
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 86: Puppy Power

And miles away, as soon as Pete started making out with his girlfriend, Clark tuned out. Listening to him and Dick talk hadn’t been so much peeping tom... but instinctual.


Now he didn’t have to beat the hell out of Dick.


Instead he swung lazily in the hammock, the early afternoon sun high in the sky, but covered with clouds heavy with snow ready to fall. The room was toasty, the shutters tightly shut, and Clark gazed through them at the sky, endless and glorious, as he rubbed Lex's back. Somehow, during the early morning hours, Lex had rolled over atop him, and Clark hadn’t been able to move him. So he just stroked his neck and back, gently, soothingly, and murmured soft words of sleep and love to him.


Lex didn't want to move.


He was in a safe, warm place, with a quiet, soothing voice speaking to him and calming him, chasing away the bad dreams that attempted to encroach on his sleep.


Slowly, he became aware of the fact that he was moving, swaying back and forth while his body was still lying still, and he slowly cracked one eye open.  In the warm muzziness of sleep, he smiled as he realized where he was.


And then the smile fell slightly as the remembrances and everything else slammed back into his awareness, as he recalled the events that led to him waking up here.


Clark wasn’t aware of his sweet lover waking… just gently stroking his back, the back of his skill, his neck. He stroked and moved them gently with a foot on the floor, their hips and chests and faces aligned perfectly. Lex’s head lay on his shoulder, his face pressed into his neck, and it was so soothing, so perfectly safe. And here, Clark could forget about bad things, and remember... remember the good.


Lex didn't move.  He didn't want to move.  Didn't want to shatter the peaceful, happy, quiet mood that had seemed to settle as he slept.  He didn't speak, barely shifted in Clark's arms, curling up tighter against the warmth of his lover's chest.


He was singing, very softly. Some song or another he'd heard on the radio, as the skies above the barn shifted and the clouds moved slowly. Snow was already beginning to fall, and he watched as the white flakes fell very softly to the barn roof, laying across his vision until he looked through them, as well. A few scattered birds squawked in cold, and he continued singing gently as he sky watched.


At the soft singing, Lex propped his chin on Clark's shoulder, face turned to the side so that he could watch his lover sing, and brought his fingertips to stroke easily over the rippling throat as it sang.


Clark blinked, and with it blinked away X-Ray vision, swallowing softly as he turned his face. Oh. Lex's soft, flint gray eyes, usually sharp and soft as clouds now, and those gentle fingers touching him. He kept his hand where it had stopped, on the flat of his back, and Clark gazed at his friend with trepidation and longing. "Hi, there."


"Don't stop on my account," Lex said softly.  "You have a beautiful voice."


He shrugged the comment away, rubbing his back just a little as they swung. "Did you sleep okay?"


"I slept very well."  He let his cheek rest back on Clark's shoulder.  "Better than I thought I would."


"The Fortress of Solitude will do that to you."


"That's right... I forgot that's what you called this place."  Lex snuggled.  "It earns it's name."


"I come here to think. It's my hide away, though its not really hidden." He murmured softly. "Lana used to sit right over there, on the coffee table, and read magazines. Chloe, sometimes, she'd come up and use my microscope to look at stars and comets. Pete came over every Saturday to watch Justice League with me."


Lex pressed a baby-soft kiss to his lover's throat as he talked.  "I had a place like that once.  My corner of my mother's room; I haven't felt so safe as I did there until now."  He looked up.  "When I woke up here, with you, I felt safe."


"I'll always keep you safe. Its kind of my mantra, you know. Clark Kent Saves The Day. I think I’ve adopted Smalltown Hero status."


Lex twined his fingers through an errant lock of Clark's hair; completely out of his character but needing the tactile contact anyway.  "You're everyone's hero, Clark.  Including mine.  And I'll do anything I can to help bring that destiny into focus for you."


"I don’t know if I want it anymore." He shook his head softly, but not enough to get Lex's fingers out of his hair. If anything, he leaned more into them. "Its so much responsibility. Its so hard."


"Clark... it is a lot of responsibility.  But you... you said yourself, it's who you are.  Don't... don't lose your dreams.  You wanted this... what changed?"  His fingers still stroked through Clark's hair, teasing the curls around his lover's neck as they curled at Clark’s collar.


He shrugged a little, and honestly... it was just a fear. He didn’t want to really talk about it, so he changed the subject. "Nothing, really. I’m just nervous, I guess. Want to eat something, by the way? I’m hungry."


Lex didn't let his lover drop it.  "Clark... please.  If you can't talk to me about it... then who will you?"


"No one." He said it softly, but firmly. "Its just inside shit. I'll be alright, Lex, I promise."


Lex shook his head again, but then nodded.  "It--it's hard for me not to pry.  There's a paranoid little voice in my head saying that it's about me, and I'm ignoring it.  I'm trusting you, Clark."


"Its not about you." He shook his head, and sighed quietly. "Its just about me, I promise. Okay?"


"I know it's not about me, Clark."  Lex hugged his lover's waist.  "I trust you.  I know... I know that you'll come to me if you have any problems.  I just... it's in me to pry.  But I won't."


"I'll come to you when its time." Clark said softly. "I promise. Right now... Let’s eat something. I’ve got to pee, I’m starving, and I’m in the mood for a shower."


He winced.  "I'm... I'm not sure your parents will be thrilled to see me.  I mean... Christ, it's afternoon already?" he asked, looking at his watch.  "They can't have not noticed my car."


"Well, you came over about 2 in the morning, and we didn’t sleep till almost four." Clark murmured. "They’re... oh. I didn’t tell you."


"Didn't tell me what?"


Now... now, he smiled. "Lex, my mom’s going to have a baby."


Lex... blinked.  Twice.  "Martha?"


"No, Lex, the bag lady down the street." He laughed it softly, eyes taking up a twinkle of pleasure. "My mom, Martha Kent. She's pregnant, she just told us last night."


"She's... pregnant?"  His first instinct won over, before he could snap his mouth shut on it.  "It's not mine."  Then he blushed.  Bright red, from the crown of his head to his throat.


Clark blinked. Once. Twice. And he burst out laughing. He laughed so hard they fell out of the hammock, and he landed with a dull thud on his side, laughter peeling from him as he held his belly. Oh, and God, the red cheeks had just cracked the hell out of him.


Lex oomphed as he hit the floor, and he peered at his lover.  "It's not funny, Clark," he mumbled.  "It's a reflex."


He was still laughing, tears pricking his eyes, before he rolled onto his back and woooed loudly. "Oh, man, Lex. That’s just sad. That--" Sudden thought, and he rolled his head to point at his love. "There aren’t any Lex Jr's running around, right?"


"Absolutely not," Lex said vehemently.  "I know that for a fact."


"How?" Clark blinked.


"Because the majority of my sexual partners were men." 


"Hey, now. You never know, Lex." Clark said it straight faced, eyebrow raised.


Lex shot panicked eyes at his lover.  "You're not pregnant, are you??????"


Clark clucked his tongue, and sighed, heavily. "I’ve been meaning to tell you, baby, but I just couldn’t come around to saying, 'I’m pregnant with your alien love child' without making it sound exactly like it." And god, he was teasing but he couldn’t help it.


Lex's eyes grew wide, nearly bugging out of his head.  "Your father is going to shoot me."


Clark laughed out loud and shook his head, rolling over his lover and hugging him, tightly, as he pressed his weight into that lovely body. "Lex, I promise I’ mnot in any way, shape, or form, pregnant."


"You.  Asshole."


"You honestly thought I was pregnant?" Clark was still grinning down at him... though now he softened, and he tipped his head. "Do you want me to be?"


"I... don't know," Lex confessed softly, sliding his hands around Clark's shoulders and holding him tightly.  "I have to admit... the thought was, for the nanosecond that I wasn't terrified... kind of nice."


"Yeah? So even if there was any remote possibility I could get pregnant… you'd be okay with that?" And yeah, he was talking to his lover about the weirdest subject on the face of the planet, but somehow... it was okay. It was a nice feeling, inside, to think about his lovers children growing inside of him. Not... not the creep fest he imagined, and he watched him as they spoke.


"I'd be... very, very, creeped out.  I'd be very curious.  But yes.... I would be all right with it."


Creeped out and curious hadn’t exactly been the reaction he'd been looking for, and he realized it a moment as a dull pang hit his heart. "Oh. Yeah, I mean, weird." He smiled it and rolled back over, onto his back, the wood cool and comforting against his back.


Lex rolled onto Clark's chest an instant later.  "I would be happy, Clark," he said quietly.  "Happy to have a child that belonged to both of us, somehow, I would be scared beyond any imagining."


"Because of what it could be? From me?" He asked, looking up at his lover and supporting his weight with one wide palm.


"Scared that I wouldn't know the first thing about raising a child," Lex clarified.  "Scared that I would be the kind of father that my father was."


"You wouldn’t. You'd be good, decent. You'd be a great dad." Clark said firmly, nodding. "I’m pretty sure I can't get pregnant, though, so don’t get worried." He smiled again, shifting underneath Lex's weight. "But its nice knowing you'd be okay with it."


"If you do get pregnant, please tell me before you tell your father.  I'd like to make sure I'm bulletproof."


"Would you be creeped out by it?" Clark asked, and touched his lovers head softly.


"Astonished, would be more the word, than creeped out.  It wouldn't make me sick, or disgust me, but... I would be shocked, at least until I got used to it."


"Me too." Liar. "A little. Though I’m sure I can't get pregnant, you know."


"Well, the fact that you're a male should preclude that, but, since you're not human... then all bets of that are off, at least until we get a physical profile of you done, and see if we can pinpoint any potential reproductive organs."


"That’s gross." He said easily, tipping his head. "Will you look at me today? I want to know, as soon a we can. I want to know what I am, or what’s inside. I want to know what stuff does. Can we do that today?"


"We can, if that's what you want."  Lex's fingers stroked through Clark's hair.


"Its what I want. Lets go eat...then you go get everything ready. I have some things to take care of."


"Things?" Lex asked softly as he got up from the floor.


"Just some things." He rose with him, scared to touch yet, to hug him and kiss him. So he just took his lovers hand, rubbed a spot of dirt from his head, and began down the steps. "Do you think its good that my mom’s going to have a baby?"


Lex stopped at the top of the stairs, and pulled at Clark's hand.  Tugged him back up the steps, wrapped his arms around Clark's waist.  "I think it's very good, if that's what she wants," he said, muffled against Clark's shoulder.


"I used to wish--" he stopped and wrapped his arms tightly around Lex's chest, holding him tightly to him and pressing his cheek into his head. Oh, and these arms were so tender and loving, so perfect, and Clark sniffled just a little bit as he held him, and rocked him. "I used to wish for brothers and sisters. I was always so lonely."


Lex tightened his grip on Clark.  "I was lonely too, Clark.  But not anymore, because I have you.  And you... you had Ryan, but he's gone, and I can't imagine how you feel there.  Now, though... now you'll have a brother or sister.  Someone else to share your secret and help you."  Little shiver down the back of his spine as the paranoid voice in his head screamed ONE LESS REASON TO NEED YOU! but he ignored it.  "I'm happy for you and for your mother, Clark."


"My dad’s ecstatic." Clark murmured softly, as images of Ryan flashed in his mind, and his lover’s terror skittered down his spine. "Lex... I'll always need you. Why are you always so scared of that? Or me leaving you? Why are you scared I’m going to go?"


"Because everyone else I've ever cared about has," Lex explained softly.  "My mother died... my father as good as left.  Dominic was the only friend I had, and I thought he did something bad to me, and I lost him.  Bruce left, to take care of Wayne Enterprises."  He kept his arms tightly around Clark.  "I don't think you will; I know you won't, to be frank.  But I can't help but be afraid, deep inside."


"But your dad’s back, now." Clark murmured. "And Dominic. And Bruce, he's your friend. And me... I love you so very much. I won’t leave you...the question is, do you trust it?"


"Yes.  Yes, I do trust it.  I trust you, that is."


"Then trust me, when I tell you nothing will get in the way of how I love you. Nothing, and no one will ever step in front of the love that I have for you. Trust it. Trust that I’m your aushna‘. Trust the bond that we have, that no other living person on this earth has. Trust me to keep you safe, aushna'."


Lex nodded.  "I trust it, Clark.  I believe it.  I feel it, in my heart."


"Then don’t be frightened of me anymore." Clark murmured again, pulling away enough to gaze into his love's eyes. "Know that I love you, and know its a good, solid thing that can never be broken. Okay?" He stroked Lex's face, his cheeks and jaw. "I’m yours for as long as you want me, and then some. I'll always be yours, even if you kick me to the curb."


Lex's arms tightened.  "No.  Don't even think that.  Don't consider it, don't say it.  I'm not going to kick you to the curb.  Ever."


"Just metaphor, baby. ...Suddenly realizing you're a smarty pants and that clarifying isn’t needed. But, you know." Clark hugged him back, tightly, and brushed his lips against his forehead. "I have to grow and change, Lex. I will... I can feel it. But the love inside of me for you is solid, and grounded, and real. Nothing about it will ever change."


"I really don't want you to change," Lex said softly.  "there's the whole outgrowing Lex thing to deal with, and yes, I know that's not the case, but... I don't want you to change.  I like that you need me."


"I have to. I have to go out on my own, and get a job, and make my own life." And on that, Clark was firm as rock. I have to change. And it starts today." But he softened, and cupped his lovers cheek. "How can I outgrow you, when you're growing with me? Haven’t you realized how much you've changed, Lex?"


"I'm still the same businessman jerk I was before, Clark."  He squeezed his lover's waist tightly.  "But if you want a job... I need someone I can trust, to work for me.  There's no one I trust more than you; you're smart, you're quick, and I'd love to have you be my assistant, just as Dominic is to my father.  You'd be able to get the experience under your belt, and then when LexCorp fissions back off from LuthorCorp a few years down the road, you'll have a position waiting for you as soon as you get out of college."


Clark sort of blinked. Blinked again... and took it as it was, an offer from his lover who wanted the best for him. And not the insult that he couldn’t find his own work. "Lex... I... thank you, for offering it to me." He cupped those slender cheeks. "It means so much to me that you trust me. But… I need to find my own way. Can you understand that? I don’t know what I want to do yet, but I can write a little, and I’m good at photography. I was thinking maybe working for a magazine, you know? Maxim, USA Today, something like that. But right now... maybe some construction, or working down at the lumber yard."


"You'll have your head with me," he protested softly.  "You'll be able to do what you want, work your hours around school.  And, the boss is a bit of a hard ass at times, but fairly reasonable in what he asks of you."


He shook his head gently. "Lex... I... I can’t. I can’t do that. I need..." He didn’t really have the words to express it. Just the inherent need to go out and make his own, to get his own money his way, to go out and become someone. It was strange, but it was there, and he tried to explain it the best way he could. "I’ve mooched off my parents, and you, for a long time. I need to get a job, and do... my thing."


"I'll be paying you, Clark, and you'll be earning it.  I won't work you hard, but you will be working."


"No." He let his lover go, shook his head. "Baby, you don’t understand. I can't do that. I have to go and make my own money the way I need to. I need to go out and do what I want."


"At least let me help you look.  I know there are a lot of construction crews working to finish the plant; laying the last of the concrete, the walls, the finishing touches.  There'll also be teams coming in to start the renovations in Old Smallville; I can get you on with one of those crews, and they won't take advantage of you."


"Lex." Clark took his lovers hands, and squeezed. "I can find my own work. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I want to find my own work, and be hired because I’m me, and not because I’m your boyfriend. I can find what I need, and I want to be hired or not hired for my merit and what I’m worth. Not who I’m seeing."


"I know.  But..."  Lex bit his tongue on the rest of it. 


"No. Tell me." Clark nodded, squeezing his lovers hands again.


"But I'm just being overly protective and wanting to be a part of things."


"You are a part of things. A part of me." He said quietly, running his fingers over Lex's face as he shifted his weight. "But I need to get out and do this on my own."


"I'm just... used to being part of it all."


Clark grinned and reached up to press a kiss to Lex's forehead. "Because I’ve spoiled you. Come on, lets go get some food, huh? And if I don’t piss you’re going to get very embarrassed."


"Yeah.  You have spoiled me."  He hugged Clark.  "You can piss out the window; I'll even turn my back."


"I’m sure my dad'll be very happy to see his only son with his dick hanging out into the snow." Another smirking grin and he nabbed Lex around the waist, starting once again down the stairs. "He's over in the cow field, I can hear him humming something about good old boys." Clark rolled his eyes, though love was in every motion. "He's such a dork. Come on, lets cut through to the kitchen and get something to eat."


"Yes, your father is a dork, but he loves you too."  Lex followed his lover down the stairs, and his stomach grumbled.




And Clark laughed out loud, snagging his lover and racing down the steps at super speed, across the small gravel path that separated barn and house, and was just setting Lex back down as he opened the screen and kitchen doors. "Mom? Hey, mom?"


"I’m up here, Clark!" Martha called, and she peaked down the steps. Oh, Lex. Her heart surged, joyfully, because they just looked so happy together and she was so very happy her baby and his man were alright. "Lex! What a surprise, come in, both of you. Let me just finish what I was doing, I'll be right down!"


Clark coughed--"dork"--coughed.


"Do you need any help, Martha?" Lex called out.  "I can attempt to help you with whatever you're doing."


"I’m pretty sure you can't help me change my clothes, Lex!" Martha called back, delighted to embarrass him as she pulled a pair of snug, comfy jeans and a read sweater out of the closet.


Clark cocked a brow. "You sure that kid isn’t yours?" He grinned and let his lover go. "Sit, baby, I’m going to go pee before a capillary breaks."


Bright red blush.  "Um, no, I can't, sorry.  But I can call Jonathan?"  Lex gave his lover a vicious kick before sitting, and then swore softly as his toes ached.


She changed the red for yellow and quickly got dressed, running her palms through her hair as she came down the steps. She'd just gotten out of the shower, and her red hair was pulled tightly back into a messy, but attractive, ponytail. No makeup, bare, tiny feet but for white men’s socks, and she a mom. She smiled at Lex as she came down, noting the rumpled clothing and the smudges under both eyes, and grinned as she padded into the kitchen. "Hi, sweetheart, what brings you around the farm?"


Lex mustered up his bright smile for Martha.  "I just came by to see Clark last night.  It was later than I thought... I ended up sleeping out in the barn."


"That’s alright. I hope you both weren’t cold." She said easily, as she opened the fridge and began to take out the baked chicken she'd made especially for this occasion. What? She wasn’t stupid, and she saw a hungry kid sitting at her kitchen table. The chicken went easily into the microwave, and she got out the mashed potatoes and cole slaw, as well as two plates and two glasses for coke. "Clark seemed upset last night... everything work out?"


"Yes ma'am," he said quietly.  "That's why I wanted to see him last night.  I knew I'd upset him, and I had to make it right with him."


"Ahh." She said it knowingly. "Clark said he felt pretty bad, as well. I’m glad you both worked it out--you're just so cute." But she smiled that part and poured him a tall, foamy, frothy, yummy glass of coke and handed it to him.


Lex took the carbonated beverage without making a face and without asking for a healthy dose of rum to be added, which is how he usually drank his coke.  "Cute?"


"Handsome." The dimples winked in each of Martha's cheeks. "I’m sorry, I have to remember teenagers and young men are no longer cute."


Lex found himself returning the smile.  "I look like a steamroller had it's wicked way with me, but thank you for saying so."


"Oh, please." Martha clucked her tongue, and removed the steaming, devilishly scented chicken from the microwave, and began to heap the two plates. "You’re a handsome boy, and you always have been. You just look... rumpled." And her eyebrow rose. "No hanky panky was happening in my house, I’m correct to assume, right?"


"Just sleeping, ma'am."


"Good." She put the mashed potatoes in the microwave for only a minute, because they were still warm from when she'd made them earlier. And because he looked so world weary, she smiled again. "How's your father?"


"He's... he's good.  He's in Metropolis over the weekend, and there's going to be a press conference on Monday, which I'm going to have to go to.  Bruce will be there too, and that reminds me, have you met Bruce Wayne?"


Her brow rose with her back turned to him, but she decided truth better then lie. "He called, last night. I’m afraid I was rather rude." She took the mashed potatoes out of the fridge, and put some on each plate, mixed with the gravy still on the stove. The cole slaw next, and two biscuits each from the warming plate beside her stove. She took one of the plates and set it in front of Lex, motioning to the napkins sitting in a napkin holder shaped like a duck, and gave him a fork that matched the plates. "He seemed nice."


"I have a feeling Bruce was rather rude to Clark too, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he were rude to you as well."  Lex took the fork, and laid the napkin across his lap.  "Thank you."


"Of course." She rose a brow, and remembering the snippy young mans voice amused her. "How old is he now? Twenty five? Twenty six?"


"Twenty six."  Lex dug into the chicken with a vengeance, because it smelled so good and his stomach was growling quite loudly.  "And has a tendency to be a jerk twice his age," he said, but only after swallowing his mouthful.


And something very deep in her heart shined as she watched this boy eat her cooking. Everyone loved her chicken, but that was despite the point. His stomach growling had her pouring her own glass of coke to hide the grin, and she sat idly on the stool across from him. "He wasn’t a jerk. And whatever he said, Clark needed to here, because you're both here."


"Well, that being the case, he still had no call to be rude to either of you," Lex said, and then blushed as he realized he was talking around a mouthful of potatoes.  He closed his mouth, swallowed, and apologized.  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Kent, I usually have better table manners than this."


She blinked, because she hadn’t even noticed. "Sweetie, Clark is my son. Remember that, and eat whatever way you want." She grinned. "I like feeding you...its my good deed of the day." I'll get you fattened up in no time, sweetiepie. "I’ve got some cherry pie baking in the oven, if you can stay enough to have it and some cold milk."


Lex laughed softly, and then took a bite of a melt-in-your-mouth biscuit.  "Thank you, I'd love to.  Pie sounds like the perfect dessert."  He continued to eat, but before he was halfway through the plate, he started to feel full.  "This was excellent food, Mrs. Kent."


"I’ve got it packed up so you can take it home." Martha winked as she took a sip from her glass, and spotted her enormous son coming down the hall, and saw nothing but the little boy she'd raised and loved with her entire being. However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t tease him. "Get lost, baby?"


Clark blinked... and blushed, with a grin. "No, I was looking for my backpack. I found it, and got it packed up for tomorrow."


Lex shook his head.  "When I'm president, I'm going to abolish school."


He was. So. Cute. "Of course." Martha said conversationally, standing to refill his glass as Clark settled next to him. "And while you're at it, abolish taxes, phone bills, and hair spray." She refilled his glass, and topped off Clarks too, watching her son dig in with the gusto accompanied with a sixteen year old boy. "Excited about tomorrow, baby? And you still haven’t told me what you want for your birthday."


Clark blushed as he ate some of the chicken, grinning at her softly. "I don’t want anything."


Lex's attention was captured, entirely.  "Birthday?  Seventeen, right?" 


"This Friday." Martha beamed her pride, as she settled in front of them again.


"Seventeen." Clark affirmed with a blush. "But its cool, I don’t want anything, I swear." A squirm, as he polished off the potatoes. Alright, maybe he wanted to throw a big ass birthday party. But he was kind of going to save that for his eighteenth birthday, and he downed the glass of coke in two swallows, and drank some of his mom’s, too, with a grin. "I just want everything to be... alright with everyone else."


Lex's mind was already working for extravagant presents and a large party.  He pushed his half-finished plate over to Clark, and then took two more drinks of his coke and pushed that over too.  "Clark... everything will be all right.  I promise you; I'll beat anyone I have to to make it happen."


It was good, because Clark had polished off everything on his plate, and started on whatever Lex hadn’t eaten. But it was so easy a transition that Martha had to sigh and roll her eyes. "That’s why you're so thin. You’re feeding my bottomless son."


Clark grinned, just crookedly, at his mother before looking back at Lex. "I’ve got to try and talk to your dad, and before you can ask, its a long story mom." And he sighed as he ate.


"Mmm." She rose, smelling that her pie was done, and she popped open the oven. It had already baked earlier in the day and she'd stuck it in so the crust would brown. She set the entire thing on the open window sill, waiting for it to cool down as she got out glasses for milk, pie plates, and forks.


"Why do you need to talk to my dad?" Lex asked, watching Clark eat.  And eat.  And eat.  "No, Mrs. Kent, I'm fine.  I just don't eat that much; this is probably more than I've eaten in years, and that's only because I was starving when I woke up.  Talk to Ms. Bird, she'll tell you the same!"


"Mmm." Martha harrumphed. "Hilde's my friend, and even she says you need to eat. Shameless." Another humph, as she searched for her pie knife.


Yeah, Clark was like a natural disaster. He downed the rest of Lex's plate and finally sighed, heavily, sitting back and humming in pleasure.


Because Martha saw it in Lex's eyes, she grinned. "He's always done that. Since he came to live with us. Its tapered down some since he got older, as well. When he was ten years old, there were times when I'd find him out in the orchard, ruining the crop." She grinned wickedly, as her son blushed crimson. "Its something about earth food. Its just not as heavy and filling as it should be."


Clark burped, covered his mouth, and grinned around his palm. "Yep. I ate three pear tree's once. That was kind of gross."


Lex noticed that Clark hadn't answered his question about his father.  "Ms. Bird worries entirely too much about me," he pointed out.  "I eat."  He slipped his hand to rub Clark's shoulders.  "If I have any brush to be cleared, you'll be the first one I call."


Clark beamed happily, and smugly, at his mother, who just grinned back at him.


"So what did you boys do last night?" Martha asked innocently, taking the pie down from the sill and started to cut it. She put big slices for each boy on separate plates, then handed it to them with the glasses of milk.


Lex nibbled at his pie, still full from the plateful of food before.  "We talked," he said softly.  "For quite some time, I'm afraid.  I kept Clark up rather late, and I apologize."


"I’m not worried. He'll be alright." Martha nodded, tipping her head. "If either of you need me, I’m here to talk." She shifted, and because she realized it was hurting the both of them, switched subjects. "Clark’s told you the good news, Lex?"


At that, he did smile.  "Yes ma'am, he did.  He told me this morning when we woke up; congratulations."


"Thank you." She grinned. Just. Grinned. "Jonathan hasn’t stopped whistling since he woke up. He danced me around the kitchen for an hour this morning, and Clark, you better keep me from killing him. Prancing around, like I’m not a capable woman. 'Put your feet up', he says." She snorted. "Who does he think is going to cook for the next seven months?"


Irrational male fear filled Clarks face. "Maybe....maybe you should sit down, mom. Take it easy?"


"Mother of God, not you too."


"I can have Ms. Bird come over and help you out if you need it, or lend you Enrique for the next few months.  Or I can hire a temporary assistant for you, and she'll stay on as long as you need."


Martha sent daggers at Lex's forehead. Just. Glared.


"Or not," Lex amended hastily.


Clark was hooting next to him, and he climbed to his feet, grinning at his mom with a wrinkled nose. "Thanks for the food, mama. We're going to get to the mansion... I'll be back in about an hour, okay?"


Martha rose immediately and got the basket out of the fridge...tin foiling it, and adding the pie to the mix. "All right, you both be careful, okay?" She handed her son the basket, and gave Lex a big hug. "Come back and eat anytime you like, sweetiepie."


Lex hugged her back, very carefully.  "I will, but you, don't overwork yourself.  My offer to send help still stands."  He couldn't help smiling at her.  "And don't let Jonathan worry too much."


"If you catch the headline, "Red-Headed Woman Axes Husband", you know who they’re talking about." She grinned and pet his cheek gently, before doing the same to Clark. "Off with you both. I'll see you soon."


"Bye, Mom." Clark smiled it and took Lex's hand, walking with him back outside and to the car waiting for them.


Which Lex suddenly hated with a vengeance.  He never wanted to see it again.  "The keys... I think they're still in the ignition.  You can drive us back."


"You sure, baby?" Clark asked softly, letting go and walking around to the front of the car. He raised his hand in greeting to his father, letting out a yelled hello, before sliding into the front seat of the car and chuckling. "He was singing that song all through lunch, you know."


"I'm sure."  He settled into the passenger side beside Clark.  "I'm going to sell this car when we get back; trade it in for the new model."


"Yeah? Why? It drives nice." Clark smiled again at his dad, setting the basket in Lex's lap and waving once more before backing the car up. He turned out of their drive way and drove off their land, waving to Betsy who mooed at them indulgently, and started down the street.


"Because it's time to get rid of the fucking thing," Lex said softly, before he could stop the slight snarl.


Clark blinked, looking over at him as he easily switched gears. Not that he knew how, but the car was easy to read. "Oh... sorry, I didn’t mean to push." He looked back, away, to the street, and swallowed.


"No.  You're not pushing, Clark.  I just... don't want the car around any longer."


"Because of what happened last night?" Clark murmured.


"Yes," Lex answered back, just as softly.


"I’m so sorry."


"It's not your fault, Clark; you don't have to be sorry."


He nodded a little, continuing to drive… and reached over, squeezing Lex's thigh gently. "I liked dressing up with you. I felt… I felt so beautiful. I felt so good, knowing it... it wasn’t weird. That it was okay."


"You were beautiful, Clark.  Every eye in the club was on you."


"You were more beautiful." He nodded it, because it was simple and easy as day. "You were gorgeous. I felt... felt so proud, knowing you were mine, and you were so gorgeous. Just… you were unbelievable." He smiled at him, crookedly, across the way. "Thank you, for taking me."


"No.  We were both beautiful, Clark.  Yours was real, the beauty that's inside you every day.  Mine was artificial, nothing but coverings and paint that I shed just as easily as I put it on, but you, not you.  You are always beautiful."  He returned Clark's smile, though there was still a slight ache in his chest over it.  "You're welcome.  I just wish... it had ended better for you.  That wasn't exactly what I had in mind."


He stopped, to watch him a minute… and pulled over to the side of the street. He reached forward, and as easy as glass, kissed his lover. Their mouths met and Clark didn’t hesitate in fear of being rejected. He kissed because he wanted to, gently sweeping his tongue over his lovers lips before deep inside. And when they parted, he set his forehead on Lex's and closed his eyes. "You are the most amazing creature I’ve ever known. You're beauty isn’t what you are. Its who you are. You're amazing… you amaze me, every day of every week. So shut up, okay?"


"Okay," Lex agreed simply, and kissed Clark.  Just as deeply as Clark had kissed him, Lex's hand cupped Clark's cheek and held his face still as Lex kissed, tasted and delved, taking his love's taste and flavor deep inside himself.


He kissed him again, gently, softly, before starting the car up again, pulling out of the parking place, and continuing on like nothing had happened. "We're going to your lab?" He asked it so softly, so hopefully.


"That's right," he said quietly.  "And we're taking the basket with us so we don't have to leave for quite a while."


"Awesome." Because they were almost there. The castle was in the distance, closing fast as Clark went a few miles over the speed limit. Not because he wanted to get there any faster, but because the hum of the car under him made him sigh in sweet pleasure.


"Do you want this car for your birthday?"


He blinked, shocked, and glanced over. A shake of his head as he let up on the accelerator... another shake. "No, baby."


Lex nodded.  "Just had to ask."


"You’ve been quiet." Clark murmured, swallowing around the sudden lump in his throat. "I don’t… are you still angry?"


"No.  God, no.  I'm not angry, Clark.  I'm just... sad.  Sad that it happened at all, sad that there's still this between us, and I don't know how to make it disappear."


Clark thought for a long moment, as he pulled down the very long drive that led to the estate and the gates. "I think its good for us."


"It may be."  Lex was quiet for a moment.  "But I don't have to like it."


"No, you don’t." Clark couldn’t help it--he grinned and reached over to squeeze his lovers hand. "Its good for us because arguing is what couples do. I can still be pissed at you and love you, AJ. its the way of the world."


"And--aside from you calling me AJ--that is what I don't like.  I don't like that you're pissed at me.  Even if it was in the past tense.  And I don't like that I was angry at you.  I don't.  Not at all."


"You were angry at me?" He looked at his lover a moment as he pulled around the central parking way and around to the parking lot.


"I wouldn't have walked out on you like that at the club if I weren't," Lex said quietly.  "If I hadn't been angry, I wouldn't have gone back to the hotel and gotten shitfaced drunk."


"Why were you angry?" He pushed the button built into the sun visor and the garage door rose.


"Because you'd hurt me.  You said things to me; you didn't trust me.  I was angry at you for having expectations that I couldn't live up to."


Oh, God.

Clark looked up, and almost didn’t know what to say. He opened his mouth...closed it. Swallowed. Tried again. "I’m... I’m sorry."


"It's all right, Clark.  None of it matters now."  He smiled at his lover, trying to reassure him.  "I didn't have a right to be angry with you; you were only reacting to something I'd done."


Clark didn’t say anything, simply slipping the car into its spot, right beside the Lamborghini, and shut the engine off. He sat back a moment, making sure he'd taken everything off… and took the keys from the ignition. Another moment, before he pushed the door open, and slipped from the car.


"Clark... stop," Lex called out, carrying the basket out with him as he got out of the passenger side.


When he turned back he had an easy going expression, simply shaking his head and taking the basket from his lover. "Its alright. Come on… lets get something to drink, and go down into your lab."


"Clark, what's wrong?  Did I... Did I say something wrong?"  He hung on to the basket, making sure he had Clark's attention.


"I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ve given it my best… its all I can give you. I’m not perfect. You must be so angry at me. I’m sorry." He said softly, shrugging a minute later as he handed Lex his keys. "We're so full of love, but have so little trust."


Lex put the keys down on top of the basket, took the basket and put it down on the floor, pushed Clark down on the car hood, and stood in front of him.  "Look at me, Clark.  I'm not angry.  Not with you.  With myself, maybe, but not with you.  You didn't do anything wrong, and I am not angry with you.  I swear it, Clark, on my mother's memory, I am not angry with you.  I was, but Bruce pointed out that I had my head up my ass, and I am not angry with you any longer."  He put his hands on Clark's knees.  "Believe me, baby.  Please."


He nodded. Just nodded. Swallowed, and still hated for Bruce, even if the bastard had done something for them. Still, didn’t matter, he hated the fucker.


His Adams apple bobbed as he looked down at Lex's hands, and simply nodded. "Lets… lets go down to your lab, alright? I want to get started on this."


"We both need to shower first, and I don't want to shower in freezing water," Lex said simply.  "Can we spare five minutes to shower and change?"


"Yeah… that’s cool." He rose up again, leaning down to get the basket before following him quietly.


"Clark... you ask me to trust you... I'm asking you... believe in me.  I'm not angry, and I won't let you down again."


"I do. I believe in you." Clark nodded again, softly, pressing his lips together as they entered the house. "I know."


"Then stop being afraid of me."


"I’m not afraid of you." Liar. "Its just been a hard few--"


He stopped mid sentence. And snarled, like he was straight out of a Jack London novel.


Bruce stopped mid step down the hall at the angry growl, and blinked as he looked over his shoulder. ..Oh, shit. Angry alien. Not good. Instead of bolting as he so very much wanted to do, Bruce straightened up, tucking his paperwork under one arm. Included, was his list, and he was kind of glad the boys were back from wherever they'd been. Number two on his list was apologizing to them. ...Number one was kissing Dick.


And since he'd already done that, quite thoroughly, he sighed. "Hello, Lex, Clark."


Lex paid absolutely no attention to Bruce as he got in front of Clark.  "Clark.  Clark, look at me.  Feel me, baby, okay?"  He poured as much calm as he possessed into his lover, stroking his chest and throat.  "Bruce... do you maybe want to get lost for about five minutes, until I get him calmed down?"  He kept stroking Clark, trying to gentle him.  "It's okay, Bruce isn't here to hurt you."


Clark growled again, fiercely, and every single alien tendency in his brain, his heart, and his mind was telling him to CRUSH KILL DESTROY. This THING had nearly taken his AUSHNA’ from him, and he'd be god damned if he'd let him go freely.


But as soon as he'd taken a step Oakenepel was there, soothing, touching him and standing in front of him. Blood roared in his ears, the words falling deaf on them, even as Oakenepel kept him close and calmed him. He could feel every gentling thought sliding into his mind from his lovers mind, and he growled, darkly, as he grabbed him close in an obvious MINE gesture.


God, and Bruce was gone. He slipped down into Lex's office, swallowing as adrenaline coursed through his veins, and had that been murder in those soft green eyes?


Lex wrapped himself around Clark, stroking, touching, still speaking though it was quickly becoming obvious that it wasn't doing any good.


He was searching for the perfect feeling and then suddenly, it hit him.


Lex flooded his lover with the feeling of joy and safety that he'd woken up with this morning in the hammock as he'd rested on Clark's chest.


And Clark deflated like a balloon. He sagged and grasped his lover, holding him tightly to his chest... a chest that had grown broader, thicker with the sudden scream for a fight. He held Lex close, stroked and soothed him right on back, as love and peace and safety roiled through his heart. He murmured softly, apologies again as he stroked his lovers back, and turned away from the door Bruce had slipped in. "I’m... I’m sorry, I didn’t..." Then he suddenly gasped, and let out a cry. "Samson!!!"


"It's okay."  Lex held him tightly, and then let go as Clark cried out for his dog.  "I don't--I don't know where Ms. Bird left him.  Probably still in her room."


"No!" Clark let out a gasping grin, letting go of his lover as he listened to his little dog, three floors up, clack their way. "He's coming… I..." He glanced down at his lover, smiling a little, in thank you, though it was hiding a hard edge. "Keeping him away from me, Lex."


 "Who, Bruce?"


Bawr?  Okay.  This was just not right.  Not right at all.  There had been a car, and then... the Clark.  Growling and hissing.  And that was just not right. 


This freakin' place was too big, and he was clacking over the floors, trying to find his way to the Clark.


"Bruce." Clark affirmed. The white fury was ebbing, very carefully hidden by his smile, and a little of it came up as he spoke. "I fucking hate him."


Lex kept his hand on Clark's chest, still trying to soothe and calm.  "What did Bruce do?"


VERY angry snarl at the wall.  Another snarl at the floor, and toenails clicked as Samson tried to find another way down. 


Oooh, what's this?  Staircase, jackpot!  Samson's little puppy butt humped down the stairs, squeaking as he hit the second floor landing and snarling at the step that had thrown him.  He lifted his leg and piddled on it for good measure, and then trotted down the next set of steps.


"I don’t want to talk about it." The pleasure and calm that Lex had given him was getting overridden by his rage, and his fingers fisted tightly at his sides as he tried to keep himself calm. "I don’t like him, Lex. I don’t want him near me. He's your friend, so I won’t murder him." And if it was a joke, he didn’t smile.


"He's your friend too," Lex said quietly.  "Remember?  He was going to help you with the super hero costume."  He kept stroking, and when that didn't work, he wrapped his arms around Clark's waist and nestled in against him.  "Clark, talk to me."


Now this is what Samsons were talkin' about.  Finally, he was down on the same floor with the Clark, and there was a very funny Clarksmell that he didn't like, and he snarled a puppy snarl as soon as he smelled it.  He yipped once, loudly, waiting for the Clark to answer so he could, you know, find him.


Clark glanced up and his lips formed a whistle... but the noise was high, and he didn’t realize Lex didn’t hear him as he called for Samson. He'd taught him the whistle the first day he'd found him, and his little baby knew it well.


And he calmed himself with thoughts of his puppy as he lay his cheek on Lex's bare head. "Was. Was. Past tense. I don’t like him, and I’m not going to like him, and I don’t care if he's going to help. He isn’t helping me, now. I'll do it on my own."


BOOYEAH, PUPPY JACKPOT!  Samson's little butt wiggled as he flew down the hallway, claws clicking like a freight train as he ran.  That was the CLARK!  The Clark's cool special whistle and he RAN.  Cause it's the CLARK!!!


Lex hugged him tightly.  "I'll talk to him, Clark.  He'll apologize, even if have to beat it out of him."


"U'h ewenth mektha wer'p`'!"  Clark snarled, darkly, glowering at the closed door as he calmed his blood and waited for his baby. He could hear him coming, and Christ, he needed something simple as his dog to make him feel better. He let out a heavy sigh, whistling again so Samson would find him, and let go of his lover. He shouldn’t have been acting like this, and he knew it.


He could hate the fucking bastard in private. "Lex… lets go shower. Come on."


Another whistle!!!  Tail wagged furiously because two whistles meant the Clark really wanted to see Samson and he barked.  Skidded around two corners, left skid marks on the hardwood floor, and saw HIM!  The Clark!!!  He barked again, yipping and squealing as he clicked his way down, running as fast as chubby little legs could carry him.  The Clark!


The Lex!!


And his bladder was going to BUST!


Lex's attention was torn away by the dog's unceremonious arrival, but he didn't let go of Clark.  "You have to tell me what went on," he said softly.


Clark let go of Lex, just enough to scoop Samson up as the little guy came running down the steps, and this dog... would always be happy to see him. It was a constant that Clark adored and he buried his face into Samson’s, offering kisses and scratches and hugs as he cuddled him to his chest tightly, rubbing his back as he snuggled him close to himself, and to Lex. "Hey, baby, my little baby, aren’t you just so adorable? I missed you baby! Yes, I did!"


Yes yes yes!  That's IT!  Puppy HEAVEN!


And he couldn't hold it anymore.  He didn't MEAN to, but as his tail wagged and he jumped up to lick Clark, his little puppy bladder let go.


All over the Lex.


Oh well.  The Lex wouldn't mind.


He wiggled again in Clark's hand, jumping up to lick his nose.  The Clark! 




"Samson!!" Lex bellowed, dripping with dog urine.  "At least I was already heading to the shower," he grunted.


Alright. Yeah. The anger drained away as he blinked at Lex, dripping with pee... and barely held the smile in, biting his lower lip as his eyebrows furrowed. "You… okay, AJ?"


Then a private grin for Samson, rubbing him and letting him lick him as he scratched his back and rubbed his head and ears, kissing his little head softly. "Hi, baby, I’m so happy to see you too! I missed you, yes, I did, and I’m sure Lexy won’t be mad, nonono." He kissed him again, bit his lip, and caught his lovers hand, pulling him towards the steps.


"Oh, I'm dandy," Lex said, smiling through gritted teeth.  "Just... a little damp."


Heaven.  Puppy... heaven.  No presents left in the cold white room this time; he'd learned after being yelled at and the warning in the water.  No no no.  Presents were bad, but he was a GOOD Samson.  He wiggled and rubbed his head against Clark's licking and biting his chin. 


Then he yelped at the Lex.  And reached out with little puppy teeth, dragging The Lex over by the shirt cuff. 


Come on.  EVERYBODY had to pay attention to Samson, even the Lex.


Clark coughed out his laugh, coughing harder, clearing his throat, and biting his lip as he watched his little dog grab Lex and tug at him. "He loves you, AJ." He smiled softly, scratching Samson’s back softly.


Alright, people. Weird crap was happening here. He'd been playing with the brown fuzzy thing, then something had happened and the brown thing was GONE. And didn’t leave any TREATS! Shane didn’t like this, not at all, and he sat in the hallway and pondered when exactly this situation had blown out of control.


His aunties were all gone… his bestest friend had bought him presents and left, too. His daddy was with the lady who had looked at his butt, and now, the brown fuzzy thing was gone, too?


Oh, heck no. People didn’t pull that crap on Shane-o, and he opened his mouth, and let out a shattering, sobbing, screaming cry. COME AND GET ME PEOPLE!


"Oh, yes, I can tell just how much he loves me.  I'm a chew toy and a bathroom," Lex said, and then winced at the scream.  "I assume Graham either forgot his son, or his flight hasn't left yet."


His FRIEND!  The Friend that played with him, and Samson wiggled and yelped.  The Friend liked him!  The Friend wasn't as good as the Clark or the Lex, but he was little, and just Samson's size, and the Friend was cool.  He yelped again, barking and then giving a shrill little puppy howl as the Friend cried.


Clark put the crying puppy in Lex's arms with a crooked grin, stepping back out into their hallway... and spotting Shane. He was damn cute, and in Clark’s heart something kicked. His and Lex's kids could look like this.


He didn’t have a baby fixation or anything.


He stopped at the little guy, hoisting him up into the air as he lifted him, and holding him up above his head as he did so. "We're here Shaney!"


Oh, he screamed. HE WANTED HIS BESTEST FRIEND. But WHERE was his bestest friend?! He didn’t KNOW! And his daddy?! His daddy was poking at the lady who had looked at his butt! Granny was ASLEEP! AND THE FUZZY THING WAS GONE!


He just. Sobbed.


"Come on, baby! Shhhh, shhhh." Clark pulled him down into his arms, holding him close and rocking him gently. "Its alright, little guy! Don’t cry, see? We're here. Shhh... Lex?" Clark looked through the door of their bedroom. "I... Shane... what do I...?"


Lex took the puppy and cradled him against the dry part of his shirt.  Samson was whimpering and wiggling, and Lex was a smart guy, if he did say so himself.  "Hey, Clark?  Let's put the puppy and the kid on the floor together and see what happens, you think?"


WHINE!!  HOOOOOWL!!  His FRIEND was not HAPPY and that SUCKED!  Samson's little butt wiggled against Lex as his tail thwapped.  His Friend!  The Clark had his Friend!!!  He whined to get down, pawing at the Lex's arm.


"Samson." Clark looked at his little pup. "Don’t hurt Shaney, you hear me?"


OH! OH! There was his Best Friends... person! They smelled the same, but oh, best friends person didn’t have any nice smelling bits and nothing to grab onto, and it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t. THE SAME.


Oh, and then he was flying through the air and his butt plopped on the carpet..and he wailed.


Whatever.  Samson wiggled.  He licked the Lex once and then jumped down, landing on the floor and running over to his Friend.  Lick lick lick and his Friend's face was Wet!  And salty!  And GOOD!  And he kept licking the salty wet stuff away.


Lex peeled off his wet shirt and tossed it onto the chair by the bed, and slipped a dry arm around Clark.


Alright, ew. But fun! Shaney stopped crying enough to look at the fuzzy thing, and the red tongue was licking him, and alright. Alright, okay? So maaaaybe he felt a little better. He was getting cuddled by the fuzzy thing, and maybe it would leave him a treat, right? Right. Another sniffle and he licked back, much to the disgust of the two big people, and he sniffled and rubbed his cheek against fuzzy things face.


Before reaching up to best friends whatever. He wanted best friend smell, even if it was a fake, cause man, he missed him like all get out.


Lex looked down.  "I'm not picking it up."


Wriggle. Wriggle. Come on, best friend’s fakey whatever! Shane’s chin trembled, hard, and yeah, so maybe he was going to cry again. The best friend fakey whatever didn’t want him either?


Lex turned huge eyes on Clark.  "Help?"


Samson wiggled around his Friend, licking and rubbing and just... happy.  Cause yum.  Salty wet.  Even if it wasn't the fun smell the Clark had had on his breath the other day.


Clark was just sort of looking at the little baby with something quiet in his eyes. The child reaching for them, with enormous blue eyes and hope in his little pudgy face, struck something in Clark’s heart. He loved kids...and for the first time, he imagined them with his aushna‘.


No matter. It wouldn’t happen… Lex hated kids. So Clark just grinned crookedly, shrugged, and dropped down to the both of them, offering his arms.


Alright, butthead. You aren’t going to pick me up, I’m going to go into the Brown Giants arms! SO THERE! Shane wriggled and squirmed and crawled his butt right on over into Clark’s lap, falling face first onto his thigh before using his chest to pull himself up and latch on tight.


Lex crouched down beside Clark, watching the young man with the baby, and he kissed the back of Clark's neck before sitting down on the floor, and then holding his arms out.


Oh! Okay! So maybe best friend fakey whatever WASNT a butthead! Shane sniffled and let go of brown giants shirt, plopping on the floor and motor legging into those arms that smelled. Just. Like. Best friend. He latched on, tightly, squirming himself up to a standing position using fakey’s chest and hugged, hanging on tight and squealing in joy. YES!

Lex picked Shane up and held him against his chest, tucking the boy's head under his chin and stroking his back.  He didn't realize he was rocking as he hefted Shane up and tucked him in.


Clark gazed at the two of them for a long, soft moment before away. Christ, and it was beautiful. He simply laughed a little, tucked Samson under his arm, and opened the bathroom door. "Gonna shower. I'll be out in about five minutes, and then you can have a go, okay?"




So maybe Shane fell asleep. So what, people? That smell was great, and he was just so cozy and soft and way not prickly like his best friend. Even though his best friend was better.


Lex nodded halfheartedly.  "Okay."  He could have agreed to signing his life away for all he knew.  He cuddled the sleeping baby against him, getting up to his knees first and then his feet as he backed up to sit down on the bed, and picked up the comforter to wrap the corner around Shane's shoulders.


HEY!  Samson wiggled in Clark's elbow.  Yelping loudly, he looked up at the Clark.  Why was The Clark taking him into the cold white room?


If fuzzy thing was in puppy heaven, then Shaney was in baby heaven. He just curled up closer, sleeping fitfully for the first time in days, and sighed as his lips puckered in the universal baby pucker.


"Shhhh, my Sammy, shh." Clark murmured, soothing the little guy gently with his big hands. "Shhh. You can sit out here, okay? I’ve got to shower, little guy. You can stay right here, and I'll talk to you, okay?"


He wagged his tail as the Clark petted him.  The Clark sat him on the big white water-filled chair, only the water lid was CLOSED and that sucked!  Because that was GOOD water!  But he sat there anyway, wagging his tail and yipping at the Clark.


It took Clark a little longer than five minutes to shower. If anything, here, in this place, it was the only safe place to let walls and facades down. It was okay to be weak when water was spraying on you.


So he cried. He cried, for everything that had happened, everything that had been, would be, or never would be. He cried because it felt good to get it out of his system, the guilt and pain, and he was just… he was emotionally exhausted.


By the time he finished his shower he was fresh, his eyes clear, and his heart like lead and light as a feather at the same time.


And Samson WHINED.  It was BAD when the Clark cried, but he was a BAD puppy cause he couldn't go in the WATER to comfort the Clark.  So he waited until the Clark was out, and then ran, licking his feet and ankles, rubbing and whimpering sadly cause the Clark was sad.


He scrubbed at his teeth with the towel around his hips, shaved...and looked up at his hair. A sigh, and he ran his fingers through, pulling out tangles and the like. As soon as the steam had gone down he dried himself with the towel, wrapping it back around himself as he opened the bathroom door and peaked out.


Lex was sitting against the headboard of the bed, Shane cradled against him.  Lex's fingers stroked gently over the baby's face and hair, cuddling him as he was asleep and whispering quietly to him.  The blanket was tucked warmly around Shane's shoulders, and he hummed very softly, under his breath.


Clark glanced down, picking Sammy up into his arms again, and walked over to the bed. His eyes never left Lex's face, his arms, and as he sat on the edge of their bed, his fingers reached out and touched his lovers. Wide palms, artists hands, so wide that they covered all of Shane's back, and Clarks throat worked. Baby fever? Maybe. But all he knew was that he'd have this someday.


Because they could have it.


"You’ve never been more beautiful, in my eyes, then you are right now."


Lex looked up, as his hand twined through Clark's as the gentle fingers touched his.  "He's just a little thing," Lex said so quietly.  "Such a trusting little thing, came right to me and curled up like he loved me."


"Kids trust. They love whoever shows them love in return. That’s why he's so attached to your dad. He gave him a little bit of attention, and Shane adores him now." Clark said softly letting Samson on the bed as Clark moved to sit next to his lover and look down in his arms.


Shane’s tiny little cheek was pressed against Lex's bare chest, and it was easy, so easy, to imagine this for them. "It looks so right."


"It feels... strange.  But... nice."  He stroked Shane's head gently as he cradled him.


This was NOT fair.  The Lex was getting all the attention.  The Clark, the Friend, and it wasn't RIGHT!


Samson wormed his way up, nosing Lex's elbow out of the way, and curled right up on top of Shane, right in Lex's arms.


Clark grinned softly and slipped Samson up into his arms. He lay down, on his back, and set Samson on his bare belly. The nails tickled rather than hurt, and he rubbed Samson’s cheek and head gently as he cuddled him up.


His eyes still hadn’t left Lex's. "I want."


"Do you?"  Lex looked seriously at his lover.  "I'm going to be working in the lab for my father, while we're doing your tests; if the procedure is successful with them... we could find an egg donor for us."


"Not yet." The time wasn’t right. "Not yet, baby." He reached up and touched Lex's cheek. "We still have too much living to do. Someday, though. Someday we'll have this for us." He swallowed at the lump lodged in his throat.


Lex turned his face and kissed his lover's palm.  "Of course we will." 


And Clark grinned, crookedly, and pressed his own face into Lex's side. "And here I thought you didn’t like kids."


"I didn't think I did," he said quietly, moving one hand to cradle Clark.  "I didn't think they liked me."


"Our kids would like you." And it was so simply said, so easily spoken, that it could be nothing but truth.


"They'd have to," Lex pointed out.  "They'd be mine."





go to the next part