but your mouth."  She dug out a washcloth and baby soap, and started scrubbing him down, cleaning him up and making him shine.  "Go ahead, take a pee in here before I put the clean diaper on you, we'll rinse your butt off again."  Not that he had a single clue, but hey... she could hope.


Are you kidding? As soon as he plopped in the water, popped a bubble on his aunties arm, and tried to eat the washcloth...he peed. Weee! HEEHEH! LOOKIT IT GO!


He burst out laughing, trying to catch it and failing, squealing and splashing the water with his hard as he could, breaking into giggles all over again as the water sprayed. "COOOKIIEEEEE!"


"Eww!  Don't splash it, Shane-O!  That's advice that'll hold you good later on in life, too, by the way.  Ladies do not like splashers."


"Psssshhh?" Shane blinked at his aunt. What on Gods earth was she saying? Splashing? He LIKED splashing! Why couldn’t he splash?!


His chin began to quiver. Oh, God. He did something bad. Don’t be MAD! He was just SPLASHING!


"Come on, kiddo... it's okay."  She leaned over and kissed one wet cheek.  "Splashing water?  Good.  Splashing pee?  Bad."  She picked him up out of the dirty, yellow water, drained it, and ran fresh water, rinsing him off gently under the faucet and then kissing him again.  "Splash away in this, my friend."


Ohhh. But his pout had made him sleepy, and he sniffled at his auntie, lip sticking out as he sent her the big old puppy eyes. C'mon, auntie. Feed me, he was going to crash, and he really didn’t want to be in the bath when he did.


Shayla grinned.  "Tired you out, huh?"  Shayla made sure all the soap suds were rinsed off before wrapping him up a big fluffy towel and resting him against her shoulder.  "Food, right?"  She drained the tub, humming softly and singing under her breath.  "Why does everything have to be so complicated?  Your actin' like someone else gets me frustrated..."  She hummed the song, singing along every once in a while as she carried Shane back to her room, and got the bottle from her bedside table.  "C'mon, let's eat."


See? Singing! Singing INVOLVED! He was toast. He snuggled Shaney style up to her, sighing as he rubbed him and yeah, warm? Cozy anyone? Holy smokes. He rubbed, grabbing onto her hair in a chubby fist and sighing.


And sighing himself, right to sleep.


Shayla laughed softly, and left him snuggled in the towel, laying him on the bed as she quickly and carefully changed him, then tucked him into a blue footed sleeper and into her bed.  Then she glared at the phone, grinning.  She had a boyfriend to make squirm.


Picking up the handset, she hit redial.


The phone rang beside his head. Pete knew who it was. He did. His phone line, his phone, not anyone had it but Shay and Clark, and since Clark was out in... oh, Christ, it had better be Shay.


"I am never having an erection again."


"Good, because you won't be needing one for a while," Shayla sniffed.  "You hung up on me."


And Shane was, limbs spread, snoring.


"It was gut reaction. That or no more erections for a year." Pete said, muffled half into his pillow, in the same position he'd been in.


She sniffled again for good measure.


And Pete sighed. "I’m sorry."


"I know you are, sweetie."  She grinned at the phone.  "I can't stay mad at you, even though Shane and I have sworn we're not speaking to you."


He grinned, crookedly. "No more talks of skirts and dresses, okay? You’ve skewed my perception of Clark until the day I die. I know Lex is faggy like that, but Clark? I’m appalled. And ashamed."


"It was kind of hot, and that's my last word on it," Shayla said, zipping her lips.  "You know, you ruined a perfectly good sulk when you picked up the phone?"


"How are skirts on guys HOT?!" Pete almost bellowed. "Don’t you get any funny ideas! None!"


"Just something about the whole genderfucked thing that's kind of... well... sexy."  She grinned at the bellow.  "Don't worry, Pete... I don't want you in anything but your birthday suit."


"And no heels!"


"Peter Ross, the day I ask you to wear heels is the day pigs fly outta my ass."


Oh, thank God. "Oh, thank God." Pete breathed, and rolled back onto his belly, staring at his ceiling, which he'd taken Gina down thank you.


"I'll just watch AJ in his stilettos and be happy."  She couldn't resist the last needle.




"Peter!" A pause.  "Should I call and tell Chloe?"


"NO! Shayla, don’t pass this around! I’m pretty sure Clark doesn’t even want YOU knowing!"


"He was parading through the house, into the garage, and out in a car with Lex.  Now unless they're going to do a backseat tango, I think a lot of people are going to know!"  And then, she winced.  Largely so.  "Fuck.  Pete... I'm sorry.  Forget I said that, okay?  Let's just... pretend I didn't swallow my size fives and move on to another subject, please?"






He swallowed, a little harder then normal, and closed his eyes, his body tensing and his mind sobering. "Its cool. But no, don’t tell anyone… its his private life, and you don’t have a right to go in and spread it around. Whatever he does with Lex should stay with Lex, no matter how much I hate that bastard."


"I won't tell anyone."  She sighed.  "AJ's not all that bad, Pete... he's nice to me, and I know why you don't like him--at least, I think I do--and while I can't blame you... don't blame him either, okay?  Would you want to share me if you didn't have to?  And hey... do you want to come over?"  She sighed again, and ached to hug him.  "I didn't mean to say that, Pete, really... I just... say what comes into my fat head and don't think."


"Lex did some bad shit to my family, Shay. Him and his father both, they fucked us over on a level you won't ever understand. They fucked us over, and I don’t like people who fuck me over." He was quiet a moment, and sat up, letting his naked legs hang off the side of his bed. "Its late, Shay. We can get together tomorrow, though, go eat somewhere."


Shayla sighed.  "Okay.  You're right--I don't get the family stuff.  I just... hate to see you guys at odds with each other."  She curled up in the bed beside Shane, hugging him instead of Pete.  "I--I don't want to end the conversation this way, Pete."


"We don’t have to. I don’t have to get for a while... its about, what, ten thirty? Yeah. I can hang out with you until I fall asleep." And Pete rearranged the handset, sighing softly and laying back down. "I missed you today."


"I missed you too."  Shayla pulled the blanket over her shoulders, and sighed.  "I got so used to having you around here... it was so weird for you to be gone."


"Everything...the left side of the house is completely ruined. We have to get new furniture, redo the carpets, the nine. The bedrooms were all alright...our guest room is flooded with water and snow that me and the guys shoveled all day."


Shayla winced.  "Anything I can do to help out?  We made it all right here."


"No, I don’t want you getting hurt." Pete shook his head. "My parents bedrooms is a little damp, and Andy is sleeping with CJ tonight cause his bed got wet and he refuses to sleep in a snowy room. So, other then that, nah." His voice was groggy and soft, and he slipped under his warm covers, snuggling under them and sighing.


"I won't get hurt."  She snuggled down too as she heard him, and she smiled.  "I love you.  You are just... so wonderful, always wanting to protect me.  A black knight in shining armor."


Oh, he snorted. "Thanks. If it helps, you pretend to be a great damsel in distress."


She grinned.  "Thank you, handsome knight."  She laughed softly at his snort.  "But I'm serious... you are wonderful."


"Gotta do what I gotta do." His eyebrow perked, and even though his voice was sleepy, he asked, "What’re you wearing?"


"White t-shirt that is soaking wet now, thanks to Splashing Shane Senatori and jeans," she grinned.  "I'm going to have to change soon."


"Is he being a good boy?"


"He's fast asleep, snoring like a freight train," she answered, holding the phone down to his snoring little face.


Snooooore. Shift. Baby lip pucker. Sigh.


Pete couldn’t help the chuckle. "Poor little guy, he was sleepy. He's really a great kid."


"Yeah, he is.  Gonna miss him when he goes but at least he's comin' back."  She shifted.  "Graham asked me if I wanted to go back with him and pack my stuff up.  But I told him no, I trusted him to pack it for me.  Don't think he was too thrilled but he'll survive."


"Yeah." I don’t want you to go. "Ready for class? Two days."


"Yeah, I think I'm ready.  I'm going shopping this weekend for a backpack and a new outfit; wanna come with me?  I'm askin' Chloe, too, if she wants to go, and I'd love it if you came along too."


"Two girls. One shopping trip. Why is this ringing of being out for six hours?" Pete grinned into his pillow and shifted, curling up tighter and warmer on his bed. "I'll go with ya, sure."


"Cause we probably will be.  The backpack won't be a problem, but the new clothes?  Yeah.  Going to have to try on all kinds of stuff until I find what I want... nice pair of jeans that show off the right stuff, and a really great shirt, and a new pair of boots."


Oh. He grunted, very softly. He didn’t want her wearing clothes that showed off anything. Hands off, eye sockets blackened, NO. "Yeah. Boots, jeans, backpack. Sounds great, I'll be there."


Shayla heard the grunt.  "That's why you'll be there, Pete."


"I don’t want other guys checkin' you out. And they will, cause they ain’t got nothing better to do then dream about girls."


She melted.  Big pile of Shay goo, right in the middle of the bed.  "They're gonna check me out no matter what I wear, babe.  I'm the new girl."  She shuddered.  "That's why I wanna make sure you're there with me from the first, so everybody knows to back off.  I just want to wear something nice for you, so you can show the world you've got a pretty girlfriend." 


"Don’t have to wear nice things to look pretty." He grunted again, and shifted. "I don’t want anyone looking at you. No one. They check you out and they're gonna get their noses bloodied." But he sighed, cause he knew he was being a baboon, and looked out the window where it was snowing again.


"Hey, Pete?"




"I like when you say things like that."  Shayla rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.  "It makes me feel good."


"It should." He said a little gruffly, and shook his head. "I’m gonna go, Shay. I’m fallin' asleep." And he was embarrassed. "I'll see ya tomorrow?"


She grinned.  "Oh yeah.  Definitely tomorrow.  Breakfast, lunch, or both?"




Her grin got even wider, and a giggle slipped out.  "Yes!!  I was hoping you'd say that.  I've still got the keys to AJ's Camaro--it's the only car of his he'll let me drive while I'm here--and I'll pick you up at say... like, eight thirty?  We'll hit Denny's, pick up Chloe, and hit the Metropolis mall?


"Thats cool." He said it softly, sleepily. "Camaro, Denny’s, mall. ....Metropolis? Oh. Fuck." He groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?"


"Shopping with your girlfriend," she said. 


"Girlfriend." He said it very, very softly. "I’m going to sleep, girlfriend."


"Sweet dreams... boyfriend," Shayla said after a second, rolling the word around in her mouth.  Yeah... Pete was her boyfriend.  Not the first she'd had... but if it was up to her, the last.  "I love you, Pete Ross."


"Night, Shay." He murmured, and very quietly, hung up.


Shay grinned at the phone as she hung up, and if Shane hadn't been sleeping, she'd have squealed at the top of her lungs.  As it was?  Sleep was going to be a lost cause tonight, all because... Pete had called her his girlfriend.







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